(1) | Continuous Registration: Students must register in their program on a continuous basis to ensure a place in the program. Students who want to temporarily discontinue their program must obtain prior approval for a Leave of Absence by submitting a request to the Undergraduate Programs Office. Discontinuance without permission requires the student to seek readmission and, in this case, readmission is not guaranteed.
Normally, a Leave of Absence is granted only if all the following conditions are met:
a. | A minimum of 18 must be completed within the degree program before the term in which the Leave of Absence begins
| b. | The student is in good academic standing
| c. | The Leave of Absence period does not exceed 12 months
| d. | No transferable courses are being completed at another institution during the Leave of Absence period.
(2) | Normal Course Load: A normal full academic course load is 30 taken during Fall/Winter.
a. | Fall/Winter: A normal full course load in the Fall and Winter Terms is 15 taken each term, for a total of 30.
| b. | Spring/Summer: A normal full course load in the Spring and Summer Terms is 6 taken each term, for a total of 12.
| (1) | To complete the BKin/BEd Combined Degree program in the recommended five years, students must take an average of 33 each Fall/Winter.
| (2) | Students are permitted to take a maximum of 18 in each Fall and Winter term and 7.5 in each Spring and Summer term.
Normally, permission to enrol in extra courses (beyond 18 in Fall and Winter or 7.5 in Spring and Summer) is not granted. Where a student wishes to enrol in more than the maximum allowed credits during any term, a request must be submitted to the Undergraduate Programs Office. Such requests will be considered only if the student has obtained a minimum GPA of 3.3 on a minimum of 24 during the previous Fall/Winter period.
(3) | Directed Studies Courses: Students are normally allowed a maximum of 6 Directed Studies courses to count toward their degree program.
In order to be eligible to complete a Directed Studies course, students must have completed a minimum of 30 and be in good academic standing. Students must complete an application form to enrol in a Directed Studies course, available at the Undergraduate Programs Office.