Academic Regulations
Student Records
23.9 Student Records
In §23.9,
"collect” refers to the collection of a student’s personal information by or for the University, whether the information is collected directly from the individual or from another source (e.g. a person or organization internal or external to the University); | |||||||||
”confidential” refers to materials which have been solicited in confidence with the student’s consent; | |||||||||
”consent” is written permission from a student for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information, including confidential materials. Such permission is generally based on the student’s awareness of the type of material maintained in a record bearing the student’s name; | |||||||||
”personal information” is recorded information about an identifiable individual who is a student, including: name, home or business addresses or telephone numbers; age, sex, national or ethnic origin, religious or political beliefs, marital status or family status, sexual orientation; identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the student; information about the student’s health and health care history including information about a mental or physical disability; information about the student’s educational, financial, employment or criminal history; someone else’s opinions about the student; the student’s personal views or opinions, except if they are about someone else; | |||||||||
”student” means anyone who has interaction with the University related to a personal potential or actual course of studies, credit or non-credit, and includes
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”student record” means a record of information relating to an individual’s activity in or interaction with the University as a student. Such records may contain personal information related to the student’s interactions with the University. The information may be maintained in any format, including printed, audio, visual, electronic, magnetic and may be stored on any medium including paper, fiche, tape, disk or other electronic or magnetic medium. Student records are normally of three types: files, transactions, and listings, as follows:
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”Unit” means a basic organizational unit of the University responsible for academic or research functions (e.g., department, Faculty) or administrative or financial functions (e.g., Office of the Registrar and Financial Services) or service functions (e.g. Health Centre, Dean of Students’ Office). |
23.9.1 Collection of Personal Information
Information that forms part of the student record is collected under the authority of the Universities Act of the Province of Alberta and in accordance with section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP Act). It is used to determine eligibility for admission and financial assistance, to advise students about academic programs and to provide university services.
The student record is disclosed to academic and administrative units. Specific information is disclosed to the federal and provincial governments to meet reporting requirements and to the Students’ Union/Graduate Students’ Association in accordance with FOIPP Information Sharing Agreements.
23.9.2 Academic History (Transcript) Records
Students should be aware that their academic record (transcript) is a continuing one and that all matters relating to courses, grades, academic standing, and probation will permanently appear on the academic record. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Students are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of their official record by verifying their unofficial transcript on Bear Tracks (https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca). Students should be aware that only the official academic history (transcript) is retained permanently and that source information from the student file is destroyed seven years after the last registration. Queries regarding errors or omissions in the official academic history (transcript) must be made as soon as possible, and will not be considered after the source information has been destroyed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Official academic history records, called “transcripts” are issued by the Office of the Registrar only upon the request of the student. They are issued to the student personally or to whomever the student designates. An official transcript bears the signature of the Registrar and is printed on security paper.
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The University of Alberta transcript includes the following information for each student record:
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For further information regarding grades or GPA, refer to §23.4, Evaluation Procedures and Grading System | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Units of Course Weight: Course weight is assigned for the purpose of calculating a weighted (grade point) average. A normal course carries a weight of 3.0 and includes three hours of lecture per week for one term. A course weight of 3.0 may be considered as equal to three semester-hours or 4.5 quarter hours. [This information is captured and stored on a database on a per course basis but is not printed on the transcript.] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Grade Points: Grade points for undergraduate students are calculated by multiplying the course grade point value by the units of course weight. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
An unofficial copy of a student’s academic history (unofficial transcript) does not bear the Registrar’s signature, nor is it printed on security paper. Unofficial copies of a student’s academic history are issued in the form of:
23.9.3 Registration Deadlines Implication for Records
In Fall/Winter students have ten class days following the commencement of that term’s classes in which to make changes to their registration without penalty. Courses dropped during this period are deleted entirely from a student’s record. Course withdrawals following this period and up to the last day for withdrawing from courses for that term result in a grade of W (withdrew) being recorded on the student’s record. Grades of W are not included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average. | |
Students may not officially withdraw from a course after the Withdrawal Deadline. All students registered in a course after the Withdrawal Deadline will be assigned a final grade by the instructor based on course work completed. | |
Credit/No Credit courses which are dropped following the deadline for the last day for withdrawing from courses for that term result in a grade of NC (fail) being assigned for the course(s) by the student’s Faculty. Grades of NC are not included in the calculation of GPA. | |
When a student withdraws from one or more courses after the first week of classes, fees will be reassessed on a per course basis according to the regulations noted in §22.2.9 of this Calendar. Students who register and then cease to attend, or never attend, without submitting an approved Withdrawal Form will not be eligible for any refund of fees nor will they be exempt from paying assessed fees that are unpaid. | |
§11 (Academic Schedule) of this Calendar contains the specific dates for the change of registration and course withdrawal dates noted above. |
23.9.4 Access to Student Information
Access by the Student: A student shall have access to records maintained by any University Unit which bears the student name or other personal identifier in accordance with the policies and protocols of the University or as provided for by the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. | |||||
Access by University of Alberta Employees: Employees may access only that personal information in students’ records if access to the information is necessary to fulfill their employment duties. | |||||
Access by Others:
23.9.5 Records of Disciplinary Action
See §30.2.16 of the Code of Student Behaviour. Amendments to the Code of Student Behaviour occur throughout the year. The official version of the Code of Student Behaviour, as amended from time to time is housed on the University Governance website at www.governance.ualberta.ca.
23.9.6 Correction of Records
Students should request correction to their own records if they believe that there are errors or omissions. The head of the Unit maintaining the record will respond by either making the correction or annotating in the record that the correction was requested but not made.
When an error or omission is detected in a student record and that error or omission is subsequently corrected, a copy of the corrected record shall be provided to the student and to each individual or agency to which the university had directly issued an incorrect record.
23.9.7 Use of Student Records for Research
Information on use of student records for research can be found in the Access to Personal Information for Research/Studies Procedure, located on the University of Alberta Policy and Procedures Online (UAPPOL) website at www.uappol.ualberta.ca
23.9.8 Letters of Reference and Assessments of Students
Letters of Reference
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Assessments of Students
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Reports from University Health Centre and Student Counselling Services
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Reports From Other Counselling Services
23.9.9 Objections to Release of Information
Students who object to the release of information regarding their records in accordance with the policies stated in §23.9 should notify the Registrar in writing, giving the specific objection. Appropriate action will be taken by the Registrar who will so advise the student.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act provides for disclosure of personal information for the purposes of complying with an enactment of Alberta or Canada. It also allows for an appeal to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of any decision relating to the release of personal information.
23.9.10 Overdue Accounts: Withholding of University documents and Denial of Registration
In any case where a student has neglected or refused to pay amounts owed to the University, the Registrar has been empowered and directed by the Board of Governors to deny or terminate registration and withhold their official transcript and/or degree parchment, until the student has settled the account with the University or has made arrangements satisfactory to the University to do so. For example, the degree parchment, or official transcript, may be withheld or registration denied if the student owes the University for library penalties or fines; for purchases at the University Bookstore; for parking or traffic violations; for breakage or damage to laboratory facilities or supplies; for student fees and University of Alberta Emergency Student Loans; for room and board fees; for fees for reexamination or deferred final examinations; or for fines imposed by the Discipline Officer or the University Appeal Board.
For overdue accounts a penalty of 18% per annum will be applied to the outstanding balance at the end of each month.
Delinquent accounts will be reported to the Credit Bureau and referred to a collection agency for recovery.