(1) | Records of academic performance for individual students are maintained in the Undergraduate Office. Students should consult their records from time to time to attest to their accuracy.
Academic performance is normally measured by grade point average attained during the academic year.
Determination of each student's academic performance will normally occur after the end of the regular academic year based on work during that year. However, no student will be classified as marginal or unsatisfactory on the basis of fewer than 15 attempted since initial enrolment in the Faculty or since the last year-end evaluation of performance. A student whose academic performance evaluation is deferred under the terms of this provision may be evaluated at either or both of the following mid-year and year-end times, with appropriate classification and possible action as follows.
(2) | Promotion of the student from year to year depends on satisfactory academic performance.
a. | Satisfactory standing: A grade point average of 2.0 or more. Students who maintain satisfactory standing are permitted to continue their studies in the Faculty.
| b. | Marginal standing: A grade point average of less than 2.0 but not less than 1.7.
Students receiving the assessment of marginal standing for the first time are permitted to continue, under academic warning, until the next assessment of academic standing. At that time, students who obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0 on all courses attempted since the last assessment may continue in satisfactory standing. Students who fail to achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 on all courses attempted since the last assessment will be required to withdraw. Students receiving the assessment of marginal standing for a second or subsequent time will be required to withdraw.
| c. | Unsatisfactory standing: A grade point average of less than 1.7. In such cases, the student must withdraw from the Faculty.
Students whose performance has once been classified as either marginal or unsatisfactory must in all subsequent years in the degree program demonstrate satisfactory performance.
(3) | Readmission after a Requirement to Withdraw Refer to §§16.4.1 for information on the regulations pertaining to readmission to the Faculty of Business after a requirement to withdraw. Students required to withdraw from the Faculty of Business are not normally required to complete coursework elsewhere before being considered for readmission. A student who has been required to withdraw from the Faculty but is subsequently readmitted or allowed to continue in the Faculty due to a successful appeal of their academic standing, must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or again be required to withdraw. Continuation on marginal standing below 2.0 is not permitted in such cases. All students who have previously been required to withdraw from the Faculty of Business are not permitted any subsequent marginal performance.
(4) | First-Class Standing is awarded to each student who achieves a grade point average of at least 3.5 on 27 or more of academic study during a Fall/Winter.
(5) | The notation “With Distinction” is inscribed on the permanent record and graduate parchment if the candidate has obtained a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, over the last 60 of the program, subject to the following:
a. | Students must have completed at least 4 academic terms at the University of Alberta with a minimum of 12 completed in each term.
| b. | For the purposes of this section “term” means Fall Term, Winter Term or Spring/Summer Terms combined.
(6) | The Dean's List commends the superior academic performance of each student who has completed 30 during the Fall/Winter with a grade point average of 3.7 or more.
(7) | Graduation
a. | In order to graduate, students are required to apply for graduation on Bear Tracks (https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca) in their graduating year by the applicable deadline. See the Academic Schedule (§11) for application deadlines for Bachelor of Commerce degrees to be awarded at Spring and Fall Convocations.
| b. | To qualify for graduation, the student must satisfy all degree requirements as specified in §64.1 and demonstrate satisfactory academic performance (as defined in (2) above) during the last academic year of the program.
| c. | If such final year involved less than 30, a sufficient number of immediately preceding full terms of study shall be added to the basis of evaluation to provide a minimum of 30.
| d. | Students who have successfully completed all program requirements but are not in satisfactory academic standing, may appeal to be permitted one further Fall/Winter of study to bring their GPA up to the required satisfactory standing. See §63.9.
(8) | Reexaminations: Reexaminations are not normally permitted in the Faculty of Business except in circumstances that would justify the granting of a deferred examination. Students wishing to be considered for a reexamination in a course in the Faculty of Business must, in addition to meeting the requirements set out in §23.5.5, also meet the following conditions:
a. | Students must provide evidence of a medical condition or similarly compelling circumstance existing at the time of the writing of the examination; and
| b. | provide evidence that the student's performance in the final examination was so affected by circumstances as shown in a. that there was a substantial difference between the final examination results and the term work.