Office of the Registrar and Student Awards

81 The Professors

Members of the Faculty

Officers of the Faculty

Professor and Dean

DT Lynch, PhD, PEng, FCAE

Associate Deans

KC Porteous, PhD, PEng

SK Dew, PhD, PEng

Administrative Officers

ME Compton, BA

D Clark, BA

RC Harper, BA

Biomedical Engineering

Professor and Chair

R Burrell, PhD (Canada Research Chair in Nanostructured Biomaterials)

Professors Emeriti

PS Allen, PhD

DJ Griffiths, PhD

TR Overton, PhD

RE Snyder, PhD

Associate Professors

C Beaulieu, PhD

MA Gorassini, PhD

AH Wilman, PhD

Assistant Professors

N Malykhin, PhD

RB Thompson, PhD

Faculty Service Officer

C Hanstock, PhD

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Professor and Chair

JF Forbes, PhD, PEng

University Professor Emeritus

JH Masliyah, OC, PhD, PEng, FRSC, FCAE

Professors Emeriti

KT Chuang, PhD

IG Dalla Lana, PhD, PEng

RL Eadie, PhD, PEng

DG Fisher, PhD, PEng

AE Mather, PhD, PEng

W Nader, DPhil

K Nandakumar, PhD, PEng, FCAE

FD Otto, PhD, PEng, FCAE

BM Patchett, PhD, PEng

SE Wanke, PhD, PEng

ML Wayman, PhD, PEng

MC Williams, PhD

RK Wood, PhD, PEng


R Burrell, PhD (Canada Research Chair in Nanostructured Biomaterials)

K Cadien, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Nanofabrication and Ingenuity Scholar in Nanofabrication)

W Chen, PhD, PEng

PYK Choi, PhD, PEng

JJ Derksen, PhD, PEng

JAW Elliott, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Interfacial Thermodynamics)

TH Etsell, PhD, PEng

MR Gray, PhD, PEng, FCAE (Scientific Director, The Centre for Oil Sands Innovation, NSERC-Imperial Oil Industrial Research Chair and Canada Research Chair in Oil Sands Upgrading)

R Gupta, PhD, PEng

RE Hayes, PhD, PEng

H Henein, PhD, PEng, FCAE, FCIM

B Huang, PhD, PEng (NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Control of Oil Sands Processes)

DG Ivey, PhD, PEng

SM Kresta, PhD, PEng

S Kuznicki, PhD (NSERC/NOVA Chemicals/Senior Industrial Research Chair in New Microporous Molecular Sieves, Alberta Ingenuity Scholar in Separation Technology)

D-Y Li, PhD, PEng

Qi Liu, PhD, PEng (Ron Nolan/Hatch Professor in Sustainable Energy and Mineral Process Technologies)

Qingxia Liu, PhD, PEng

J Luo, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Alternative Fuel Cells)

DT Lynch, PhD, PEng, FCAE

WC McCaffrey, PhD, PEng

KC Porteous, PhD, PEng

SL Shah, PhD, PEng (NSERC/Matrikon/Suncor/Senior Industrial Research Chair in Computer Process Control)

JM Shaw, PhD, PEng (NSERC/Petroleum Industry Senior Industrial Research Chair in Petroleum Thermodynamics)

T Thundat, PhD (Canada Excellence Research Chair in Oil Sands Molecular Engineering)

H Uludag, PhD, PEng

G Winkel PEng (Industrial Professor of Safety & Risk Management)

Z Xu, PhD, PEng, FCAE (Teck Cominco Professor, NSERC/Oilsands Industry Senior Industrial Research Chair in Oil Sands Engineering and Canada Research Chair in Mineral Processing)

A Yeung, PhD, PEng (NSERC/Imperial Oil Associate Industrial Research Chair in Non-Aqueous Bitumen Extraction)

Associate Professors

A de Klerk, PhD, PEng

P Mendez, PhD (Welco-Beales/Industry Chair in Welding and Joining)

D Mitlin, PhD, PEng

R Narain, PhD

J Nychka, PhD, PEng

V Prasad, PhD, PEng

S Sanders, PhD, PEng (NSERC Associate Industrial Research Chair in Pipeline Transport Processes)

Assistant Professors

G Dechaine, PhD, PEng

S Dubljevic, PhD, PEng

AL Elias, PhD, PEng

N Nazemifard, PhD

D Sauvageau, PhD

N Semagina, PhD

L Unsworth, PhD, PEng

H Zeng, PhD, PEng

H Zhang, PhD, PEng

Faculty Service Officers

A Afacan, BSc, PEng

L Mallory, PhD, PEng

DA Sharp, MSc, PEng

Administrative Officer

S McFadyen, MEd

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Professor and Chair

J-JR Cheng, PhD, PEng (CW Carry Chair in Steel Structures)

University Professors Emeriti

JG MacGregor, PhD, PEng, FRSC, FCAE

NR Morgenstern, PhD, PEng, FRSC, FCAE

Professors Emeriti

PF Adams, PhD, PEng, FCAE

KO Anderson, MSc, PEng

JJ Bakker, MSCE, PEng

K Barron, PhD, PEng

RG Bentsen, PhD

PH Bouthillier, MSc, PEng

DM Cruden, PhD, PGeol

SP Dozzi, MEng, PEng

PM Dranchuk, MSc, PEng

Z Eisenstein, PhD, PEng, FCAE

AE Elwi, PhD, PEng

SM Farouq Ali, PhD, PEng

DL Flock, PhD, PEng

EL Fowler, MSc, PEng

WH Griffin, MSc, PEng

TM Hrudey, PhD, PEng

DJL Kennedy, PhD, PEng, FCAE

GL Kulak, PhD, PEng

J Longworth, MSc, PEng

DW Murray, PhD, PEng

TH Patching, BSc, PEng

AE Peterson, MSc, PEng

LR Plitt, MSc, PEng

WW Preston, BSc

N Rajaratnam, PhD, PEng

JD Scott, PhD, PEng

DC Sego, PhD, PEng

SH Simmonds, PhD, PEng

DW Smith, PhD, PEng, FRSC, FCAE

PM Steffler, PhD, PEng

S Teply, PhD, PEng

S Thomson, PhD, PEng

J Warwaruk, PhD, PEng

JM Whiting, PhD, PEng

GT Wormsbecker, BSc, PEng


SM AbouRizk, PhD, PEng (NSERC/Alberta Construction Industry Senior Industrial Research Chair in Construction Engineering and Management, and Canada Research Chair in Operation Simulation)

M AI-Hussein, PhD, PEng (NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Industrialization of Building Construction)

D Apel, PhD, PEng

T Babadagli, PhD, PEng (NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Unconventional Oil Recovery)

MY Boluk, PhD (Nanofibre Chair in Forest Products)

RJ Chalaturnyk, PhD, PEng

DH-K Chan, PhD, PEng

CV Deutsch, PhD, PEng (Alberta Chamber of Resources Industry Chair in Mining Engineering and Canada Research Chair in Natural Resources Uncertainty Management)

RG Driver, PhD, PEng

M Gamal El-Din, PhD, PEng (NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Oil Sands Tailings Water Treatment)

TY Gan, PhD, PEng

GY Grondin, PhD, PEng

FE Hicks PhD, PEng

ES Kuru, PhD, PEng

MR Loewen, PhD, PEng

CD Martin, PhD, PEng

D McCartney, PhD, PEng

A Robinson, PhD, PEng (NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Strategic Construction Modeling and Delivery and Ledcor Professor in Construction Engineering and Management)

J Szymanski, PhD, PEng

GW Wilson, PhD, PEng, PGeol

DZ Zhu, PhD, PEng

Associate Professors

V Bindiganavile, PhD, PEng

ID Buchanan, PhD, PEng

SE Guigard, PhD, PEng

T Joseph, PhD, PEng

Y Korany, PhD, PEng (MCAA Chair in Masonry Systems)

M Lu, PhD

Y Mohamed, PhD, PEng

T Yu, PhD, PEng

Assistant Professors

AM Adeeb, PhD, PEng

H Askari-Nasab, PhD, PEng

A Bayat, PhD, PEng

J Boisvert, PhD

E Davies, PhD

H Dehghanpour, PhD

K El-Basyouny, PhD

M El-Rich, PhD

Z Hashisho, PhD

M Gul, PhD

A Kim, PhD

J Leung, PhD, PEng

Y Liu, PhD

A Nouri, PhD, PEng

R Okuno, PhD, PEng

Z Qiu, PhD

J Trivedi, PhD

A Ulrich, PhD, PEng

Faculty Service Officer

DA Booth, BSc, PEng

Administrative Officer

ME Davison, BSc

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Professor and Chair

HJ Marquez, PhD, PEng

Professors Emeriti

KE Bollinger, MSc, PEng

CE Capjack, PhD, PEng

FS Chute, PhD, PEng

GD Cormack, PhD, PEng

NG Durdle, PhD, PEng

I Filanovsky, PhD, PEng

PA Goud, PhD, PEng

V Gourishankar, PhD, PEng

WD Grover, PhD, PEng, FRSC

PJR Harding, MASc, PEng

CR James, PhD, PEng

DH Kelly, PhD, PEng

RW King, BSc, PEng

YJ Kingma, Ir, PEng

Z Koles, PhD, PEng

RPW Lawson, PhD, PEng

RI MacDonald, PhD, PEng

AA Offenberger, PhD

RE Phillips, BSc, PEng

RE Rink, PhD, PEng

AM Robinson, PhD, PEng

D Routledge, PhD, PEng

HG Schmidt-Weinmar, PhD

HJJ Seguin, PhD, PEng

PR Smy, PhD, DSc, PEng

KA Stromsmoe, PhD, PEng

WR Tinga, PhD, PEng

JF Vaneldik, PhD, PEng

FE Vermeulen, PhD, PEng

WAG Voss, PhD


NC Beaulieu, PhD, PEng, FCAE, FRSC (iCORE Chair in Broadband Wireless Communication)

MJ Brett, PhD, PEng (Micralyne/NSERC/iCORE Senior Industrial Research Chair in Nanostructured Device Architectures, iCORE Professor in Nanoengineered ICT Devices and Canada Research Chair in Nanoengineered Films)

T Chen, PhD, PEng

R DeCorby, PhD, PEng

SK Dew, PhD, PEng

V Dinavahi, PhD, PEng

AY Elezzabi, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Ultrafast Photonics and Nano-Optics)

DG Elliott, PhD, PEng

IJ Fair, PhD, PEng

R Fedosejevs, PhD, PEng (MPBT/NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Laser and Spectroscopic Techniques applied to the Natural Resources Industry)

AM Knight, PhD, PEng

WA Krzymien, PhD, PEng (Rohit Sharma Professor in Communications and Signal Processing)

MK Mandal, PhD, PEng

J Miller, PhD, PEng

B Nowrouzian, PhD, PEng

W Pedrycz, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Computational Intelligence)

M Reformat, PhD, PEng

JC Salmon, PhD, PEng

C Tellambura, PhD, PEng

YY Tsui, PhD, PEng

WW Xu, PhD, PEng (NSERC/iCORE/Alberta Power Companies Senior Industrial Research Chair in Power Quality)

Associate Professors

M Ardakani, PhD, PEng

D Barlage, PhD, PEng

J Chen, PhD, PEng

BF Cockburn, PhD, PEng

S Dick, PhD, PEng

S Evoy, PhD, PEng

H Jiang, PhD, PEng

D Joseph, PhD, PEng

L Kurgan, PhD, PEng

A Lynch, PhD, PEng

P Musilek, PhD, PEng

J Sit, PhD, PEng

M Vaidyanathan, PhD, PEng

V Van, PhD, PEng

S Vorobyov, PhD, PEng

HV Zhao, PhD, PEng

Q Zhao, PhD, PEng

Assistant Professors

M Daneshmand, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Advanced RF MEMS)

J Han, PhD

Y Hu, PhD

A Iyer, PhD

Z Jacob, PhD

Y Jing, PhD

R Karumudi, PhD, PEng

Y Li, PhD, PEng

K Moez, PhD, PEng

YA-RI Mohamed, PhD

S Pramanik, PhD, PEng

K Shankar, PhD, PEng

M Tavakoli Afshari, PhD

R Zemp, PhD, PEng

Faculty Service Officer

L Wyard-Scott, MSc, PEng

Administrative Officers

W Barton, BSc, PEng

A Rao, BEd, BCom

Mechanical Engineering

Professor and Chair

LW Kostiuk, PhD, PEng

Professors Emeriti

DG Bellow, PhD, PEng, FCAE

DR Budney, PhD, PEng

MD Checkel, PhD, PEng

JR Colbourne, PhD, PEng

A Craggs, PhD, PEng

JD Dale, PhD, PEng

F Ellyin, PhD, PEng, FCAE

MG Faulkner, PhD, PEng

P Flynn, PhD, PEng

TW Forest, PhD, PEng

JB Haddow, PhD

TR Heidrick, PhD, PEng

GSH Lock, PhD, PEng

DJ Marsden, PhD, PEng

A Mioduchowski, PhD, PEng

CM Rodkiewicz, PhD

JC Sprague, PhD, PEng

JD Whittaker, PhD, PEng

DJ Wilson, PhD, PEng

Z Xia, PhD, PEng


A Amirfazli, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Surface Engineering)

S Bhattacharjee, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Colloids and Complex Fluids and NSERC Associate Industrial Research Chair in Water Quality Management for Oil Sands Extraction)

WH Finlay, PhD, PEng

BA Fleck, PhD, PEng

P-YB Jar, PhD, PEng

SV Karapetrovic, PhD, PEng

CR Koch, PhD, PEng

M Lipsett, PhD, PEng

WA Moussa, PhD, PEng

C Ru, PhD, PEng

P Schiavone, PhD

LW Sigurdson, PhD, PEng

X Wang, PhD, PEng

M Zuo, PhD, PEng

Associate Professors

J Carey, PhD, PEng

J Doucette, PhD, PEng

A Kumar, PhD, PEng

CF Lange, PhD, PEng

Y Ma, PhD, PEng

P Mertiny, PhD, PEng

S Mitra, PhD, PEng

D Nobes, PhD, PEng

DW Raboud, PhD, PEng

T Tang, PhD, PEng (Canada Research Chair in Nano-biomolecular Hybrid Materials)

RW Toogood, PhD, PEng

R Vehring, PhD (George Ford Chair in Materials Engineering), PEng

Assistant Professors

C Ayranci, PhD

K Duke, PhD

M Flynn, PhD, PEng

J Hahn, PhD, PEng

A McDonald, PhD, PEng

J Olfert, PhD, PEng

D Sameoto, PhD

M Secanell, PhD, PEng

Faculty Service Officers

C Stout, MSc, PEng

Administrative Officers

S Roy

G Thomas, MEng, PEng

Sessional Lecturer in Engineering

BR Touchings, BA, LLB

Engineering Co-op Department

Professor and Director

KC Porteous, PhD, PEng

Assistant Director

S Concini, BSc, PEng

Administrative Officers

C Bjornson, BA, Coordinator

RC Kully, BEd, Coordinator

L Lewington, Coordinator

MT Marks, BCom, Coordinator

A Rumsby, Coordinator

S Sayler, BA, Coordinator

R Sisson, Coordinator

BJ Strang, BA, Coordinator

LJ Szekely, BEd, Coordinator

K Vande Vyvere, BA, Coordinator

Additional Members of Faculty Council

President and Vice-Chancellor

IV Samarasekera, O.C., PhD, PEng, FRSC, FCAE

Registrar of the University


G Forth, PhD (Anthropology)

D Gingrich, PhD (Physics)

Associate Professors

H Graves, PhD (English and Film Studies)

M Salavatipour (Computing Science)

Assistant Professor

E Rivard, PhD (Chemistry)

APEGGA Representative

VSV Rajan, PhD, PEng

Representatives from Engineering Students

J Choi (Undergraduate)

H Johnson (Undergraduate)

D Stewart (Undergraduate)

M Chordia (Graduate)

N Robertson (Graduate)

Search the Calendar:

Table of Contents

Calendar Home Page
Notices, Errata, Addendum, 2012-2013 PDF Calendar, 2011-2012 Calendar, Previous Calendars, University Policy Gateway

Welcome from the President


Academic Schedule
 11Major Deadlines from the 2012-2013 Academic Schedule
 11.1Academic Schedule 2012-2013 (monthly listing of academic events on campus)

Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission

Undergraduate Admission
 13Admission to Undergraduate Programs
 14General Admission Requirements
 15Admission Requirements by Faculty
 16Admission for International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Students
 17Admission from Outside Alberta

University Regulations and Information for Students
 20General University Policies
 21Classification of Students
 22Registration and Fees
 23Academic Regulations
 24Student Services
 25Code of Student Behaviour
 26Code of Applicant Behaviour

30Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
40Faculty of Arts
50Augustana Faculty
60Faculty of Business
70Faculty of Education
80Faculty of Engineering
90Faculty of Extension
100Faculty of Law
110Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
120Faculty of Native Studies
130Faculty of Nursing
140Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
150Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
160School of Public Health
170Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
180Faculté Saint-Jean
191Faculty of Science

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 200The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 201Members of the Faculty
 202General Information
 203Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 204Graduate Program Regulations
 205Graduate Programs
 210Graduate Financial Aid

Open Studies

Course Listings
 230Details of Courses
 231Course Listings


General Information
 241University History and Traditions
 242Constitution of the University
 243University Libraries
 244Alumni Association
 245Affiliated Colleges

University Staff
 250Continuing Academic Staff
 252Associate and Adjunct Staff
 253Honorary Degree Recipients