General Information
Arrangements with Other Institutions
82.16 Arrangements with Other Institutions
82.16.1 Alberta Engineering Transfer Programs
Students may complete their first year of Engineering at any of the following Alberta postsecondary institutions: Grande Prairie Regional College, Keyano College (Fort McMurray), University of Lethbridge, Medicine Hat College, MacEwan University (Edmonton), and Red Deer College. Students who complete the Engineering Transfer Program at one of these institutions may apply to enter second-year Engineering at the University of Alberta and will be considered for program placement on an equal basis with continuing University of Alberta Engineering students.
82.16.2 Transfer Credit Agreement Between the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary Faculties of Engineering
Both the Universities of Alberta and Calgary offer undergraduate degree programs in Engineering.
The first year of the programs is similar but not identical. A transfer student may obtain complete or partial credit towards first year depending on the courses selected and the university to which admission is sought.
Complete information for transfer of credits between these programs is provided by the Alberta Learning Information Service through Transfer Alberta. The information is reviewed and updated annually by the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer and can be found here: alis.alberta.ca/pdf/transferalberta/Engineering.pdf.
Students who complete the first year program at the University of Calgary and are interested in a transfer to the University of Alberta should consult the Faculty of Engineering concerning transfer of credit.
82.16.3 Transfer from Alberta Technical Institutes
Students from Alberta Institutes of Technology (e.g., NAIT, SAIT) should refer to the Alberta Transfer Guide and the Faculty of Engineering website for information on admission policies and potential transfer credit.
82.16.4 Exchange Program with École Polytechnique
Students in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta may participate in an exchange program whereby one year of their studies is completed at École Polytechnique in Montréal. École Polytechnique, affiliated with the University of Montréal, is one of the premier schools of engineering in Canada and is the largest French-language school of engineering in the country. Students must have demonstrated superior academic ability and be fluent in French. The exchange normally takes place in a student's third year. Exchange programs are available in all engineering programs except Petroleum Engineering. Please consult the Associate Dean (Student Services), Faculty of Engineering, for more information.