Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
Classification of Graduate Students
203.4 Classification of Graduate Students
The classification of students is generally determined upon admission to a program on the basis of the student's previous academic background. Graduate students at the University of Alberta are classified as one of the following:
Qualifying graduate students are those whose academic background entitles them to serious consideration for admission to graduate studies but who are considered to be inadequately prepared to enter a graduate program in the subject area they have chosen. Generally, students who hold a three-year bachelor's degree from the University of Alberta (or an equivalent qualification from some other recognized institution) and students who have graduated from a four-year degree program, but who are entering a new field, may be admitted as qualifying graduate students.
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Degree students are those who are registered in a GFC-approved program leading to a master's or doctoral degree granted by the University of Alberta. Master's students are considered as candidates for the degree following first registration. Doctoral students are considered as doctoral candidates upon passing their candidacy examination. | |
Postgraduate diploma students and postgraduate certificate students are those who are registered in a GFC-approved program leading to a postgraduate diploma or certificate granted by the University of Alberta. Such students must meet the general admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (§203.2), unless different admission criteria are approved by FGSR Council. These programs can normally be completed in one academic year of full-time study. The postgraduate diploma program is designed for persons who have had previous work experience. | |
Special graduate students are those who take graduate level courses for credit without proceeding toward an advanced degree at the University of Alberta. Such students must meet the general admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.
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Visiting graduate students are those who are registered in a graduate degree program at another university or college, who have obtained written permission in advance from the home and host institutions to take one or more courses for transfer of credit toward that graduate degree program. Visiting students are not permitted to register in thesis or departmental project courses. | |
Postgraduate medical students: For classification purposes postgraduate medical students are considered to be graduate students and they have the option of paying fees to the Graduate Students' Association (see §22.2.2). |