(1) | Application for Graduation:
Students must apply for graduation on Bear Tracks (https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca) by February 1 for Spring Convocation or by September 1 for Fall Convocation.
(2) | Convocation:
Students completing degree requirements during the Fall Term or Winter Term will graduate at Spring Convocation; those completing degree requirements during the Spring/Summer will graduate at Fall Convocation.
(3) | Degree Requirements:
Students registered in the following degree programs require 120 to graduate: BSc Agriculture, BSc Agricultural/Food Business Management, BSc Animal Health, BSc Environmental and Conservation Sciences, BA Environmental Studies, BSc Forestry, BSc Forest Business Management, BSc Human Ecology, and BSc Nutrition and Food Science. Students registered in the BSc in Human Ecology/BEd and the BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences/BA in Native Studies Combined Degrees require 150 to graduate.
(4) | Courses Extra to the Degree
Courses successfully completed while registered in a program which are not being used for degree credit are known as courses extra to the degree. Such courses are, however, included in the assessment of academic standing. Students who register for more than a minimum number of courses for graduation should designate the additional courses as extra. In order to exclude courses in excess of the minimum requirement from the contract for graduation, students must designate such courses as “extras” at the time of registration for their final year.
(5) | Graduation Grade Point Average
To be eligible for graduation from any of the programs offered by the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, students must present Satisfactory Academic Standing [see (6) below] and obtain a GPA of at least 2.0 (2.7 for the BSc in Nutrition and Food Science, Food Science and Technology Specialization and the BSc in Nutrition and Food Science, Dietetics Specialization; and 3.0 for the BSc in Honors in Food Science and the BSc Honors in Nutrition) on their last 60 normally completed during the third and fourth years.
Where more than 60 were completed in the last two years, the grades from all courses completed in the last year will be used in this calculation. Additional credits from the previous term(s) (whether completed at this university or at another institution) will be used as necessary to make the 60 requirement.
Where fewer than 60 were completed in the last two years, the grades from all courses completed in the last two years will be used in this calculation. Additional credits from the previous term(s) (whether completed at this university or at another institution) will be used as necessary to make the 60 requirement. The grade points for additional courses needed to make 60 will be calculated by multiplying the GPA of all courses completed in that term by the number of credits required to make 60.
Where students have designated successfully completed courses extra to the degree, the designated courses will not be included in the calculation of the graduation GPA.
(6) | Extension to the Graduating Year
Students who have successfully completed at least 120 or 150 [for programs as indicated in (3)] who do not meet program requirements for graduation, and who are otherwise eligible to continue in their program of study, may continue to register to the end of the next Fall/Winter of study in order to meet graduation requirements.
Students who have been given their first assignment of “Marginal Standing” (i.e. Academic Warning) in their graduating year, may continue to register to the end of the next Fall/Winter of study. Students must complete a minimum 9 to a maximum 15 to meet the “Satisfactory Standing” requirement for graduation [see (8) above].
Students who are in Unsatisfactory Standing, (i.e., Required to Withdraw), may petition/appeal to be allowed to complete one further Fall/Winter of study to meet the “Satisfactory Standing” for graduation requirements. If graduation requirements are not met within the Fall/Winter period, such students will be required to withdraw and will not normally be readmitted.
(7) | Graduation with Distinction
This designation is awarded to a student achieving a grade point average of 3.5 or greater on the last 60. The same calculation as detailed in Graduation Grade Point Average in (5) above applies.