(1) | Course Definitions
a. | Course Designation: Each course is designated by its computer abbreviation and a number.
| b. | Units of Course Weight: A unit of course weight indicates the instructional credit assigned to a course and is designated by the symbol after the course number and name. Units of course weight are used to measure the portion of the degree requirements and are also used in calculating a student's Grade Point Average (GPA).
| c. | Two-term course: A two-term course is a course with a course weight of 6 that normally extends over two consecutive University terms.
| d. | Term Course: A course with a weighting factor of less than six that normally extends over one University term.
| e. | Senior Courses: Those courses numbered 200-599.
| f. | Normal Course Load: A normal full academic course load is 30 during Fall/Winter.
| g. | Options: Courses taken from other Faculties approved for use by the Faculty in partial fulfillment of the Faculty's graduation requirements.
| h. | Courses Extra to the Degree: Courses successfully completed while registered in a program in the Faculty of Native Studies which are not used for degree credit are known as courses extra to degree. Such courses are, however, included in the assessment of academic standing. Students should inform the Faculty which courses they wish declared extra to degree.
(2) | Junior English: 6 of English at the 100-level, or 3 100-level ENGL and 3 Writing Studies (WRS). No more than 6 of junior English, or equivalent, may be taken for credit. Students normally should take English in their first year.
(3) | Native Studies Course Requirement: Students in the first two years (i.e., less than 60 completed) of the BA in NS and of the Combined degrees in Education and in the BSc (ENCS) must take and complete at least one NS course in each Fall and Winter Term. The Faculty will cancel course registration in the add/delete period [see §22.2.9(3)] if there is no registration in a NS course.
(4) | Restricted Enrolment Courses: The Faculty of Native Studies strives to accommodate all students wanting to enrol in a given course when it is appropriate to the student's program. However, classes in some courses must, for academic reasons, be restricted in size. Such courses will be labelled “restricted enrolment” in the timetable. If such a course is found to be oversubscribed, students whose programs do not require that course, or who do not have the prerequisite, may be required to delete it from their registration.
(5) | Junior Courses: In all programs, normally no more than 48 at the 100-level may be taken for degree credit. In no case will this limit be extended to permit a student to make up a matriculation deficiency for degree credit or to include a “free” option at the junior level.