Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
203.10 Convocation
There are two convocations each year, normally held in June and November. Students must apply for graduation on Bear Tracks (https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca) in accordance with the deadlines published in the Academic Schedule.
In order to convocate, students in thesis programs must complete all coursework and submit their thesis to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research by the deadline dates specified in the Academic Schedule. For further details on thesis submission refer to the Regulations and Guide for the Preparation of Theses.
Students in course-based programs must complete all program requirements prior to the deadlines set out in the Academic Schedule. It is the responsibility of the department to forward a completed Report of Final Completion for Course-based Master's form to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research by the deadline dates specified in the Academic Schedule, to ensure that the student's name will be included in the convocation list.