(1) | Academic Standing for all students registered in the Faculty of Arts is assessed on the basis of a Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated on courses taken in Fall/Winter terms. See §§23.4(7) and 23.9.2 for information on calculation of GPAs and the academic record. See §§43.4 to 43.13 for detailed academic standing, promotion and graduation regulations for the following programs: BA (Criminology), BDesign, BFA, BMusic, BMusic/BEd, BA(Drama)/BEd Combined program, and BA Honors programs.
Initial assessment and subsequent reassessment of academic standing is based on students' performance in a minimum of 9 in Fall/Winter Terms. Students who take courses only in Fall or only in Winter Terms are subject to assessment. Courses taken in Spring/Summer Terms are excluded from the assessment. If a student attempts fewer than 9 the review is deferred and the academic standing assigned at the last review remains in effect until the next Fall/Winter review.
Academic standing is assessed at the end of each student's program even if less than 9 have been taken since the last review. The GPA is printed on the University of Alberta transcript and final grades are available on the Bear Tracks record that students are responsible to review at the end of each term.
(2) | Assessment of Academic standing
a. | Satisfactory Standing (GPA 2.0 and above): Students who maintain a satisfactory standing are permitted to continue their studies in the Faculty of Arts.
Note: Students in the BA Program with a major in Economics are required to maintain a 2.3 GPA each Fall/Winter. Students with an Economics major who earn a GPA in the satisfactory range but less than 2.3 are permitted to continue in the BA program, but are required to select a different major.
Students who wish to return to the Economics Major must present a GPA of 2.3 on a minimum of 9 in a subsequent Fall/Winter.
| b. | Marginal Standing (GPA 1.7 to 1.9 inclusive): Students receiving the first assessment of marginal standing are permitted to continue, under academic warning. Only one period of attendance on Academic Warning will be permitted while registered in the Faculty of Arts. Any subsequent assessment of Marginal Standing will result in a requirement to withdraw.
Note: Students under academic warning are only permitted to interrupt their programs with the prior, written permission from the Associate Dean (Student Programs). If students on academic warning interrupt their programs for more than 12 months without prior approval, readmission will normally not be granted unless the student meets the current readmission criteria.
| c. | Unsatisfactory Standing (GPA 1.6 and below): Students receiving an unsatisfactory standing are required to withdraw from the Faculty of Arts. See §42.7 for information on academic appeal regulations.
Students who are required to withdraw from the Faculty at the end of Fall/Winter cannot register for subsequent terms. Registrations for students who register for Summer Term prior to the requirement to withdraw will be cancelled without penalty. Students who have already registered in Spring Term prior to receiving notification of the requirement to withdraw will be permitted to continue until the end of Spring Term, or may choose to withdraw from Spring courses.
(3) | Fresh Start Program: Students who have attempted fewer than 60 and who have earned a GPA between 1.3 and 1.6 may be eligible for admission to the Fresh Start program. Students must be recommended by the Faculty for participation in the Fresh Start program. Further information can be found in §§14.5, 23.6.2 and 220.5.
(4) | Readmission after a Requirement to Withdraw: Refer to §16.2.13 for information on the regulations pertaining to readmission to the Faculty of Arts after a requirement to withdraw.
(5) | Probation: Students who have been required to withdraw and who have successfully appealed that decision will be placed on Probation (See also §23.6.2).
a. | Probationary students complete a minimum of 24 with a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
| b. | Probationary students may not take any more than 12 in each of Fall and Winter Terms.
| c. | Probationary students may take more than one set of Fall/Winter Terms to complete probation, but courses taken in Spring and Summer are excluded from the assessment.
| d. | Probationary students may also be subject to other requirements as specified by the Associate Dean (Student Programs)
Note: The probationary GPA for students who take longer than one Fall/Winter to complete probationary requirements and who take more than 24 during the period of probation may be based on more than 24. Grades for all courses completed in Fall/Winter Terms during the probationary period are used.
Probationary students who fail to attain the GPA and other requirements for probation as specified by the Associate Dean will fail Probation and will be required to withdraw from the Faculty of Arts without appeal. Only one period of Probation is allowed while registered in the Faculty of Arts. Students who have cleared Probation and whose GPA at the end of a subsequent Fall/Winter falls below 2.0 will not be permitted to continue on Academic Warning, nor will they be allowed a second period of Probation. Such students are required to withdraw from the Faculty of Arts.
(6) | Extension to the Graduating Year: Students who have successfully completed at least 120 but who do not meet program requirements for graduation, and who are otherwise eligible to continue in their program of study, may continue to register until graduation requirements are met. Students who have successfully completed at least 120 but who have Unsatisfactory standing (i.e., Required to Withdraw) for the first time, may appeal to be allowed to complete additional classes in order to meet graduation requirements. Probationary requirements will be set by the Associate Dean.
(7) | First-Class Standing: First-class standing is awarded to any student, regardless of program, who earns a GPA of at least 3.5 either while enrolled in a full, normal academic load (minimum 30) during the Fall/Winter Terms or on a minimum of 15 in Fall Term (if not enrolled in Winter Term) or in Winter Term (if not enrolled in Fall). This is also referred to as the Dean's Honors List.