Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
Application for Admission
203 Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
The general Faculty regulations outlined below apply to all graduate students. Faculty regulations specific to particular degree programs are found under the appropriate program heading in §205.
203.1 Application for Admission
All documents submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in support of an application for admission become the property of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and will not subsequently be released or copied except to other University of Alberta offices, at the request of the student.
Reference letters are collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Post-Secondary Learning Act. They are required by the University to evaluate applicants for admission to a graduate program and for scholarship and other funding purposes. Reference letters are considered to be supplied in confidence and will be used only by individuals and committees who evaluate applicants.
Application deadlines are set by many departments and nondepartmentalized Faculties, and should be consulted by the applicants.
In accordance with the University’s Admissions Policy, all admission decisions are final and there is no formal appeal to any body or person within the Faculty or the University.