General University Policies
University Standards for the Protection of Human Research Participants
20.7 University Standards for the Protection of Human Research Participants
After extensive consultation with each Faculty, General Faculties Council, and the Board of Governors of the University of Alberta have adopted a uniform policy for the ethical treatment of human research participants. This policy applies to all research that involves human participants. The goal of the University Standards for the Protection of Human Research Participants is to ensure that the welfare of human participants is protected and that basic rights are observed. The guidelines included in the University Standards highlight the obligation of researchers: (1) to minimize risk of harm to participants, (2) to obtain informed consent and cooperation from participants, (3) to respect rights of confidentiality and anonymity, and (4) to conduct research competently. The University's view is that the ethical conduct of research is not inherently in conflict with the free pursuit of research goals.
Each Faculty is charged with the responsibility of reviewing proposed research projects. Ethics Review Committees are not intended to have an adversarial relationship with researchers, but rather to provide consultation and support. The underlying assumption is that people who conduct research with human participants subscribe to ethical research values, but that oversights sometimes occur that can put participants at risk. The purpose of ethics review is to assist in the identification of unintended risk factors and to achieve a resolution that will permit the research to proceed. Experience demonstrates that this approach will result in research that is both productive and ethically acceptable. Questions about research ethics should be directed to the appropriate Faculty Ethics Review Committee.
20.7.1 Precis
All research using human participants comes under the purview of the University Standards for the Protection of Human Research Participants
whether participants are drawn from University sources or from any other sources; | |
whether participants are paid or unpaid; | |
whether it is conducted on University property or at any other location; | |
whether it is conducted in a laboratory or in the field; | |
whether it is conducted in person or by some other means (e.g., mail, telephone, computer link); | |
whether information is collected via direct observation, apparatus, questionnaire, interview, or review of records not normally available to the public; | |
when it is conducted for teaching and demonstration purposes where students are either the subjects or the researchers. |
The term researcher(s) in these Standards includes all members of the University, all other persons who advance research as being connected with the University in any way, and all other persons who intend to use University resources in their research (e.g., research space, materials, equipment, student/staff participants, personnel). For the purpose of these Standards, members of the University are all faculty, staff, sessional instructors, administrators, students, visiting or adjunct scholars, fellows and chairs, paid and unpaid research associates and assistants, and any other person in a like position. These Standards apply to all persons who meet the above-stated definition, whether they are principal investigators or junior collaborators.
Human participation in research includes the direct or indirect involvement of persons who are the focus of a researcher's inquiry, the use of extant documents and other records and materials (e.g., blood and tissue samples) containing information about persons when the collection and the use of such information could deprive them of their dignity or jeopardize their physical or mental wellbeing. Persons studied on the basis of information contained in newspaper and journal articles, or other public materials, are not deemed to be research participants for the purposes of this policy.
20.7.2 Ethical Guidelines
In those situations where it is difficult to judge the obligation of good scientific enquiry and that of participant protection, formalized rules and regulations cannot be used to resolve the dilemma; instead it is necessary to weigh carefully the values and alternatives. In many cases, decisions reflect a judgement between the expected benefits of the research and the possible effects of the procedures on participants. The purpose of this section is to offer guidelines, rather than definitive rules, to assist in resolving dilemmas.
If research procedures, material or equipment, or the dissemination of results could potentially produce physical or mental harm for the participant, the investigator must assess the magnitude and present justification for it to an appropriate Ethics Review Committee (ERC). Before approving the research, the committee must be satisfied that there is a reasonable expectation that the results will significantly increase understanding or will benefit human health/welfare. As the magnitude of the potential risk increases, it becomes increasingly important that benefits outweigh those risks.
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Where possible, participants or their surrogates must give fully informed and voluntary consent to participation. | |
Where possible, participants must be guaranteed anonymity and their responses treated with confidentiality. Where exceptions must be made, participants must be informed about the degree of anonymity and confidentiality prior to being asked for consent, and such guarantees must be respected.
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Researchers must be competent in their area of inquiry, and they must be familiar with appropriate ethical guidelines and with participant risks and the possible uses to which the results may be put in order to make responsible decisions. The responsibility includes the awareness of and efforts to avoid discrimination and biases in research practices and in the interpretation of findings (for example, biases related to race and gender). When in doubt about the application of these guidelines, the investigator is encouraged to consult with informed colleagues and supervisors. | |
The investigator must ensure that all individuals under the investigator's supervision have the training and competence needed to carry out their responsibilities. Principal investigators must ensure that all research personnel are familiar with the University Standards for the Protection of Human Research Participants and with applicable professional guidelines.
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Participants have the following rights: to consent to participate without coercion; to be fully informed about the project, except in special circumstances noted earlier under concealment; to be provided with opportunity to assess risk, including individual risks and individual and societal benefits; to withdraw from the research without penalty or risk of any kind (including loss of agreed-upon monetary reimbursement or other incentives); to be fully informed of the degree of anonymity; to be fully informed during post-briefing when concealment has been used. |