Non-Credit Programs
Health, Safety, Environment & Planning
94.2 Health, Safety, Environment & Planning
Specially designed citation and certificate programs are offered for a broad range of professionals including: professional engineers, foresters, occupational health and safety professionals, environment and resource management specialists, land use planners, managers, and administrators. Many courses are also relevant to individuals in a broad range of additional sectors and roles. For more information on these programs, visit www.extension.ualberta.ca/study/sciences, or phone (780) 492-3116.
94.2.1 Applied Geostatistics
The Citation Program in Applied Geostatistics (CPAG) assists mining, petroleum engineers and geoscientists better pinpoint the resource bodies they seek. CPAG is comprised of one course; it is ideally suited to those from industry who seek a more in depth understanding of modern geostatistical tools. For more information, visit www.extension.ualberta.ca/cpag, e-mail: cpag@ualberta.ca, or phone (780) 492-5532.
94.2.2 Construction Administration
The Certificate in Construction Administration assist entry-level personnel develop the competencies to effectively administer construction projects in a wide range of sectors. This certificate builds understanding of the planning, technical, financial, and legal aspects of the construction business. It is comprised of 7-11 courses. The certificate is accredited by the Canadian Construction Association for Gold Seal Accreditation. For more information, visit www.extension.ualberta.ca/cst, e-mail: cst@ualberta.ca, or phone (780) 492-5532.
94.2.3 Occupational Health and Safety
The Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety helps practitioners from many different backgrounds develop the competencies needed to effectively develop, implement, and evaluate health and safety programs and systems in a wide variety of occupational settings. The certificate is comprised of 10-12 courses. The Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety helps prepare candidates for registration as a Canadian Registered Safety Professional with the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP), and assists Registered Occupational Hygienists maintain registration with the Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists and the American Board of Industrial Hygiene. For more information, visit www.extension.ualberta.ca/study/sciences/ohs, e-mail: ohs@ualberta.ca, or phone (780) 492-3037 or 1-800-808-4784.
94.2.4 Environmental Resource Management
The Certificate in Environmental Resource Management prepares professionals at various career levels to meet the challenges of the rapidly growing and changing environmental sector. Knowledge and understanding of environmental issues is becoming increasingly important in business decision-making. The Certificate in Environmental Resources Management is comprised of 13-14 courses. For more information, visit www.extension.ualberta.ca/erm, e-mail: erm@ualberta.ca, or phone (780) 492-5532.