Education Chart 2 Requirements for Minor Teaching Subject in the Secondary Education Route
Art (18)
3 ART 134
3 DES 135
6 chosen from ART H 101/102 or 206/256
6 chosen from EDES 402 (Art Camp), HECOL 250 or courses from Art, Art History, or Design
Students must take EDSE 313 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Biological Sciences (18)
3 BIOL 107
3 BIOL 108
3 BIOL 207
3 BIOL 208
6 in Senior Biological Sciences
Students must take EDSE 353 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
EDSE 353 is not open to students whose major is Biological Sciences, Chemistry, General Sciences, Physical Sciences or Physics. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Career and Technology Studies: Business, Administration, Finance (BIT) (18)
6 chosen from ACCTG 300, 311 or B LAW 301 or other courses offered by the Faculty of Business
3 chosen CMPUT 174, MIS 311, or other computer related courses from CMPUT, EDCT or EDIT
3 ECON 101
3 ECON 102
3 EDSE 495
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3.
Career and Technology Studies: Communication Arts (MDC) (18)
3 EDSE 495
3 EDCT 400 (Communication Technology)
3 to 6 chosen from ART 134, DES 135, 302, 393, 394
6 to 9 chosen from DRAMA 101, 149, 208, 209, 302, 327, FS 200, 205, MUSIC 140, 141, 143, 144, 148, 149, senior level EDCT (recommend EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content I, EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content II, or EDCT 400 Design Studies I)
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3.
Career and Technology Studies: Computing Science (BIT) (18)
3 CMPUT 174
3 CMPUT 175
3 EDSE 495
6 chosen from CMPUT 201, 204, 229, 272, 291 (See Note 1)
3 chosen from senior level CMPUT or EDCT
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
(1) | Prerequisites for senior level CMPUT courses must be considered when selecting courses. |
(2) | See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3. |
Career and Technology Studies: Design (MDC) (18)
3 EDSE 495
3 EDCT 400 (Communication Technology)
6 chosen from senior level EDCT (recommend EDCT 400 Design Studies I, EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content I or EDCT Design Studies II, EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content I or EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content II)
6 chosen from ART 134, DES 135, 300, 301, EDIT 486, 488, HECOL 201, 250, 333, 350, 354, 454, 464
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3.
Career and Technology Studies: Health (HRH) (18)
3 EDSE 495
3 HECOL 211
3 chosen from HECOL 210, 321
6 chosen from NU FS 100, 200, 223, 363
3 chosen from HE ED 110, 220, 320; INT D 410
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3.
Career and Technology Studies: Human Sciences (HRH) (18)
Note: Previously known as Human Ecology, Family Finance, Fashion Studies, and Foods
6 chosen from HECOL 170, 201, 250, 254, 268
3 EDSE 495
3 NUTR 100
3 chosen from AREC 173, ENCS 271, EDCT 400, NU FS 100, 200, 223
3 chosen from HECOL 254, 270, 321, 322, 354, 360; NU FS 223, 263
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3.
Career and Technology Studies: Media (MDC) (18)
3 EDSE 495
6 chosen from CMPUT 114, 174, 175, 206, 229, 250.
3 EDCT 400 (Communication Technology)
6 chosen from senior level EDCT (recommend EDCT Design Studies I) or EDIT
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3.
Career and Technology Studies: Natural Resources (NAT) (18)
3 EDSE 495
9 chosen from BIOL 107, 108; BOT 210, 303; ENCS 201, 260, 271, 352; FOR 100, 101, 322; REN R 110, 120, 201, 250, 321
6 chosen from senior level EDCT (recommend EDCT 400 Design Studies, EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content I, or EDCT 400 Junior High Multi- Activity Organization and Content II)
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3.
Career and Technology Studies: Recreation (HRH) (18)
3 EDSE 495
3 HE ED 110
3 PERLS 104
3 RLS 100
3 RLS 122
3 RLS 263
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3.
Career and Technology Studies: Trades, Manufacturing, and Transportation (TMT) (18)
3 EDSE 495
3 EDCT 400 (Design Studies)
3 EDCT 400 (Construction Technology)
3 EDCT 400 (Mechanics)
3 EDCT 400 (Fabrication Studies)
3 senior level EDCT (recommend EDCT 400 Design Studies I, EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content I, or EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content II)
3 EDSE 495
3 to 6 chosen from DES 300, 301, DRAMA 279
9 to 12 chosen from senior level EDCT (recommend EDCT 400 Design Studies I, EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content I, or EDCT 400 Junior High Multi-Activity Organization and Content II)
Students must take EDSE 318 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
(1) | See overview of Career and Technology Studies majors and minors following §75.4.3. |
(2) | Advanced Standing may be granted for relevant provincial and federal journey certification, degree, or two-year certificate or diploma programs in Career and Technology minor categories. Contact the Department of Secondary Education for more information. |
Chemistry (18)
6 CHEM 101/102
3 CHEM 261
3 CHEM 263
6 chosen from Biochemistry, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences (EAS, ENCS, REN R), Physics
Students must take EDSE 366 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
EDSE 366 is not open to students whose major is Biological Sciences, Chemistry, General Sciences, Physical Sciences or Physics. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided that they meet the course prerequisites.
Drama (18)
3 DRAMA 102 or 103
3 DRAMA 149 or 150 (with consent of the Department of Drama)
3 DRAMA 247 or 240
3 DRAMA 279
9 from 1-4 above must be taken before registering in EDSE 323.
3 chosen from DRAMA 203, 208, 209, 302, 305, 306, 308, 327
3 chosen from DRAMA 257, 259, 331, 361, 391 or 383 (with consent of the Department of Drama); EDSE 424; DANCE 340
Students must take EDSE 323 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
English as a Second Language (18)
9 in Language Courses chosen from ANTHR 208; ENGL 212, 299, 300; LING 100, 101, 204, 205, 314, 316, 320
3 to
6 in Cultural Studies chosen from ANTHR 150; C LIT 100, 256; EDPS 425, 432; LING 324; MLCS 371, 471, 472; NS 100; POL S 110; RELIG 101; SOC 101, 269, 368; or a language other than English
3 to
6 chosen from EDPY 413, 416, 418
Students must take EDSE 369 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Note: LING 101 is a prerequisite for many of the course selections for the ESL minor.
English Language Arts (18)
6 Junior English (ENGL 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126 or equivalent) OR
3 Junior English and
3 WRS 101
6 chosen from senior level courses in ENGL or C LIT (ENGL 308, 309, 338 or 339 recommended)
3 chosen from senior level courses in C LIT, or ENGL: LIS 403, 404, or 405; EDSE 429; any FS course
3 chosen from LING; WRITE; EDSE 430: ENGL 212, 299, 300; Senior WRS.
Students must take EDSE 328 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall and Winter Terms.
General Sciences (18)
6 BIOL 107/108
6 CHEM 101/102
6 PHYS 124/126 or 144/146.
Students must take EDSE 361 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
EDSE 361 is not open to students whose major is Biological Sciences, Chemistry, General Sciences, Physical Sciences or Physics. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided that they meet the course prerequisites.
Health Education (18)
3 HECOL 211
3 chosen from HECOL 210, 313, 321, or 322
6 chosen from EDPY 404, 432, 442; EDSE 424, 495; HECOL 200, 300 or 412
6 chosen from HE ED 110, 220, 320; INT D 410, 411; NUTR 100 or PERLS 104
Students must take EDSE 333 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Mathematics (18)
3 chosen from MATH 113 or 114
3 chosen from MATH 120 or 125
3 MATH 222
3 MATH 241
6 chosen from Mathematics, Computing Sciences, Statistics. STAT 141 is recommended.
Students must take EDSE 338 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
Note: No more than 3 can be taken in Computing Science courses.
Music: Class Guitar (18)
3 MUSIC 151
3 MUSIC 155
3 MUSIC 156
3 to
6 chosen from MUSIC 140, 141, 143, 144, 148, 149, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249, 342, 343, 347, 439, 442
3 to
6 chosen from MUSIC 101, 102, 103, 124, 126, 127, 201, 207, 224, 226, 227, 230, 245, 246, 259, 260, 263, 281, 282, 311, 313, 314, 315, 365, 413, 417, 446
Students must take EDSE 344 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Native Education (18)
Non-Education (9)
9 chosen from ANTHR 150, 207, 323, 350, 385, 393, 401, 422, 424, 436, 438; HECOL 201, 462; HIST 368, 369; NS 110, 111, 152, 200, 260, 300, 314, 320; POL S 327; SOC 100, 231, 367, 422.
Note: A minimum of
3 musts be chosen from NS 110, 111, or 200.
9 chosen from EDPS 411, 432, 474
Education (9)
EDES 409 is a prerequisite to the APT** and it is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Physical Education (18)
3 PEDS 294
3 HE ED 110
12 chosen from the five activity dimensions listed below. (Note: no more than
3 can be selected from any one dimension). A variety of courses outside personal level of expertise is recommended. Aquatics competency and CPR certification recommended.
Alternative Environments: PAC 110, 163, 182, 310; PEDS 205
Dance: DAC 155, 160, 197, 199; DANCE 200, 340, 350, 446
Games: PAC 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 131, 133, 135, 137, 140, 145, 183, 199, 311, 313, 314, 318, 320, 331, 333, 335, 337, 345, 383
Gymnastics: PAC 160, 360, 365
Individual Activities: PAC 154, 156, 173, 174, 181, 197, 199, 354, 356, 370, 381
Students must take EDSE 348 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
Physical Sciences (18)
6 CHEM 101/102
6 PHYS 124/126 or 144/146
6 Astronomy, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences (EAS, ENCS, REN R), Physics
Students must take EDSE 366 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
EDSE 366 is not open to students whose major is Biological Sciences, Chemistry, General Sciences, Physical Sciences or Physics. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided that they meet the course prerequisites.
Physics (18)
6 PHYS 124/126 or 144/146
6 in senior level Physics (PHYS 208 or 271 and any two of 261, 294, 297 recommended)
6 from Astronomy, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences (EAS, ENCS, REN R), Physics
Students must take EDSE 366 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
EDSE 366 is not open to students whose major is Biological Sciences, Chemistry, General Sciences, Physical Sciences or Physics. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided that they meet the course prerequisites.
Religious and Moral Education (18)
3 CHRTC 250
3 CHRTC 381
3 EDPS 456
6 RELIG 101
3 chosen from Philosophy, Religious Studies, St Joseph's College, or St Stephen's College.
Students must take EDSE 378 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Second Languages: Arabic (18)
9 in Language courses chosen from ARAB 111, 112, 211, 212
9 in Literature/Culture chosen from ARAB 499; HIST 117, 243, 245; POL S 380, 477; RELIG 220, 320, 322, 422.
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Note: ARAB 111 and 112 should be taken in the first year(s) of study.
Second Languages: Cree (18)
12 to
15 in Language courses chosen from NS 105, 152, 153, 252, 352.
3 to
6 in Culture chosen from NS 110, 200, 260, 300, 352, 355, 400
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Second Languages: French (18)
12 to
15 in Language courses chosen from FREN 211, 212; 297 and 298, 254, 310, 354, 355, 371, 372, 454, 473.
3 to
6 in Literature/Culture chosen from FREN 301, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 333, 346, 399, 445, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468, 499.
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
(1) | Students who have credit in French 30 should register in FREN 211, 212. All others consult the subject area advisor. |
(2) | FREN 211, 212 should be taken in the first year(s) of study. |
(3) | Many courses offered by Faculté Saint-Jean may be credited toward the program. Consult the subject area advisor. |
Second Languages: German (18)
12 to
15 in Language courses chosen from GERM 111, 112, 211, 212, 303, 304, 306, 309, 316, 317, 402, 404, 405, 409, 416, 417, 441, 443, 444, 492
3 to
6 in Literature/Culture chosen from GERM 333, 340, 343, 353, 426, 435, 460, 470, 475, 476, 480, 485, 486
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Note: Students whose major is a Second Language should consult an advisor in the Department of Secondary Education before registering in EDSE 368.
Second Languages: Italian (18)
12 to
15 in Language/Linguistics chosen from ITAL 111, 112, 211, 212, 390, 393, 425
3 to
6 in Literature/Culture chosen from ITAL 333, 340, 363, 375, 415, 419, 420.
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Second Languages: Japanese (18)
12 to
15 in Language courses chosen from JAPAN 101, 102, 150, 201, 202, 241, 250, 301, 302, 325, 326, 350, 401, 402, 425, 426, 427, 429, 439, 451
3 to
6 in Literature/Culture chosen from JAPAN 240, 321, 322, 330, 350, 415, 416, 418, 419, 420, 421.
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Second Languages: Mandarin (18)
12 to
15 in Language courses chosen from CHINA 101, 102, 201, 202, 208, 211, 212, 301, 302, 308, 341, 342, 401, 402, 407, 428, 438
3 to
6 in Literature/Culture chosen from CHINA 240, 321, 322, 337, 376, 410, 414, 420, 421, 425, 455.
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Note: CHINA 101/102 should be taken in the first year(s) of study.
Second Languages: Spanish (18)
12 to
15 in Language courses chosen from SPAN 111, 112, 211, 212, 300, 306, 370, 371, 372, 405, 406, 407, 409, 431, 475, 476, 478
3 to
6 in Literature/Culture chosen from SPAN 303, 314, 315, 321, 322, 325, 326, 335, 341, 342, 360, 425, 440, 441, 445, 450, 452, 455, 457, 460.
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered n the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Second Languages: Ukrainian (18)
12 to
15 in Language courses chosen from UKR 111, 112, 211, 212, 300 or 303 and 304, 400, 403, 404, 406, 407, 411
3 to
6 in Literature/Culture chosen from SLAV 468, 469; UKR 327, 405, 415, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475.
Students must take EDSE 370 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is a Second Language. These students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
Second Languages: Other (18)
It may be possible to arrange a program for students who intend to teach a language other than those listed here which is offered in the school system. Interested students should consult the Second Languages Advisor.
Social Studies (18)
6 in Canadian Studies chosen from HIST 260, 261, HIST 371; NS courses; POL S 220, 221, 230, 299
6 in World Studies chosen from EDPS 425; HIST 110, 111, 112, 207, 209, 210, 212, 241, 242, 246, 247, 251, 280, 281, 285, 297, 382, 385;
6 in Cultural Studies chosen from Anthropology, Native Studies, Religious Studies, Sociology; Human Geography and Planning (Faculty of Arts)
Students must take EDSE 374 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
Special Education (18)
3 EDES 348
3 EDPY 404
3 EDPY 454
6 chosen from related courses offered by Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences; Arts (Psychology, Sociology); Education; Physical Education.
Students must take EDPY 468 prior to the IPT*. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
Note: Contact Special Education advisor for information about related courses.