Academic Schedule 2011-2012
11.1 Academic Schedule 2011-2012
All deadlines in the academic schedule are marked by the
symbol. Failure to adhere to these deadlines can result in academic and financial penalty.
Application deadlines for undergraduate admissions, readmissions and transfers are summarized in §12 of the University Calendar. Application deadlines for the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research are found in §203 of the Calendar.
Please note that the Library may be open on holidays when other University buildings are closed.
Students are advised to refer to the Registration and Courses menu at www.registrar.ualberta.ca regarding the hours of availability of the Registration System.
March |
1 |
Study abroad program application deadline for University of Alberta sponsored programs in Australia and New Zealand (subject to change; see Education Abroad Program for information). Last day for first half-term AUPAC courses in Augustana Faculty. |
2 |
First day of second half-term AUPAC classes in Augustana Faculty. |
4 |
Last day of classes offered in the first half of Winter Term for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses |
7 |
1200 noon to 1300 hours. Students' Union Election Forum in the Myer Horowitz Theatre (SUB). Classes withdrawn for this time period. Classes begin for six-week courses offered in the second half of the Winter Term. |
14 |
18 |
23 |
31 |
April |
1 |
6 |
Comprehensive examination period begins for students in the fourth year of the MD program. |
13 |
15 |
Last day of classes for e-learning students in Health Promotion. Last day of classes offered in the last half of the Winter Term for Nursing theory courses and for all 13 week Undergraduate Nursing courses. |
15-30 |
Winter Term and Fall/Winter final examinations (including Consolidated Examinations) except for students in Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Pharmacy, the MD program, and the course-based MScPT program. Examinations other than Consolidated Examinations are held within the period April 18-29 (inclusive). University-organized extracurricular activities will normally not be allowed during this period. Final examinations (if any) for all on-campus courses offered at 1700 hours or later are held during the last regular class period before examination week (except for courses in Augustana Faculty, and the MBA programs). |
18-28 |
Augustana Faculty Final examinations period. Extracurricular activities sponsored by the Augustana Faculty are not normally allowed during this period. |
18-29 |
Clinical Evaluations and required clinical replacement shifts for 13 week Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses offered in Winter Term. |
21 |
Last day of classes and clinics for students in the Dental Hygiene program and the third and fourth years of the DDS program. Last day of classes offered in last half of Winter Term for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses. |
22 |
Good Friday; University Buildings Closed. |
25 |
Easter Monday; University Buildings Closed. |
26-29 |
Clinical Evaluations and required clinical replacement shifts for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses offered in last half of Winter Term. |
26-May 2 |
Fall/Winter final examination period begins for students in the third and fourth year of the DDS Program and the Dental Hygiene Program. |
29 |
Last day to apply for admission or readmission to Spring Term 2011 for Open Studies. Last day of classes offered in last half of Winter Term for year two students in the course based MScPT program. |
May |
1 |
Master of Arts in Communications and Technology (MACT) Orientation. |
2 |
Classes begin for Fourth year Collaborative Nursing courses. Note: Students attending Faculty of Nursing courses should consult with their faculty regarding start/end, add/drop and withdrawal deadline dates. Classes begin for students in year one and two of the course based MScPT Program. MACT Spring Institute begins (three weeks). |
9 |
Charter Day. Spring Term classes begin. Last day of classes and examinations for students in first year of the DDS and MD programs and second year of the DDS program. |
9-12 |
Auditor registrations for Spring Term courses will be accepted only on these days. |
12 |
16 |
Summer program for first, second and third year DDS students begins. |
20 |
Last day of classes in the MACT Spring Institute. |
23 |
Victoria Day; University Buildings closed. |
24 |
27 |
Last day of classes for courses taught in the first three weeks of Spring Term. Last day of classes and examinations for students in the second year of the MD program.
Last day of program in fourth year of the MD program. |
30 |
Classes begin for courses taught in the last three weeks of Spring Term. |
June |
2 |
3 |
5 |
Augustana Faculty convocation. |
6 |
6-10 |
Deferred examinations and reexaminations for Law courses. |
10 |
7-10 |
Spring Convocation, Parts I to IV. |
13-16 |
Spring Convocation, Parts V to XI. |
16-17 |
Final examinations for Spring Term courses. No classes held. |
17 |
23-24 |
Faculty of Law Appeal Hearings. |
24 |
30 |
Last day to apply for admission or readmission to Summer Term 2011 for Open Studies. Last day for After Degree Nursing clinical courses in Spring 2011. One Hundred and Fourth University year ends. |
July |
1 |
One Hundred and Fifth University year begins. Canada Day; University Buildings closed. |
4 |
Students in Phase II of the BSc in Medical Laboratory Science program begin year of practical training. Summer Term courses begin. |
4-7 |
Auditor registrations for Summer Term courses will be accepted only on these days. |
7 |
11 |
15 |
Summer program for first, second, and third year DDS students ends.
18 |
22 |
Last day of classes for courses taught in the first three-weeks of Summer Term. |
25 |
Classes begin for courses taught in the last three-weeks of Summer Term. |
28 |
29 |
August |
1 |
Heritage Day; University Buildings closed. Classes begin for students in fourth year of the MD Program. |
2 |
5 |
8 |
Orientation and classes begin for students in third year of the MD Program. |
11-12 |
Final examinations for Summer Term courses. No classes held. |
15 |
17-19 |
Orientation for PHARM 425 (Fall Term). |
19 |
Last day for undergraduate Nursing clinical courses. |
22 |
Registration opens for Open Studies students in courses designated for delayed registration. |
22-26 |
Executive MBA one week intensive. |
26 |
Last day of classes for students in the course based MScPT Program. |
29 |
Orientation and classes begin for students in first and second years of the MD Program and students in Dentistry and Dental Hygiene. Orientation for Medical Laboratory Science students. |
29-Sep 2 |
Orientation for MBA students. |
30 |
Orientation for students in year one of the MScPT program. |
31 |
Orientation for Graduate Student Association. First day of classes for students in year one and two of the MScPT Program. |
31-Sep 3 |
Orientation for International Students. |
September |
1 |
5 |
Labor Day; University Buildings closed. |
5-6 |
Universal Orientation for new students. |
6 |
Orientation for students in the course based MScOT program, first year Law students, all year two students in the Bilingual Nursing Program, Augustana Faculty and for the Graduate Student Association. |
6-7 |
Orientation for new students in the School of Public Health. Orientation for all undergraduate students new to the Faculty of Nursing and first year Pharmacy students. |
7 |
Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term classes begin (except Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Pharmacy and MD program). Half-day orientation for all year one students in the Bilingual Nursing Program. |
12 |
Fall Term classes begin for e-learning students in Health Promotion Studies. |
20 |
21-27 |
Registrations by undergraduate students to audit or to change from 'credit' to 'audit' in Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term courses will be accepted only during this period. |
22-25 |
Homecoming. |
27 |
30 |
October |
3 |
7 |
10 |
Thanksgiving Day; University Buildings closed. |
21 |
Last day of classes for six-week courses offered in the first half of Fall Term. |
22 |
University of Alberta Open House. |
24 |
First day of second half-term AUPAC classes in Augustana Faculty. |
24-28 |
Final Exam week for courses offered in first half of Fall Term for Undergraduate Nursing theory courses. |
27-28 |
Fall Break (Augustana Faculty only). |
28 |
Last day of classes in first half of Fall Term for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses. |
31 |
November |
9 |
10 |
Fall Term class break; classes withdrawn except for students in Augustana Faculty. |
11 |
Remembrance Day; University Buildings closed. |
16 |
Fall Convocation, Part I. |
17 |
Fall Convocation, Parts II and III. |
18 |
25 |
December |
7 |
Last day of Fall Term classes except for students in Augustana Faculty, Dentistry, MD program, Pharmacy, the course based MScPT program, the course based MScOT Program and Nursing. |
8 |
Last day of classes in Augustana Faculty. |
9 |
Last day of Fall Term classes for students in year one for the course based MScOT and MScPT programs. Last day of classes for e-learning students in Health Promotion Studies. Last day of classes offered in the last half of the Fall Term for Nursing theory courses and for all 13 week undergraduate Nursing courses. |
9-22 |
Fall Term examinations (including Consolidated Examinations) for all students except those in Dentistry, Law, Pharmacy, the MD program, Course Based MScPT and MScOT Programs and Augustana Faculty. Examinations other than Consolidated Examinations are held within the period December 12-21 (inclusive). University-organized extracurricular activities will normally not be allowed during this period. Mid-session or final Fall Term examinations (if any) for all on-campus courses offered at 1700 hours or later are held during the last regular class period before examination week (except for courses in Augustana Faculty, Law and the MBA program). |
12-21 |
Clinical Evaluations and required clinical replacement shifts for 13 week Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses offered in Fall Term. |
12-22 |
Final Exam period for students in the Faculty of Law. |
13-20 |
Augustana Faculty Final Examinations in Fall Term courses and mid-year examinations in two-term courses. Extracurricular activities sponsored by Augustana Faculty are not normally allowed during this period. |
15 |
16 |
Last day of Fall Term classes and examinations for students in the DDS program and the first and second year of the MD program and the second year of the course based MScPT and MScOT Programs. Last day of classes offered in last half of Fall Term for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses. |
19-21 |
Clinical Evaluations and required clinical replacement shifts for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses offered in the last half Fall Term. |
25-31 |
Christmas holiday period; University Buildings closed. |
January |
1 |
New Year's Day; University Buildings closed. |
2 |
New Year's holiday, University Buildings closed. Winter Term classes begin for Year three and four of the MD program. |
3 |
Winter Term classes begin for Dentistry and year one and two of the MD program.
5 |
First day of classes for students in year one and two of the course based MScPT Program. |
5-6 |
Orientation for new After Degree Nursing students. |
6 |
Orientation for international students. |
9 |
Winter Term classes begin. |
16 |
Winter Term classes begin for e-learning students in Health Promotion Studies. |
20 |
23-27 |
Registrations by undergraduate students to audit or to change from 'credit' to 'audit' in Winter Term courses will be accepted only during this period. Registrations by students in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research to audit Winter Term courses will be accepted only during this period. |
27 |
31 |
February |
1 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
15 |
Registration system opens for Spring/Summer 2012. |
17 |
Last day of classes for six-week courses offered in the first half of Winter Term. |
20 |
Statutory Provincial holiday; University Buildings closed. |
21-24 |
Winter Term Reading Week: classes withdrawn for a full week, except for students in NURS 495 and SC INF 495, Pharmacy (off-campus clinical rotation), third and fourth years of the MD program and students in year two of the course based MScPT Program. Education students registered in practicum courses should consult their Faculty section of the Calendar for information on alternate Reading Week dates. |
27-Mar 2 |
Final examinations for undergraduate Nursing theory courses offered in the first half of Winter Term. |
28 |
Last day for first half-term AUPAC courses in Augustana Faculty. |
29 |
First day of second half-term AUPAC classes in Augustana Faculty. |
March |
1 |
2 |
Last day of classes offered in the first half of Winter Term for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses |
5 |
Study abroad program application deadline for University of Alberta endorsed programs in Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada (subject to change; see Education Abroad Program for information). 1200 noon to 1300 hours. Students' Union Election Forum in the Myer Horowitz Theatre (SUB). Classes withdrawn for this time period. Classes begin for six-week courses offered in the second half of the Winter Term. |
14 |
16 |
19 |
Study abroad program application deadline for University of Alberta endorsed Summer programs (subject to change; see Education Abroad Program for information). |
21 |
30 |
April |
2 |
5 |
Comprehensive examination period begins for students in the fourth year of the MD program. |
9 |
Easter Monday; University Buildings Closed. |
6 |
Good Friday; University Buildings Closed. |
13 |
Last day of classes for e-learning students in Health Promotion. Last day of classes offered in the last half of the Winter Term for Nursing theory courses and for all 13 week Undergraduate Nursing courses. |
16-30 |
Winter Term and Fall/Winter final examinations (including Consolidated Examinations) except for students in Dentistry, Pharmacy, the MD program, and the course-based MScPT program. Examinations other than Consolidated Examinations are held within the period April 18-27 (inclusive). University-organized extracurricular activities will normally not be allowed during this period. Final examinations (if any) for all on-campus courses offered at 1700 hours or later are held during the last regular class period before examination week (except for courses in Augustana Faculty, and the MBA programs). |
16-27 |
Clinical Evaluations and required clinical replacement shifts for 13 week Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses offered in Winter Term. |
18-25 |
Augustana Faculty Final examinations period. Extracurricular activities sponsored by the Augustana Faculty are not normally allowed during this period. |
20 |
Last day of classes and clinics for students in the third and fourth years of the DDS and year one of the MScPT programs. Last day of classes offered in last half of Winter Term for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses. |
20-29 |
Final Exam Period for students in the Faculty of Law. |
23-27 |
Clinical Evaluations and required clinical replacement shifts for Undergraduate Nursing clinical courses offered in last half of Winter Term. Fall/Winter final examination period begins for students in the third and fourth year of the DDS Program. |
27 |
Last day of classes in Winter Term for year two students in the course based MScPT program. |
29 |
Master of Arts in Communications and Technology (MACT) Orientation. |
30 |
MACT Spring Institute begins (three weeks). Last day to apply for admission or readmission to Spring Term 2012 for Open Studies. |
May |
2 |
Classes begin for students in year one and two of the course based MScPT Program. |
4 |
Last day of classes and examinations for students in first year of the DDS and MD programs and second year of the DDS program. |
7 |
Spring Term classes begin. Students attending Faculty of Nursing courses should consult with their faculty regarding start/end, add/drop and withdrawal deadline dates. |
9 |
Charter Day. |
7-10 |
Auditor registrations for Spring Term courses will be accepted only on these days. |
10 |
14 |
Summer program for first, second and third year DDS students begins. |
18 |
Last day of classes in the MACT Spring Institute. |
21 |
Victoria Day; University Buildings closed. |
22 |
25 |
Last day of classes for courses taught in the first three weeks of Spring Term. Last day of classes and examinations for students in the second year of the MD program.
Last day of program in fourth year of the MD program. |
28 |
Classes begin for courses taught in the last three weeks of Spring Term. |
31 |
June |
1 |
3 |
Augustana Faculty convocation. |
4 |
4-8 |
Deferred examinations and reexaminations for Law courses. |
8 |
5-8 |
Spring Convocation, Parts I to IV. |
11-14 |
Spring Convocation, Parts V to XI. |
14-15 |
Final examinations for Spring Term courses. No classes held. |
15 |
21-22 |
Faculty of Law Appeal Hearings. |
25 |
29 |
Last day to apply for admission or readmission to Summer Term 2012 for Open Studies. Last day for After Degree Nursing clinical courses in Spring 2012. |
30 |
One Hundred and Fifth University year ends. |