Graduate Program Regulations
Individual Interdisciplinary Studies
204.8 Individual Interdisciplinary Studies
An individual, interdisciplinary graduate program may be appropriate where a proposed area of study for an individual student cannot be effectively accommodated within a single department.
There should be strong reasons for establishing an individual program rather than operating within the context of a current program.
There is no obligation for departments to offer an interdisciplinary program to a student. However, departments may consider creating a program for an individual student if they are prepared to provide an appropriate program and if they have adequate supervision, facilities, and other resources necessary to offer such a program.
Both the home and conjoint department will be designated on the degree. Departments may also propose an individual specialization at the outset of the program.
The template for Individual Interdisciplinary Studies proposals is found at Individual Interdisciplinary Program available in www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca/formscabinet.aspx.