Graduate Programs
205.54 Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Alberta T6G 2H7
E-mail: ophthalm@ualberta.ca
205.54.1 General Information
The Department of Ophthalmology offers the MSc and PhD in Medical Sciences (Ophthalmology) degrees (see §205.43) either as part of a postgraduate training program for post-MD applicants or as an independent degree program for those proceeding from a BSc. Research may be carried out in a variety of ophthalmology-related disciplines for which staff in the Department have active research programs. Major research initiatives are in the areas of electrophysiology of vision, models of retinal degeneration and therapies, ocular anatomy and ocular genetics. Inquiries should be directed to the Graduate Program Assistant in the Department of Ophthalmology.
Entrance Requirements
The Department's normal requirements for admission of graduate students are those of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research but stipulating a minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent during each of the previous two years of university and a TOEFL score of at least 580 (paper-based) or a total score of 92 with no less than 21 on each band (internet-based), where applicable (see §203.2.4).
Financial Assistance
Funding from fellowships and studentships is available from external agencies on a competitive basis. Supervisors may support students from operating grants and financial assistance is also available from the Department.
205.54.2 The Degree of MSc
Program Description
The general description for the MSc in Medical Sciences (Ophthalmology) is as presented for all MSc programs in Medical Sciences (see §205.43.2).
205.54.3 The Degree of PhD
Program Description
The general description for the PhD in Medical Sciences (Ophthalmology) is as presented for all PhD programs in Medical Sciences (see §205.43.3).