Junior English (ENGL)/Writing Studies (WRS) ( 6)
6 from the following:
100-level ENGL ( 3 or 6)
WRS 101 ( 3). Please note that the number of spaces available in WRS 101 in any given year is limited.
Required ENGL are literature based
Students who have been granted advanced placement in English may substitute any 6 at the 200-level or higher in ENGL for the basic requirement.
One Language Other than English (LOE) ( 6)
Junior or Senior level
To develop, or improve a student’s facility in a Language Other than English
The core program requirement of a Language other than English consists of 6 at the 100-level or above in one LOE. Students who decide to take an LOE in which they matriculated must take courses numbered 150 or above as they will not be given credit for courses numbered 100–149 in that language; these are for beginners only.
Language courses which do not offer as their goal the acquisition of a Language other than English, e.g., those dealing with literature in translation, will not fulfill the LOE requirement. Consult §231, Course Listings, for full course descriptions.
Students who have completed their secondary education in a LOE will be permitted to take 6 option in lieu of the LOE core. Students with prior LOE background who wish further study in that LOE must be placed at the appropriate level or credit will be withheld. Records for these applicants will be reviewed and assessed by the Undergraduate Student Services Office. Students who have facility in a LOE but who cannot provide official transcripts should contact the relevant LOE department for advice about obtaining a waiver for the LOE requirement.
6 in the Study of Science
The Study of Science requirement will introduce students to scientific study and foster their appreciation of how scientists approach their subjects.
Students must select 6 from courses offered by the Faculty of Science or recognized by the Faculty of Science as Science courses (see §195)
| 18 Breadth and Diversity
To acquaint students with and offer them a basic awareness of the variety of disciplines practised throughout the Faculty of Arts. Students must select 6 (junior or senior level) from each of the Groups listed below.
Group One:
Courses from Departments and Programs emphasizing the study of the creative process in the arts. Students must take 6 from the following subject(s)
Art and Design (ART; ART H; DES)
Drama (DRAMA; T DES)
Music (MUSIC)
Writing (WRITE)
Group Two:
Courses from Departments and Programs emphasizing the study of cultures and cultural products. It may not be fulfilled by language acquisition courses at the 100- and 200-level. Students must take 6 from the following subject(s):
Christian Theology courses at St Joseph’s College (CHRTC) and at St Stephen’s College (CHRTP)
Comparative Literature (C LIT)
East Asian Studies (CHINA; EASIA; JAPAN)
English and Film Studies (ENGL; FS)
History and Classics (CLASS; GREEK; HIST; LATIN)
Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (FREN; GERM; ITAL; LA ST; MLCS; POLSH; PORT; RUSS; SCAND; SLAV; SPAN; UKR)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Religious Studies (RELIG)
Group Three:
Courses from Departments and Programs emphasizing the study of social systems and interactions. Students must take 6 from the following subject(s):
Anthropology (ANTHR)
Community Service-Learning (CSL)
Earth and Atmospheric Studies (EAS; only those courses designated as Arts courses, i.e., with numbers x9x)
Economics (ECON)
Human Geography Planning (HGP)
Interdisciplinary Undergraduate (INT D)
Linguistics (LING)
Middle Eastern and African Studies (MEAS)
Political Science (POL S)
Psychology (PSYCO; only those courses designated as Arts courses)
Science, Technology and Society (STS)
Sociology (SOC)
Women’s Studies (W ST)