Programs of Study
BSc Specialization Programs
193.2 BSc Specialization Programs
Four-year programs, comprising a minimum of
120, provide education to a professional level and lead to the degree of BSc with Specialization.
Specialization programs are available in the Departments of Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Cell Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Pharmacology, Physics, and Psychology.
A five-year (
150) BEd/BSc (Specialization in Science and Education) program with majors and minors in Biological, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences is also available (see §16.15.6 and 75.7).
See §16.15.4 for admission requirements.
Selection of Courses
Note: For success in your chosen program, ensure you have satisfied the pre/corequisite requirements for all courses. Departments have the right to remove students from courses for failing to present a passing grade (or higher, where stipulated) in the prerequisite course(s) and/or for failing to be enrolled in the corequisite course(s). Please see uofa.ualberta.ca/science/programs/undergraduate/admission-to-science/high-school-admission/course-pre-requisites for more information.
The following regulations govern Specialization programs:
In each year, a Specialization student's program must be approved by a Specialization advisor in the appropriate Department and by the Faculty Office. | |
A minimum of | |
A student must take at least | |
Normally, no more than | |
Certain non-Arts and non-Science courses appropriate to the program may be permitted in Specialization programs with the prior written approval of the Department directing the student's program.
Course Load Requirements
To graduate in four years normally requires that BSc Specialization students take the usual full course load of
30 in each Fall/Winter of the program. Students who wish to extend their programs are still expected to complete at least
24 in each Fall/Winter of the program. Exceptions to course load requirements must be approved in advance each year by the Department and the Faculty Office. (See Time Limits for Completion of Program below.)
Academic Standings and Graduation
The following regulations govern Specialization programs:
Continuation in a Specialization program is by recommendation of the Department concerned and requires a GPA of at least 2.3 in each of the preceding Fall/Winter periods. See description of Specialization programs of individual departments for additional requirements relating to promotion in the Specialization program. Students must be in good standing in the Specialization program in order to graduate. | |
A student who fails to attain the standard necessary for continuation in the Specialization program will be required to withdraw from that program. In so doing, the student may apply to transfer to the General program in the Faculty. Students applying to transfer from a Specialization to the General program must meet the continuation GPA of 2.0. | |
A student who fails to complete the requirements for a Specialization degree in the fourth year may be granted the General degree forthwith on application if the courses taken and the standing attained are satisfactory. Such students must apply to transfer to the General program. | |
For graduation, a program of at least | |
BSc Specialization degrees with Distinction are awarded when students achieve a GPA of at least 3.5 on the last |
Residence Requirement
A student transferring to the Faculty of Science with advanced standing must complete at least
60 applicable to the BSc program while registered at the University of Alberta. Normally, at least
30 of the last
60 must be completed while registered in the Faculty of Science.
Time Limits for Completion of Program
All BSc Specialization programs are designed to be four-year programs. However, in some cases the minimum course load requirements have been reduced to allow students the flexibility to complete the degree over a longer time period. Students wishing to extend their programs beyond the time frame dictated by the minimum course load requirement for their program must first obtain the written approval of the Department and the Associate Dean, Undergraduate or designate.