Programs of Study
Adult Education Route
75.2 Adult Education Route
75.2.1 General Information
The Adult Education Route in the Bachelor of Education degree is a continuing professional education program for adult educators and trainers instructing in various settings.
The Adult Education Route will not qualify for Teacher Certification.
Time Limit for Completing the Adult Education Route BEd Degree.
Current students admitted prior to September 2004 must complete the program requirements in effect at the time of admission on or before April 30, 2007.
75.2.2 Components of the Program
Courses may be taken at various times in a student's program depending on individual plans for attending university. Normally, the minimum requirement of one year of full-time attendance occurs toward the end of a student's program.
Advanced Standing (
Students entering this program are given
30 of Advanced Standing for the following courses: EDAE 223 (
3); EDAE 243 (
3); EDAE 323 (
3); EDAE 343 (
3); EDAE 423 (
3); EDAE 443 (
3); EDFX 497 (
12). See §16.6.1(1)c.
Required Courses (
Adult Education Courses (18): EDAE 390 (
3); EDAE 445 (
3); EDAE 460 (
3); EDAE 461 (
3); EDAE 475 (
3); EDAE 485 (
Education General (21): EDPS 410 (
3); EDPS XXX (
3); EDPY 3XX/4XX (
3): choose any EDPY course at the 300- or 400-level; Education Options (
12): choose any courses offered by the Faculty of Education
English (6): Choose any Introductory courses offered by the Department of English.
Minor Courses (18): Choose from a subject area identified in either Education Chart 2 or 3.
Non-Education Options (15): Select any courses from outside the Faculty of Education.
Computing (3): Choose EDIT 202 or CMPUT 1XX or equivalent.
Open Options (9): Select any courses from any Faculty.
Note: Non-Education courses may be used to extend competency in the Minor or for a more general education.