Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
Academic Integrity and Ethics Training Requirement
203.9 Academic Integrity and Ethics Training Requirement
The University of Alberta expects graduate students, as members of the University community, to uphold the highest degree of ethical practice in the conduct of their education, research, and professional activities. Students are responsible for understanding and following the various policies and practices mandated by the University (including, but not limited to, the Code of Student Behaviour, the Discrimination and Harassment Policy, the Research and Scholarship Integrity Policy, the Animal Ethics Policy, the Standards for the Protection of Human Research Participants, and the Conflict of Commitment and Conflict of Interest Policy), FGSR-specific guidelines and expectations, departmental guidelines and expectations, Tri-Council or other funding bodies ethical requirements, and any ethical codes mandated by the students’ professional governing body. Ethics training is a critical part of the education of all graduate students and in addition to their required ethics training students are expected to seek opportunities to broaden their knowledge of ethics and good practice early in their programs. Like all members of the University community, graduate students should be aware that they will be held accountable for their actions under these various codes even if they have not yet completed their required ethics training or are acting on the advice of others.
Graduate degree requirements include a mandatory component that provides training in the areas of academic integrity and ethics.
The normal requirements of this training component will include participation in activities such as workshops, presentations, discussion groups and course work related to each of the following areas:
Intellectual Property Guidelines for Graduate Students and Supervisors www.uofa.ualberta.ca/graduate-studies/about/graduate-program-manual/section-10-intellectual-property | |
The University of Alberta Research and Scholarship Integrity Policy https://policiesonline.ualberta.ca/PoliciesProcedures/Pages/Research.aspx | |
The relevant Tri-Council and Canadian Council on Animal Care requirements for ethics approval for research—including emphasis on the limitations of the requirements, i.e., for which areas of research is ethics approval necessary. |
To fulfil these requirements, each student is normally expected to complete the equivalent of at least eight hours of structured academic activity for this training component. Students should consult the department for guidance about specific requirements for ethics training.