Admissions Chart 7 AP Courses Approved for Advanced Standing
Advanced Placement Courses | University of Alberta Equivalents | Augustana Faculty Equivalents (Camrose) |
Art History | ART H 101 ( | AUART 100-level ( |
Biology | BIOL 100-level ( | AUBIO 100-level ( |
Calculus AB | MATH 113 ( | AUMAT 110 ( |
Calculus BC | MATH 113 ( | AUMAT 110 ( |
Chemistry | Students may apply to write a Credit by Special Assessment examination in CHEM 101 ( | AUCHE 100-level ( |
Chinese Language and Culture | CHINA 200-level ( | AU Language 200-level ( |
Comparative Government and Politics | POL S 100-level ( | AUPOL 100-level ( |
Computing Science A | CMPUT 174 ( | AUCSC 120 ( |
Computing Science AB | CMPUT 174 ( | AUCSC 120 ( |
English (Language and Composition) | ENGL 100-level ( | AUENG 100-level ( |
English (Literature and Composition) | ENGL 100-level ( | AUENG 100-level ( |
Environmental Science | 100-level Science Option ( | AU Science 100-level ( |
European History | HIST 100-level ( | AUHIS 100-level ( |
French Language and Culture | Advanced Placement | Advanced Placement |
French Literature | Advanced Placement | Advanced Placement |
German Language and Culture | Advanced Placement | Advanced Placement |
Human Geography | HGP 100 ( | AUGEO 150 ( |
Italian Language and Culture | Advanced Placement |
Japanese Language and Culture | JAPAN 201 ( | AU Language 200-level ( |
Latin (Literature) | LATIN 100-level ( | AULAT 100-level ( |
Latin (Vergil) | LATIN 100-level ( | AULAT 100-level ( |
Macroeconomics | ECON 102 ( | AUECO 102 ( |
Microeconomics | ECON 101 ( | AUECO 101 ( |
Music Theory | MUSIC 155 ( | AUMUS 160 ( |
Physics B | PHYS 124 ( | AUPHY 104 ( |
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism/Mechanics | PHYS 124 ( | AUPHY 110 ( |
Psychology | PSYCO 100-level ( | AUPSY 100-level ( |
Spanish Language | Advanced Placement | Advanced Placement |
Spanish Literature and Culture | SPAN 200-level ( | AUSPA 200-level ( |
Statistics | STAT 151 ( | AUSTA 153 ( |
Studio Art: 2-D Design | ART 134 ( | AUART 111 ( |
Studio Art: 3-D Design | ART 134 ( | AUART 100-level ( |
Studio Art: Drawing | ART 140 ( | AUART 100-level ( |
United States History | HIST 100-level ( | AUHIS 100-level ( |
US Government and Politics | POL S 100-level ( | AUPOL 100-level ( |
World History | CLASS 100-level ( | AUHIS 104 ( |
(1) | Students who are eligible for Advanced Placement may register in a senior course. In the case of Language other than English courses students with Advanced Placement will be permitted to register in a senior level course after determination of their background qualifications for that course (interview, placement test, etc.). Students may also challenge a junior or senior course for credit via the Credit by Special Assessment route if they have appropriate qualifications and are eligible within the regulations. |
(2) | When students are instructed ‘not to take’ a specific course and a generic 100-level credit is granted, this credit may be used to meet the prerequisite for any higher level course requiring the specific course in question. |