252 Associate and Adjunct Staff
Aalhus, Jennifer, BSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (1999, 1999).
Ackerman, Mark, BSc MSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1987, 2011).
Ackman, Margaret L, BSc (Dalhousie), DPharm (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2008, 2008).
Adamko, Darryl J, MD (Saskatchewan), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2001, 2011).
Adamowicz, Wiktor L, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Minnesota), Adjunct Professor of Economics (1983, 2008).
Adesida, Adetola, BSc MSc (Essex), PhD (Manchester Metro), Assistant Adjunct of Biomedical Engineering (2009, 2009).
Adkins, Robin A, BA MA PhD (Manitoba), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2006, 2006).
Aitchison, John D, BSc PhD (McMaster), Adjunct Professor of Cell Biology (1997, 2005).
Aitken, Kathryn, BSc (British Columbia), MSC PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2013, 2013).
Aksikas, Ilyasse, BMath (Chouaib Doukkali), MMath PhD (catholique de Louvain), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2007, 2011).
Alexander, Martin, BSc MSc (Colorado State University), PhD (Australian National University), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1999, 1999).
Alexander, Robert T, BSc (Queen’s), MD (Western Ontario), PhD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physiology (2008, 2008).
Ali, Samina, MD (McGill), Associate Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2001, 2010).
Allain, Dominic, BSc (Ottawa), MD (Dalhousie), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2009, 2010).
Allemano, Marina, BA (Guelph), MA PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1998, 2001).
Allen, Marion N, BN (New Brunswick), MScN (Western Ontario), PhD (Case Western Reserve), Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (1985, 2006).
Allison, W. Ted, BSc PhD (Victoria), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medical Genetics (2008, 2008).
Allouche, Michael, BS PhD (Laval), Associate Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2000, 2010).
Alsop, Auldeen, BA (Open University England), MPhil (Bath), DEd (Sheffield), Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2006, 2006).
Ambrose, Divakar, BVSc MVSc (Tamil Nadu Agricultural), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2002, 2002).
Amirfazli, Alidad, BSc (Tehran), MASc (Concordia), PhD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2001, 2004); Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2001, 2013).
Andersen, Christian T, BA MA (Queen’s), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of English and Film Studies (2000, 2007).
Andersen, John C, MD (Calgary), LMCC FRCP(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2004, 2007); Assistant Adjunct Professor in the office of the Dean of Rehabilitation Medicine (2004, 2010).
Anderson, Axel, BSc MSc PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2011, 2011).
Anderson, Colin, BSc PhD (Western Ontario), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2002, 2010).
Angelski, Carla, MD (Saskatchewan), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2010, 2010).
Anton, Cristina A, BMath MSc (Craiova), PhD (Romanian Academy), DPhil (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Math and Statistical Sciences (2005, 2005).
Anyia, Anthony, BSc MSc (Ambrose Alli), PhD (Humboldt), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2008, 2012).
Arazy, Ofer, BSc MBA (Israel Institute of Technology), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (2004, 2010).
Arefanian, Hossein, BSc (Isfahan), MSc (Tehran), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Alberta Diabetes Institute (2009, 2009).
Arent, Robin, BSc (St Bonaventure), MD (Buffalo), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2002, 2010).
Arnal, William E, BA MA PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (2005, 2011).
Arshad, Muhammad A, BSc MSc (Punjab), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1998, 1998).
Ashworth, Nigel L, MBCHB (Leicester), MD MSc (Saskatchewan), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2001, 2010).
Atallah, Joseph, MSc(Harvard), MD(McGill), LMCC, LRCP, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2009, 2010).
Au, Heather-Jane, BMedSc MD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Oncology (1998, 2010).
Aubin, Joelle, BEng PhD (Sydney), MEng (Insitut National Polytechnique), Adjunct Profesor of Chemical and Materials Engineerig (2010, 2010).
Babiuk, Lorne, BSA MSc DSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2007, 2007).
Bach, Hedy, BEd (Calgary), MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean of Education (1999, 2007).
Bachher, Jagdeep, BASc MASc PhD (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of the Centre of Applied Research in Energy and the Environment (2010, 2010).
Backhouse, Christopher J, BSc (Alberta), MSc PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1999, 2011).
Bagshaw, Sean, BA (Windsor), MSc MD (Calgary), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2007, 2013).
Bailey, Tracey, BA LLB (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (2001, 2011).
Bajzar, Laszlo, BSc (McMaster), PhD (Queen’s), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2004, 2010).
Bakan, Abigail, ARTSD (York), Adjunct Professor of Political Science (2011, 2011).
Baker, Glen B, BSP MSc PhD DSc (Saskatchewan), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1981, 2003).
Baker, Richard P, BEd MEd (Alberta), Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean of Education (1998, 1998).
Baksh, Shiraz, BSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (2005, 2007).
Balachandran, Arumuga, MSc (Ontario), BVSc (Sri Lanka), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2011, 2011)
Ball, Geoff DC, BSc (British Columbia) PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2004, 2005); Associate Adjunct of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2004, 2010).
Ballermann, Barbara, BSc (Alberta), MD (Calgary), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Physiology (2003, 2005).
Bamforth, Fiona, BSc MBCHB (Guy’s Hospital Medical School of London), MSc (London), MRCP FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medical Genetics (2000, 2008).
Bara, Barry M, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Material Engineering (2004, 2004).
Baracos, Vickie E, BSc (Alberta), PhD (Nottingham), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (1984, 2003).
Barbour, Charles A, BA (Mount Allison), MA (New Brunswick), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (2005, 2009).
Barone-Adesi, Giovanni, LAUREA (Padova), MBA PhD (Chicago), Adjunct Professor of Finance and Statistical Analysis (1981, 2008).
Baron, Vern, BSc MSc PhD (Guelph), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2005, 2005).
Barranoik, Lois, BA (Eastern Mennonite College), AMLS PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Elementary Education (2002, 2010).
Basarab, John A, BSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2004, 2004).
Bassendowski, Sandra L, BEd MEd (Regina), DEd (Nova Southeastern), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2006, 2009).
Batz, Margaret, BEd (Alberta), BSc (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011, 2011).
Bauman, Mary, BA (Waterloo), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2003, 2011).
Baumann, Stefan, PhD (Aachen), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2012, 2012).
Baydala, Lola, BSc MSc MD (Alberta), FRCP, Associate Adjunct Professor of Community Engagement (2007, 2011).
Beach, Jeremy R, MBBS MD (Newcastle Upon Tyne), MRCP FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2002, 2012).
Beard, Laura, BA (Carleton), MA PhD (John Hopkins), Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Native Studies (2012, 2012).
Beauchemin, Karen A, BSc (McGill), MSc (Laval), PhD (Guelph), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2005, 2005).
Beaudoin, Alwynne B, BSc (Leeds), MSc PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1998, 2004); Adjunct Professor of Anthropology (1998, 1998).
Beaupre, Lauren A, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2004, 2004).
Beckie, Hugh, BSc BSA MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Manitoba), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2010, 2010).
Bedard, Eric, MSc (Western Ontario), MD (Ottawa), FRCS, Assistant Adunct Professor of Oncology (2005, 2009).
Befus, Dean, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Toronto), PhD (Glasgow), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2000).
Begum Gul, Raisa, BScN (McMaster), MHSA (New South Wales), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2013, 2013).
Behzadipour, Saeed, BSc MSc (Sharif), MSc PhD (Waterloo), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2005, 2011).
Belhamadia, Youssef, BSc (Mohammed V), MSc (Nancy 1), PhD (Laval), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2006, 2009); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2006, 2010).
Belisle, Donica, BA (Brandon), MA (Queen’s), PhD (Trent), Assistant Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (2012, 2012).
Belosevic, Miodrag, BSc MSc (Manitoba), PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1988, 2000); Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1988, 2011); Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1988, 2012).
Beltranena, Eduardo, PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2006, 2006).
Benach De Rovira, Juan, PhD (John Hopkins), MPh (Barcelona), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2011, 2011).
Bennett, David J, BSc (McGill), PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Associate Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (1999, 2003).
Benton-Evans, Raymond, BA (Liverpool Polytechnic), MA PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Seconday Education (1999, 2004).
Benzies, Karen M, BScN (Victoria), MN PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2001, 2009).
Ben-Zvi, Amos, BSc (Alberta), PhD (Queen’s), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2005, 2011).
Berezowski, John A, DVM PhD (Western College of Veterinary Medicine), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Publich Health Sciences (2009, 2009).
Berry, Fred B, BSc (British Columbia), MSc (Toronto), PhD (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medical Genetics (2005, 2010).
Bhattacharya, Shoumo, MBBS MD (Indian Institute of Medical Sciences), MSc (King’s), FRCS, Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2009, 2009).
Bhatti, Jagtar S, BSc MSc (Punjab), MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Florida), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2002, 2002).
Bidart, Pat J, BEd (Alberta), MEd (Lethbridge), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2005, 2007).
Bielawski, Ellen, BA (Northwestern), PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of English and Film Studies (2003, 2007).
Biggar, Kevin, BEng (Royal Military College), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1995, 2007).
Birkholz, Detlef, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2002, 2010).
Bisanz, Jeffrey H, BA (Michigan), PhD (Pittsburgh), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Extension (1979, 2013).
Bjornlund, Henning, BBA PhD (South Australia), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2009, 2009).
Blade, Stanford F, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2009, 2009).
Block, Raymond, CGA BCom MAgrSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2008, 2008).
Boetzkes, Amanda, BA (Victoria), MA (McGill), PhD (Harvard), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Art and Design (2009, 2011).
Bolduc, Francois, MD (Sherbrooke), PhD (Watson), FRCP, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2007, 2011).
Bolton, James, BA MA PhD (Saskatchewan), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2001, 2005).
Booi, Herman L, BA BEd (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (1999, 2005).
Boothe, Paul M, BA (Western Ontario), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Economics (1984, 2008).
Boschma, Geertje, MN PhD (Pennsylvania), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (1999, 2009).
Bostrom, Anne-Marie, BScN (Stockholm), MScN PhD (Karolinska Institute), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2011, 2011).
Boulanger, Pierre, BSc MSc (Laval), PhD (Montreal), Adjunct Professor of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (2001, 2008).
Bourchier, Robert S, BA (Carleton), MSc (McGill), PhD (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2000, 2000).
Bowen, Sarah J, BA CertEd MSc PhD (Manitoba), Associate Adjunct Professor of Centre for Health Promotion Studies (2008, 2014).
Braam, Geert B, MSc MD PhD (Utrecht), Associate Adjunct Professor of Physiology (2006, 2008).
Branch-Mueller, Jennifer L, BEd (Nipissing), MLIS (Western Ontario), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies in the Faculty of Education (2001, 2010).
Brauer, Jorn H, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2008, 2008).
Bremault-Phillips, Suzette, BScOT (Manitoba), MA PhD (St. Paul), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2011, 2011).
Brertton, George, Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Education (2004, 2004).
Brindley, Peter, BSc (Alberta), MD (British Columbia), LMCC FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (1999, 2011).
Brinkman, Donald B, BSc (Alberta), PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2007, 2007).
Brisebois, Ronald J, MD (Saskatchewan), LMCC FRCS(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Critical Care Medicine (2000, 2000).
Broadhurst, David, BEng (Salford), MSc (St. Thomas Medical School), PhD (Wales), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2011, 2013).
Brown, Dennis, BA LLB MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1992, 1992).
Brown, Desmond, BA (York), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (2000, 2000).
Brown, Jack, BCom (Alberta), MPA (Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Budsiness Economics and Law (2010, 2010).
Brown, Wayne A, BEng MEng PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1999, 1999).
Brunelle, Patrick, BSc PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2011, 2011).
Bubela, Tania M, BSc (Australian National), PhD (Sydney), LLB (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Business Economics and Law (2000, 2008).
Burger, John M, BEd (Ohio State), MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2005, 2005).
Burghardt, Frederick, BA MA MEd (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Education (1997, 1997).
Burrows, William R, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Toronto), PhD (Colorado State), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2007, 2007).
Burstyn, Igor, BSc MSc (British Columbia), PhD (Utrecht), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2003, 2008); Associate Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2003, 2009).
Calahasen, Pearl M, BEd (Alberta), MEd (Oregon), Adjunct Professor of Education (1997, 1997).
Cameron, Nairne, BSc (Queen’s), MA PhD (Ottawa), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2007, 2013).
Cammarata, Laurent, BSc MA (St. Michael’s College), PhD (Minnesota) Associate Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (2010, 2010).
Campbell, Patricia M, BEd (Winnipeg) MEd (Alberta) EdD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Elementary Education (1996, 2007).
Campbell, Patricia Mary, MBCHB (Edinburgh) MRCP FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1993, 2010).
Campisi, Judy, PhD (New York Stonybrook), Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2010, 2010).
Cantin, Brenda, BSc (Brandon), MA (Manitoba), Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2003, 2009).
Carbyn, Ludwig N, BA (Mount Allison), MSc (Alberta), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1998, 1998).
Carcamo, Hector A, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2005, 2005).
Carlson, Keith, BA (Winnipeg), MSc (Calgary), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Social Sciences of Augustana (2005, 2005).
Carney, Valerie, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Arkansas), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2012, 2012).
Carr, Joan S, MEd (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2006, 2009).
Carrero, Gustavo, BSc MSc (Los Andes), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2008, 2008).
Carriere, KC, BSc (Seoul National), MSc PhD (Wisconsin-Madison), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1996, 2000).
Carter, Stephen P, BA (Mount Allison), MSc (Alberta), PhD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1999, 1999).
Casey, Joseph, BSc (Queen’s), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (1996, 2007); Adjunct Professor of Physiology (1996; 2011).
Cash, Sean, BA (John Hopkins), MA (Michigan), MS PhD (California Berkeley), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2003, 2010).
Cass, Carol E, BSc MSc (Oklahoma), PhD (California Berkeley), Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (1970, 2000).
Cathcart, Ronald, BSc, MSc, PhD (Guelph), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2013, 2013).
Cawagas, Virginia, MEd (De La Salle), EdD (Notre Dame), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1992, 2010).
Chacko, Sunil, MPH (Harvard), MBA (Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2013).
Chan, Alice, BSc BPharm (Alberta), PharmD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Chang, Kan-fa, BSc (National Chung-Hsing), MSc (Washington State), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2008, 2008).
Chang, Wei-Ching, BA (National Taiwan), MA (Minnesota), MSc (Oregon), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1996, 2003).
Chapman, Sherry Ann, BA MMST (Toronto), BSc (Queen’s), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2005,2009).
Charlton, Alexandra, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Charrois, Jeffrey WA, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2006, 2006).
Chatsis, Verla, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Cheng, Irene Lin-Oi, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2005, 2006); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Dentistry (2005, 2011).
Cherry, Colin, BSc (Acadia), MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2011, 2011).
Cherry, Nicola, BSc (Wales), MSc MD (McGill), MPhil PhD (London), Adjunct Professor of School of Public Health (2000, 2008).
Cheung, Lawrence, MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Critical Care Medicine (1999, 2006).
Cheung, Po-Yin, MBBS (Hong Kong), PhD (Alberta), MRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2001, 2009); Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology (2001, 2009).
Chin, Wu Dat Nin, MDCM MBBCH (Witwatersrand), LMCC FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (1985, 2009).
Chmillar, Linda M, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor in Educational Psychology (2002, 2009).
Cho, Sun Hee, BSc MSc (Chosun), PhD (York), Assistant Adjunct Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering (2011, 2011).
Chowdhury, Tapan, BA (Rajshahi), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Publich Health Sciences (1997, 2002).
Christensen, Birgit, MPH, DrPH (Gothenburg), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2012, 2013).
Christianson, Carley, BA BEd MEd (Saskatchewan), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2003, 2008).
Chuck, Anderson BSc MPH (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2007, 2007); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (2007, 2007).
Cipko, Serge, BA (Portsmouth), MA (Liverpool), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (2002, 2003).
Clandinin, Dorothy J, BA MEd (Alberta), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (1990, 2008).
Clark, Marcia, BSc (New Mexico), MD (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2008, 2010).
Cleary, Stuart, BA (Western Washington), MSLP (Idaho State), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2001, 2010).
Clement, Dominique, BA (Queen’s) MA (British Columbia) PhD (Memorial), Assistant Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (2008, 2010); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2008, 2011)..
Clintberg, Ernest, BSc DEd MEd (Alberta), Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Education (2011, 2011).
Cobzas, Dana, BSc MSc (Babes-Bolyai), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2009, 2010).
Coleman, Brenda L, BSc BA MSc (Western Ontario), PhD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2009, 2009).
Collins, David, BSc MSc (Guelph), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2002, 2011).
Colman, Ian, BMath (Waterloo), MSc (Alberta), PhD (Cambridge), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2002, 2008); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2002, 2011).
Cook, Albert M, BS (Colorado), MS PhD (Wyoming), Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (1994, 2009).
Cook, Linda, BS BLS MLS (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies in the Faculty of Education (1999, 1996).
Cooper, Ryan D, BSc (Calgary), MD (Alberta), MPH (John Hopkins), FRCP(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2002, 2010).
Coppock, Robert W, BSc (Andrews), DVM (Michigan State), MSc (Oklahoma), PhD (Illinois), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1998, 2007); Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1998, 2003).
Corbet, Kenneth J, BSc (British Columbia), MD (Calgary), LMCC CCFP FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2007).
Cormack, Lesley B, BA (Calgary), MA PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (1989, 2007).
Coulden, Richard, MBBS (London), MRCP, FRCR, FRCP, Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2009, 2010).
Coutts, Ronald T, BSc DSc PhD (Glasgow), FRSC, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (1997, 2000).
Cox, Diane, BSc (McMaster), MA (Toronto), PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1996, 2009).
Craig, William, BSc (Brandon), MDCM (McGill), LMCC FRCPAssociate Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2000, 2010).
Craik, Steve, BSc (New Brunswick), MSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Civil and Enviromental Engineering (2001, 2007).
Craster, Richard, BSc PhD (London), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2008, 2010).
Cree, Marilyn W, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2000, 2006).
Cribben, Ivor, BA (Dublin Trinity), MSc (College Dublin), PhD (Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2012, 2013).
Cui, Xinjie, BMed (Hebei), MSc MBA PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Cumming, Ceinwen C, BA (Liverpool), MEd (Manchester), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Education (1991, 1991).
Curtis, Sarah, BSc MD (Memorial), Assistant Adjunct Professof of Emergency Medicine (2006, 2010).
Czarnecki, Jan, MSc PhD (Jagiellonian), DSc (Polish Academy of Sciences), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1996, 1996).
Dabros, Tadek, MSc PhD DSc (Jagiellonian), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1999, 1999).
Dafoe, William A, BSc PEng (Queen’s), MD (McMaster), LMCC FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2002, 2011).
Danilak, Melanie, BSc (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2012, 2012).
Daveluy, Michelle BSc MSc PhD (Montreal), Adjunct Professor of Anthropology (2001, 2011).
Davidge, Sandra T, BSc (Massachusetts), MSc (Washington State), PhD (Vermont), Adjunct Professor of Physiology (1996, 2008).
Davidson, Debra, BA (California Berkeley), MSc PhD (Wisconsin-Madison), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (1999, 2000).
Davoine, Francis, BSc MSc PhD (Laval), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2005, 2010).
Dawes, Adriana, PhD (British Columbia), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Math & Statistical Sciences (2008, 2011).
Dechaine, Greg, BSc (Alberta), MASc (Waterloo), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2013, 2013).
D’Elia, Luis A, BSc (National University of Cordoba), BSc (Gonganza), BEd MEd (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2009, 2009).
de Freitas, Declan, MBBCH (National, Ireland), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2011, 2011).
De Groot, Joanne, BA BEd (Queen’s), EdD MLIS (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Elementary Education (2003, 2010).
Deshpande, Sameer, BCom (R.A. Poder College of Commerce), MA PhD (Wisconsin-Madison), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2009, 2009).
Derksen, Jos, MSc (Twente), PhD (Eindhover), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2007, 2012).
Desrochers, Claire, BA BEd (Alberta), MEd (London), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Education (2001, 2011).
Devlieger, Patrick, PhD (Illinois), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2011, 2011).
de Vos, Gail, BEd MLIS (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies in the Faculty of Education (1996, 1996).
de Vries, Brian, BA MA PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2010, 2010).
De Zanche, Nicola, PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2008, 2009).
DiBattista, Jeffrey D, BASc (Waterloo), MSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2001, 2008).
Dick, Bruce, BSc (Alberta), PhD (Dalhousie), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2003, 2010).
Dickson, Clayton T, BSc (Western Ontario), PhD (Calgary), Associate Adjunct Professor of Physiology (2001, 2007).
DiLabio, Gino L, BSc MSc (Carleton), PhD (Clarkson), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physics (2009, 2009).
Djokic, Stojan, BSc MSc PhD (Belgrade), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2005, 2007).
Dobbs, Bonnie M, BA PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of School of Public Health, (2000, 2011).
Doherty, Maryanne, Bed MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (1992, 2006).
Dong, Kathryn, BSc (Queen’s), MD (McMaster), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2004, 2009).
Dopson, Susan E, BSc PhD (Leicester), MSc (London), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Nursing (2007, 2007).
Doschak, Michael, BSc (Western Australia), MSc PhD (Calgary), Associate Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2004, 2013); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Dentistry (2004, 2010).
Dower, Nancy A, BSc MD (British Columbia), PhD (Oregon), FRCP(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1998, 2004).
Downar, Eugene, MBCHB (Edinburgh), FACC, FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2011, 2011).
Doyle, Patrick, BSA MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Guelph), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2010, 2010).
Drelich, Jaroslaw, BS MSc (Gdansk), PhD (Utah), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2005, 2011).
Driedger, S. Michelle, BA (Winnipeg), MA (Carleton), PhD (McMaster), Associate Adjunct Profess of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2012, 2012).
Drummond, Neil, BA (Birmingham), PhD (Aberdeen), Adjunt Professor of Public Health Sciences (2012, 2012).
Druteika, Deon, BSc BSP (Alberta), PharmD (British Columbia), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1999, 2004).
Druteika, Syliva, BScPhm, Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011, 2011).
Dryden, Donna M, BA MSc PhD (Alberta), MLS (British Columbia), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2005, 2008).
Dube, Paul J, BA (Saint-Boniface), MA PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1981, 2010).
Dudiak, Jeffrey, BA (Malone), MA (Duquesne), PhD (Amsterdam), Associate Adjunct Professor of Philosophy (2002, 2005).
Duggal, Satna, DIPOT (Liverpool College of Occupational Therapy), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2001, 2001).
Duggelby, Wendy, BScN (Saskatchewan), MN (Alberta), DNs (Texas), Adjunct Professor of Oncology
Dunn, Joshua, BA MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2007, 2010).
Dunn, William, BA (McGill), MA (North Carolina), PhD (Cornell), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2003, 2006).
Dyck, Jason RB, BSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology (1996, 2009).
Dyer, David, BSc BN (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (2010, 2010).
Eagle, Christopher, BSc (Calgary), MBA (Western Ontario), MD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, (2009, 2009).
Eastabrooks, Carole, BN (New Brunswick), MN, PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1997, 2010).
Edey, Wendy, BA MEd (Alberta), BSW (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2003, 2003).
Edwards, Joy, BNSc (Queen’s), MSN (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2007, 2007).
Eisenstat, David, MD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2011, 2011).
El-Bialy, Tarek H, BDS MSc (Tanta), MSc PhD (Illinois State), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2005, 2005).
El-Guebaly, Nady, MD (Cairo), FRCP(C) LMCC, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2002, 2002).
Elliot, Frank, BSc BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (2009, 2009).
Elliott, John F, BMedSc MD PhD (Alberta), LMCC, Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1990, 2008).
Els, Charl, MBCHB (Free State), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2001, 2009).
Emery, Derek, BSc MSc (British Columbia), MD (Calgary), Associate Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (1999, 2008).
Enarson, Donald, BSc MD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2000).
Enarson, Mark C, BSc (Calgary), MD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2006, 2010).
Enders, Eva C, BSc (Tubingen), MSc (Hamburg), PhD (Montreal), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2010, 2010); Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2013, 2010).
Eskin, Dmitry, BSc Msc (Bauman Moscow State), PhD (Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2010, 2010).
Esmail, Aashif, MD (Winnipeg), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2010, 2010).
Esmail, Shaniff, BA (Manitoba), BSc MSc (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (1994, 2001).
Estabrooks, Carole A, BN (New Brunswick), MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1997, 2010).
Evered, Lisa M, BSc MD FRCP(C), Faculty Service Officer II (Assistant Teaching Professor) of Pediatrics (2000, 2013).
Faechner, Ty, BSc, MSc, PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2012, 2012).
Fahimi, Farbod, BSc (Iran Univerity of Science and Technology), MSc PhD (Sharif), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2005, 2010).
Fahlman, Richard P, BSc PhD (Simon Fraser), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2006, 2011).
Fahmy, Sami W, BSc (Ain Shams), PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2009, 2009).
Fainsinger, Robin L, MBCHB (Cape Town), CCFP, Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (1992, 2010).
Fair, Alan, E, BASc (British Columbia), MBA (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2011, 2011).
Falconer, John RD, BA MA (Alberta), PhD (Guelph), Assistant Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (2009, 2009).
Fallavollita, John, BEng MEng PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2010, 2010).
Fallone, B Gino, BSc PhD (McGill), MSc (Montreal), Adjunct Professor of Physics (1999, 2001).
Farish, Tanis J, BSc (Queen’s), MEd PhD (Victoria), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2008, 2008).
Fassbender, Konrad, BA BSc MA PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Heath Sciences (1997, 2002).
Fatoo, Habib T, MA PhD (Michigan State), Associate Adjunct Professor of Publich Health Sciences (2001, 2003).
Faulkner, M. Gary, BSC MSC (Alberta), PhD (California), Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (1965, 2010).
Feeny, David, BA (Illinois at Chicago), MA PhD (Wisconsin), Adjunct Professor of Publich Health Sciences (1998, 2000).
Felix, Roxanne, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2004, 2009).
Felske, Christian, PhD (Duisburg-Essen), Associate Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2006, 2011).
Fennell, Jon, BSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2013, 2013).
Fenniri, Hicham, BSc MSc PhD (Louis Pasteur), Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2010, 2010); Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (2010, 2013).
Fenwick, Tara, BA (Western Ontario) BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1999, 2010).
Ferrari, Robert, MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (2000, 2010).
Ferguson, Linda M, BScN MN (Saskatchewan), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Nursing (2007, 2007).
Ferrari, Robert, MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Physical Therapy (2000, 2010).
Fiorillo, Loretta, MD (Naples), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2009).
Fisher, Gary A, BESc MSc (Sheffield Hallum), PhD (Cranfield), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2011, 2011).
Fitzgerald, Kim, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Fitzsimmons, Carolyn J, BSc MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Uppsala), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2009, 2009).
Flaherty, Jack, DIPEDUC BPE BEd MEd (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2005, 2005).
Fleming, Don, BEd (Alberta), MEd (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2010, 2010).
Fletcher, Christopher, BES (Waterloo), MSc PhD (Montreal), Adjunct Professor of Anthropology (2001, 2011).
Fletcher, Fay, BScPE MSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2000, 2012).
Fletcher, Richard N, BA PhD (Sydney), Assistant Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (2010, 2010); Adjunct Professor in Humanities Computing Program in the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies of the Faculty of Arts (2010, 2010).
Fliegel, Larry, BSc MSc (Manitoba), PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1989, 2009).
Forhan, Mary, DPhil (McMaster), Assistant Adjunct Professor in Occupational Therapy (2011, 2011).
Fouad, Karim, BSc PhD (Constance), Associate Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2001, 2009).
Fracchia, Helena, BA MA CDPhil PhD (California Berkeley), Adjunct Professor of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1979, 2000).
Francescutti, Louis H, BSc (Concordia), MD PhD (Alberta), MPH (Johns Hopkins), LMCC, Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (1995, 2007).
Franke, Alastair, BPE, PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Canadian Circumpolar Institute (2011, 2011).
Fraser, Joy, BScN MN PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2006, 2006).
Fredlund, Delwyn, BE (Saskatchewan), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2003, 2003).
Freitag, Derrick, BSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2005, 2012).
Fu, Yangxin, MSc MD (Harbin Medical), PhD (Kyoto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2009, 2010).
Fyfe, Kenneth, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1989, 2009).
Gabos, Stephen R, MD (Romania), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (2002, 2008).
Gallin, Warren J, BSc (McMaster), PhD (Rockefeller), Adjunct Professor of Cell Biology (2001, 2001).
Gamal El-Din, Mohamed, BSc (Cairo), MS (Wayne State), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2001, 2010).
Gaudet, Sophie, BA (Saskatchewan), PhD (Ottawa), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychology (2007, 2008).
Gaudet, Vincent, BSc (Manitoba), MSc PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Electical and Computer Engineering (2002, 2010).
George, Rajan, BSc MSc (Kerala), PhD (Indian Institute of Science), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1989, 2009).
George-Phillips, Kirsten, BScPhm (Saskatchewan), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2008, 2011).
Gerking, Shelby, BA MA PhD (Indiana), MBA (Washington), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2009, 2009).
Gerlich, Adrian, BASc PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2007, 2011).
Germann, Kathryn, RN (Royal Alexandra), BSN MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2007, 2008).
Gervais, Roger O, PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2010, 2010).
Ghosh, Mainak, BEng (Jadavpur), PhD (Iowa State), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2008, 2008).
Ghosh, Sunita, BSc MSc (Kanpur), PhD (Saskatchewan), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2009, 2013).
Ghoul, Sadok, BAS (Tunisia), PhD MFin (Laval), Associate Adjunct Professor of Finance and Statistical Analysis in the School of Business (2006, 2013).
Gibbs, Graham W, BSc (London), MSc PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2007).
Gibney, Noel RT, MDCM (University College Dublin), MRCP FRCP(C) FRCP, Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2007).
Gibson, Nancy L, RN BA MA PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (1996, 2000); Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (1996, 2005).
Gierl, Mark J, BA MEd (Alberta), PhD (Illinois), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (1997, 2011).
Gierveld, Jenny, BA MA PhD (VU University), Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2011, 2011).
Gignac, Lawrence D, BSc MSc (Laurentian), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (1993, 1993).
Gil, Malgorzata, PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2009, 2009).
Gilchrist, Dawna M, BSc MD (Alberta), LMCC, FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1990, 2007); Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1990, 2010).
Gill, Ronald G, BA PhD (California Los Angeles), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2007, 2009); Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2007, 2009).
Gismondi, Michael A, BA MA (McMaster), PhD (York), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (2000, 2000).
Giuliani, Fabrizio, MD (Bari School of Medicine), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2004, 2008).
Given, Lisa, BA BEd MLIS PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Education (2000, 2011).
Glerum, D. Moira, BSc PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Medical Genetics (1997, 2009); Adjunct Professor of Cell Biology (1997, 2011).
Godbout, Roseline, BSc (New Brunswick), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (1995, 2000).
Goddard, Kim M, BSc MSc PhD (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2009, 2009).
Gokiert, Rebecca, BSocSc (Victoria), MEd (Toronto), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor in Human Ecology (2009, 2009).
Goldblatt, Ann, BA BSW (McMaster), MHSC (Toronto), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2002, 2008).
Goldblatt, Hadass, BA, MA, PhD (Halifax), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2012, 2012).
Gong, Minglun, BSc MSc (Tsinghua), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2006, 2009).
Goodman, Karen J, BA (California Santa Barbara), MPH MA PhD (California Los Angeles), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2005, 2010).
Goonewardene, Laki, BSc (Ceylon), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (1999, 1999).
Goping, Ing Swie, BSc (Queen’s), MSc (Western Ontario), PhD (McGill), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2001, 2009).
Goss, Greg G, BSc MSc (McMaster), PhD (Ottawa), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1997, 2012).
Gotell, Lise A, BPA (Carleton), MA PhD (York), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (1997, 2011).
Gould, Alice, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Toronto), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2007, 2010).
Gow, Andrew C, BA (Carleton), MA (Toronto), PhD (Arizona), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (1993, 2010).
Grace, Michael, BSc BEd (Alberta), PhD (Harvard), Adjunct Professor of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (2010, 2010).
Graham, Michelle M, BSc (Western Ontario), MD (Ottawa), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2001, 2009).
Grange, Simon, DPhil (Glasgow), Associate Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (2011, 2011).
Gray, Margaret, BScPhm (Saskatchewan), Adjunct Professor in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2009, 2009).
Green, Lee, MD MPH (Michigan), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2012, 2012).
Greer, Joan E, BA MA (Alberta), PhD (Amsterdam), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (1999, 2010).
Griffith, Irwin, BA (California Santa Cruz), MS PhD (Cornell), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2008, 2008).
Grondin, Gilbert Y, BScE MScE (New Brunswick), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1995, 2012).
Grover, Brigitte, PhD (Justus-Liebig) DVM (Western College of Veterinary Medicine), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2000, 2000).
Grutter, Herman S, BSc (Cape Town), PhD (Cambridge), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2003, 2003).
Guardado, Martin, MEd PhD (British Columbia), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2009, 2009).
Guimaraes-losif, Ranilce, DPhil (Brasilia), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2011, 2011).
Guirguis, Michael, BSc (Calgary), BSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2007, 2007).
Gunther, Mary Mai, BScPhm (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011, 2011).
Guo, Yangsheng, BA (Southwest China Petroleum), MA (Southwest China Normal), PhD (Alberta) Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Education (2004, 2011).
Haan, Michael, BA (Dordt), MA (Windsor), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (2005, 2010).
Haas, Christian, PhD (Breman), Adjunct Professor of the Canadian Circumpolar Institute (2007, 2012); Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2007, 2013).
Hagen, Les, Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotiom Studies (2009, 2009).
Halai, Anjum, BA BEd (Bahuaddin Zakariya), MEd (Agha Khan), DPhil (Oxford), Associate Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (2011, 2011).
Hall, Jill, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Hall, Ronald, BSc (British Columbia), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1998, 1998).
Halloran, Philip F, MD (Toronto), DPhil (London), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2000).
Hamza, Hassan, BSc (Cairo), PhD (Newcastle Upon Tyne), Adunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2002, 2012).
Haqq, Andrea, BS (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), MHSC (Duke), MD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2009, 2010).
Harasymiw, Elaine LV, BA MEd (McGill), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1994, 2004).
Harding, Kelly, BA MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Education (2011, 2011).
Hardy, Michelle, MA (Alberta), PhD (British Columbia), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2011, 2011).
Harker, Neil K, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Minnesota), PhD (Guelph), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2001, 2001).
Harris, Harriet L, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2003, 2003)
Harris, Jeff, BSc BS (Liverpool), MSc PhD (London), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2004, 2004).
Harrison, Kenneth F, BSc MD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2013, 2010); Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2007, 2010).
Harrison, Trevor, BA (Winnipeg), MA (Calgary), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (1998, 2011).
Hartling, Lisa, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Queen’s), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2000, 2006); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2000, 2010).
Harvey, Stephen, BSc PhD (Leeds), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1986, 2000).
Hassen, Philip C, BSc (Wayne State), MPh (Michigan), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2005, 2005).
Hatcher, Juanita, BSc (Bristol), MSc (Toronto), PhD (Liverpool), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2000, 2008).
Hatcher, Peter, BA (McGill), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1997, 2010).
Hauer, Grant, BSc (Toronto) MSc PhD (Minnesota), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (1997, 2005).
Haugen, Chris J, BSc MScE, PhD (Saskatchewan), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2000, 2001).
Haughey, Denis J, BA (Queen’s Belfast), MEd (Alberta), PhD (Victoria), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1998, 2005).
Hazen, Allen P, BA (Yale), MA PhD (Pittsburgh), Adjunct Professor of Philosophy (2009, 2009).
Hazes, Bart, MSc PhD (Groningen), Associate Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (2000, 2007).
Hebert, Jacqueline S, BSc (Dalhousie) MD (Calgary), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2002, 2010); Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2002, 2012).
Hegadoren, Kathleen M, BScN MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (1998, 2000).
Heidrick, Ted, BSc PhD (Manitoba), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1999, 2009).
Hemmings, Denise G, BSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2005, 2008).
Henderson, Isabel, BA (Mount Allison), DSP (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Rehabiliation Medicine (2007, 2007).
Heo, Giseon, BSc (Sacred Heart College), MSc (Carleton), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1999, 2004).
Heschuk, Shirley A, BSc MSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2009, 2009).
Heyes, Cressida, BA (Oxford) MA PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Political Science (1999, 2011).
Hiebert, Wayne, MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physics (2006, 2010).
Hik, David, BSc (Queen’s), MSc (Toronto), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1999, 2012).
Hill, Douglas, BSc MBA (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2004, 2004).
Hills, Melissa J, BSc (Alberta), PhD (Australian National), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2008, 2008).
Hnatko, Gary S, BMSc MD (Alberta), LMCC FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1985, 2009).
Hobman, Tom C, BSc MSc (Manitoba), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1994, 2007).
Hoffman, Harold E, MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2002, 2007).
Hogg, Ted, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Waterloo), PhD (New Brunswick), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1997, 2004).
Hollihan, Kelvin A, BA (Memorial), MA BEd BEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1999, 2010).
Holm, Patricia, MSc PhD (Heidelberg), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2011, 2011).
Holroyd, Brian R, BSc MD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (1993, 2004).
Holroyd, Geoffrey L, BA (Western Ontario), MSc PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1986, 1986).
Holt, Andrew, BSc (Dundee), MPhil PhD (Cambridge), Associate Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2000, 2005).
Hong, Jenny, BSc MPH (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Horley, James, BA MA (Carelton), PhD (Queen’s), Adjunct Professor of Augustana Faculty – Social Sciences (2004, 2009).
Hornberger, Lisa K, BA (Point Loma), MD (San Diego), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2008, 2010).
Horne, Tammy E, BSc PhD (Waterloo), MA (Western Ontario), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2002, 2002).
Houston, Stan, MD (Saskatchewan), LMCC FRCP(C) CCFP, Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1990,1999).
Howard, Ronald J, BSc MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Wisconsin), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (1999, 1999).
Howden, Randy, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011, 2011).
Howland, Kimberly L, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2009, 2009).
Hrudey, Steve E, BSc (Alberta), MSc PhD DSc (London), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1975, 2008).
Huang, Cunkui, BSc (Harbin) MSc (Chinese Academy of Sciences), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Enginerring (2011, 2011).
Hugh, Judith, BSc MD (McGill), LMCC, FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2005, 2011).
Hughes, Sarah C, BSc (Lethbridge), MSc (Calgary), PhD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Cell Biology (2006, 2007).
Humar, Atul, MSc (Toronto), MD (Ottawa), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2007, 2009).
Hunter, Kathleen, BScN MN PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Geriatric Medicine (2006, 2011).
Huq, Iftikhar, BSc (Calgary), MSc PhD (California Institute of Technology), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2002, 2002).
Hwang, Sheau-Fang, BSc (Chung Shin), MSc (Taiwan), PhD (Washington State), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2004, 2004).
Ingles, Ernest B, BA MA (Calgary), MLIB (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies in the Faculty of Education (1990, 2010).
Inglis, Gordon D, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Simon Fraser), Adjunct Professor of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science (2013, 2013).
Ipperciel, Donald B, BA MA (Montreal), PhD (R Charles U Heidelberg), Adjunct Professor of Philosophy (2000, 2010).
Irlbacher-Fox, Stephanie, BA MA (Alberta), PhD (Cambridge), Adjunct Professor of the Canadian Circumpolar Institute (2011, 2011).
Irwin, Robert S, BA MA (Saskatchewan), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (2002, 2009).
Iseke-Barnes, Judy M, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2006, 2006).
Ivanescu, Cristian, BSc MSc (Bucharest), PhD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2008, 2008).
Iwama, Michael K, BSc (Victoria), BScOT MSc (British Columbia), PhD (Kibi International), Associate Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2010, 2010).
Iyioha, Irehobhude, LLB (Benin), LLM (Toronto), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of the John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (2012, 2012).
Jackson, Terri J, BA MA (Alberta), PhD (Brandeis), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Jacobs, Phillip, BCom MA (McGill), PhD (York), CMA, Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (2000, 2000).
Jahnukainen, Markku T, MEd PhD (Helsinki), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2007, 2010).
Jamieson, Sharon I, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Elementary Education (2001, 2001).
Janmohamed, Amir, BSc (McMaster), MBBS (Aga Khan), FRCP(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2007, 2007).
Janowska-Wieczorek, Anna, MD (Medical Academy of Poland), PhD (Institute of Haematology, Warsaw), CRCP, Adjunct Professor of Oncology (1987, 2013).
Janz, Heidi, BA MA PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (2011, 2011).
Janzen, Troy, BSc MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2001, 2006).
Jardine, Cynthia G, BSc (Manitoba), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2002, 2009).
Jendral, Michelle, PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor or Physical Education and Recreation (2012, 2012).
Jenkins, Franklin W, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (1997, 1997).
Jenkins, Lucinda D, BA (Dalhousie), BEd MEd (Mount St Vincent), DEd (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2006, 2008).
Jerome, Wendy, BPE (Alberta), MSc MA PhD (Oregon), Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Education (2011, 2011).
Jobin, Richard M, BSc MSc (McMaster), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2003, 2003).
Jobson, Allen M, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1999, 2002).
Johnson, Jeffrey A, BScPhm MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Arizona), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1996, 2011).
Johnson, Marcia, MHSc (British Columbia), MD (Saskatchewan), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2011, 2011).
Johnstone, David E, BSc MDCM (McGill), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2003, 2006).
Jomha, Nadr M, BMedSc MD MSc PhD (Alberta), FRCS, Associate Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2000, 2010).
Jones, Allyson, BSc (Saskatchewan), BA (Winnipeg), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Publich Health Sciences (2009, 2009).
Jones, Kelvin E, BSc PhD (Simon Fraser), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2002, 2007); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2002, 2010).
Jones, Kevin, BA (Ottawa), MA (Carleton), PhD (Brunel), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (2010, 2010).
Joro, Tarja, MSc PhD (Helsinki School of Economics), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Accounting, Operations and Information Systems in the School of Business (1999, 2011).
Jou, Hsing Chuan, BSc MD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2002, 2010).
Juergens, Heike, BA MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2002, 2002).
Julien, Heidi, BEd MLIS (Alberta), PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor in the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies of the Faculty of Arts (2001, 2010); Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (2001, 2011).
Jun, Martin, BASc MASc (British Columbia), PhD (Illinois), Adjucnt Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2012, 2012).
Jurasz, Paul K, BSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology (2008, 2010).
Juzwishin, Donald, BA MHSA (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2004, 2011).
Kadambi, Michaela, BSc (Brandon), MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2001, 2009).
Kaira, Sanjay, BSc MD (Toronto), FRCP(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2002, 2007).
Kalita, Eugene, MEd (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2011, 2011).
Kalra, Sanjay, BSc MD (Toronto), LMCC, FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2002, 2007).
Kang, Seoktae, BS MS PhD (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2009, 2011).
Kantoch, Michal, MD (Medical School of Warsaw), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1994, 2008).
Kaplan, Bruce, BSc (Adelphi), MD (Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2006, 2006).
Karimi Mostowfi, Farshid, BSc (Sharif), MSc (Tehran), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2010, 2010).
Karvellas, Constantine, BSc MD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Critical Care Medicine (2010, 2010).
Katopodis, Chris, MSc (Alberta), BSc (Manitoba), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1998, 2001)
Kaul, Padmaja R, BA (Delhi), MS (Rochester), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2002, 2012).
Keating, Norah C, BA (McMaster), MA (Guelph), MA PhD (Syracuse), Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (1978, 2003).
Keenan, Louanne, MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1999, 2010).
Kelly, Colin J, BA BEd (St Mary’s), MEd (Memorial), DEd (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2008, 2008).
Kenny, Louise, MBCHB (Liverpool), PhD (Nottingham), Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2010, 2010).
Kent, Stephen A, BA (Maryland), MA (American University of Washington), MA PhD (McMaster), Adjunct Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies of the Faculty of Arts (1987, 2010).
Kerr, Bradley, BSc (McGill), PhD (London), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (2007, 2009).
Kershaw, G Peter, BES MA (Waterloo) PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1976, 2011).
Ketabi, Mahmoud, ARTSD (Heidelberg), Adjunct Professor of Political Science (2011, 2011).
Ketchum, John, BSc (Queen’s), PhD (Dalhousie), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2010, 2010).
Khadaroo, Rachel, BSc MD (Ontario), PhD (Toronto), FRCS, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Critical Care Medicine (2009, 2009).
Khalema, N. Ernest, BA MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2011, 2011).
Khasa, Damase, BSc (Kinshasa), BSF MSc PhD (Laval), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1994, 2000).
Khurana, Rshmi, MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2000, 2010).
Kieser, Doris, BA (Alberta), MA (Gonzaga), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (2003, 2011).
Kim, Youngsoo, BA (Korea University Seoul) MBA (Asian Institute of Management), PhD (Pennsylvania), Adjunct Professor of Finance and Management Sciences of the School of Business (1992, 2010).
Kindzierski, Warren, BSc (Manitoba), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Enviromental Engineering (1996, 2011).
King, Malcolm, BSc (McMaster), PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1985, 2007).
King, Sharla, BPE MSC PhD (Alberta) Assistant Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2002, 2011); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2002, 2011).
Kishchuk, Barbara E, BSc (Saskatchewan), MSc (McGill), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2002, 2002).
Klassen, Terry, BSc MD (Manitoba), MSc (McMaster), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1999, 2010).
Klein, Douglas, BSc (Western Ontario), MSc (Alberta) MD (Ottawa), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2000, 2011).
Klein, Jennifer, BA BHSc (McMaster), MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2008, 2008).
Kline, Loren W, BSc (Buena Vista), MSc (Oklahoma State), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Physiology (1974, 2000).
Kloppers, Jacobus, BA BMus (Potchefstroom), PhD (Wolfgang Goethe), Adjunct Professor of Music (1997, 2007).
Klotz, Lars, Bsc PhD (Eberhard-Karls), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2013).
Knight, Andrew, BA (London), PhD (Cambridge), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1999, 2013).
Knowles, Lori, BCL (McGill), MA (London), LLB (McGill), LLM (Wisconsin), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2013, 2013).
Kohlen, Helen, PhD (Hannover), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2013, 2013).
Koshman, Sheri L, BSc (Alberta), PharmD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1999, 2008).
Kostelecky, Matthew, BA (Dallas), MA PhD (Catholic University of Louvain), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Philosophy (2009, 2010).
Kovach, Karen, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1988, 1996).
Kovalenko, Andriy, MSc PhD (Lviv Ukraine), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2012, 2012); Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2004, 2004).
Kozyrskyj, Anita, BSP (Toronto), MSc PhD (Manitoba), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2008, 2012).
Krause, Barbara, MD (Saskatchewan), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2010, 2010).
Krahn, Harvey, BA MA (Western Ontario), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (1983, 2005); Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management and Organization of the School of Business (1983, 2000).
Kreber, Carolin, MEd (Brock), PhD (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1997, 2004).
Krechetnikov, Rouslan, BS PhD (Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology), MS (Notre Dame), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2013, 2013).
Krushelnycky, Bohdan, BSc (Trinity), MD (Toronto), PhD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2009, 2009).
Kube, Ron, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2002, 2002).
Kuhle, Stefan, MPH PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2012, 2012).
Kumar, Deepali, MD (Ottawa), FRCP(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2007, 2009).
Kumar, Prashant, MSc (Delhi), PhD (India), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2013, 2013).
Kunyk, Diance, BN MN (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (2011, 2011).
Kushner, Kaysi Eastlick, BScN PhD (Nursing), MN (Washington), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2002, 2008).
Labine, Claude, BSc (Laurentian), MSc (Guelph), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2008, 2008).
Lacaze, Thierry, MD MS MSc PhD (Paris I), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2003, 2010).
Lacy, Paige, BSc (Victoria), PhD (Otago), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2011).
Lai, Chien-Tsai, BSc (Tapei), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2007, 2007).
Lai, Maode, BSc MSc (Zhejiang), MD (Schleswig-Holstein), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (2011, 2011).
Lai, Raymond K, BSc MD PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2003, 2009).
Lakhani, Amyn, MBBS (Liaquat), MPh (Glasgow), DrPH (Alabama), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2011, 2011).
Lange, Elizabeth A, Bed MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2002, 2008).
Langenberg, Christiaan Willem, BSc MSc PhD (Netherlands Antilles), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2010, 2010).
Langor, David William, BSc MSc (Memorial), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2000, 2011).
Laporte, Gilbert, BSc (McGill), MSc (Lancaster), PhD (London), Adjunct Professor of Finance and Management Science in the School of Business (1998, 1998).
Lappi, Vernon G, MD (Saskatchewan), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2007).
Larsen, Max Deen, BA (Reed), MPhil (Yale), PhD (Vienna), Adjunct Professor of Music (2009, 2009).
Lauber, Byron G, BSc MD (Alberta), LMCC, Associate Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2005, 2007).
Laughton, David G, BSc (Toronto), PhD (Princeton), SM PhD (Sloan School of Management), Adjunct Professor of the School of Business (2001, 2001).
Lauzon, Gilles J, BSc PhD MD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2010).
Lavasanifar, Afsaneh, PharmD (Tehran), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2001, 2009).
Lawley, Thomas M, BSc (Acadia), MSc MD (Dalhousie), MPH (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2004, 2007).
Le, Elisabeth M, MPolSc (Paris II), BEd (McGill), MEd (Toronto), PhD (Montreal), Adjunct Professor of Anthropology (1998, 2011).
Le, Lawrence H, BSc MSc PhD MBA (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Physics (1998, 2000).
Lebrun, Constance M, BSc MPE (British Columbia), MDCM (McGill), Associate Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2007, 2007); Associate Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (2007, 2007).
Lederer, Robert, BA (Sydney College), MDes (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (1999, 2011).
Ledgerwood, Doug, BEd (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2010, 2010).
Lee, Bonita E, MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1998, 2010).
Lee, Kwok-Choy, BA MA PhD (Cambridge), MD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (2003, 2006).
Lee, SangHyun, BA (Dong-A) MSc PhD (Massachusetts Insitute of Technology), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, (2007, 2011)
Lee, Siow-Fong, BSc (Nanyang Tech), MSc (Simon Fraser), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (2000, 2010).
Lefrancois, Guy, BEd (Alberta), MEd (Saskatchewan), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1980, 1980).
Lehner, Richard, BSc PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Cell Biology (2000, 2010).
Lemelin, Pierre, BSc MSc (Montreal), MA PhD (State University of New York at Stony Brook), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2003, 2010).
Leslie, Elaine, BSc (Guelph), PhD (Queen’s), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (2006, 2006).
Letendre, Angeline, BScN RN PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2008, 2011).
Letourneau, Nicole L, BScN (New Brunswick), MN PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Nursing (1992, 2009).
Lewanczuk, Richard Z, BSc MD PhD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Physiology (1993, 2010).
Lewis, Irene G, BEd MEd (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (1997, 1997).
Li, Changxi, BSc (Huazhong Agriculture U), MSc (Chinese Academy of Forestry), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2000, 2007).
Li, Hua, BE (Beijing Polytechnic), MS (Peking), PhD (Regina), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2011, 2011).
Li, Liang, BSc (Nangzhou), MA (San Diego), PhD (Michigan), Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (1989, 2008).
Libben, Gary, BA MA (Concordia), PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Linguistics (1992, 2009).
Liebreich, Tanis, BPE MSc (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2011, 2011).
Liggins, Adrian B, BSc PhD (Salford), MSc (Surrey), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (2003, 2005).
Lightfoot, Penelope, BSc MHSA (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2004, 2012).
Lima, Rogerio S, MSc (Rio Grande do Sul), PhD (State University of New York), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2007, 2007).
Lin, Jenn –Shann, BA (Soochow), MA (Kansas State), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (1973, 2010).
Lind, John C, BSc (Alberta), MA PhD (British Columbia), Associate Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (1999, 2008); Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1999, 2013).
Locky, David, BSc, MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2010, 2012).
Lockyer, Jocelyn, PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (2011, 2011).
Londry, Kathleen, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Oklahoma), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2007, 2009).
Long, Jun, BSc (XiangTan), MSc (ChengDu), PhD (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Material Engineering (2006, 2010).
Long, Richard, BSc MD (Manitoba), FCCP FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1998,2007).
Lopaschuk, Gary D, BScPhm MSc PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology (2000, 2000).
Lopatka, Harold, BSc MHSA PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Services (1999, 1999).
Loreman, Timothy J, MEd (Deakin), PhD (Monash), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2005, 2008).
Lorimer, Shelley, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1999, 1999).
Lou, Edmond, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2000, 2003); Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2000, 2005); Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2000, 2008).
Lubell, Adam, BASc (Waterloo), MASc (British Columbia), PhD (Toronto), Associate Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2006, 2012).
Lucardie, Richard E, BA MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2003, 2008).
Lutzen, Kim, PhD (Karolinska Institute), Assistant Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (2011, 2011).
Lynch, Susan, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Extension (1995, 2010).
Ma, Xin, BSc (Beijing Normal), MA PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1998, 2006).
MacDonald, Ian M, BSc MSc MD CM (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Medical Genetics (1992, 2009).
Mackey, Margaret, BA (Memorial), MLIS PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (1997, 1998).
Madill, Helen M, DIPOT (New South Wales) DIPTCH BOT MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Extension (1970, 2013).
Mager, Diana, BSc PhD (Toronto), MSc (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2006, 2010).
Mahmoudkhani, Amir, MSc (Azad), PhD (Gothenburg), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2011, 2011).
Maier, Grace, BHEC (Manitoba), MHSA (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (2010, 2010).
Maillet-Roa, Caroline, DART (Tours), Adjunct Professor of Campus Saint-Jean (2008, 2013).
Maiti, Abhijit, PhD (Kharagpur), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2013, 2013).
Major, Paul W, BSc DDS DIPORTH MSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1987, 2008).
Majumdar, Sumit R, BSc MD (Alberta), MPH (Harvard), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1998, 2010).
Makokis, Patricia, BEd (Alberta), MA EdD (San Diego), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Extension (2012, 2012).
Malac, Marek, BSc MSc (Charles), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physics (1997, 2003).
Malhi, Sukhdev, BSc MSc (Punjab Agricultural), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2012, 2012).
Mallett, Kenneth I, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1994, 1994).
Malykhin, Nikolai, MD (Minsk), PhD (Belorussian), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2004, 2010).
Mandhame, Piushkumar J, BSc (Queen’s), MD (Toronto), PhD (McMaster), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2007, 2010).
Mannani, Manijeh, BA (Shahid Beheshti), MA (Tehran), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdiscplinary Studies (2004, 2009).
Mappin, Michael, BEd (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (2010, 2010).
Marcoul, Philippe, BA MA PhD (U des Sciences Sociales), Adjunct Professor of Economics (2008, 2011).
Mardon, Austin, BA (Lethbridge), MSc (South Dakota State), MEd (Texas A&M), PhD (Greenwich), Assistant Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (2011, 2011).
Markus, Susan, BSc (Saskatchewan), MSc (Manitoba), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2011, 2011).
Marnoch, Catherine, BSc MBCHB (Auckland), FRACP, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2008, 2010).
Marrie, Thomas, MD (Dalhousie), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2009, 2009).
Martin, Ian L, BSc (Bristol), DPhil (Birmingham), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology (2000, 2000).
Martin, Jonathan, BSc PhD (Guelph), Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (2004, 2010).
Martin, Keavy, BA (Queens), MA PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Native Studies (2009, 2012).
Mason, Andrew L, MBBS (Westminster Medical School), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2002, 2007).
Massey, Donald S, BA MA (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1994, 1994).
Massey, Valerie J, BEd MEd (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1998, 1998).
Mather, Weslyn M, BEd (Calgary), MEd (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2007, 2007).
Matte, Jean-Jacques, BSc MSc PhD (Laval), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2008, 2008).
Matter, Stephen F, MSc (Pittsburgh), MSc PhD (Virginia), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2009, 2009).
Mayan, Maria, BSC PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2003, 2009); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2003, 2004).
Mayer, Klaus, PhD (Waterloo), Adjuct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2011, 2011).
McAlister, Finlay A, BMedSc MD (Alberta), MSc (Ottawa), LMCC, Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1998, 2008).
McAllister, Timothy A, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Guelph), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2001, 2001).
McCabe, Christopher, BSocSc (Middlesex), MMGMTST (Newcastle), DRPH (Sheffield), Adjunct Professor of Economics (2011, 2011).
McCandless, Tom E, BSc MSc (Utah), PhD (Arizona), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2008, 2008).
McCormack, Patricia A, BA MA PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (1994, 2010).
McCullum, Kevin, BSc (Montana), MSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2005, 2011).
McCutcheon, Doug, BSc (Alberta), PEng, Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1999, 2010).
McDermid, Heather E, BSc MSc (Western Ontario), PhD (Queen’s), Adjunct Professor of Medical Genetics (1988, 2008).
McDougall, Allan K, BA (McGill) DPA MA (Carleton), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Political Science (2007, 2007).
McEachern, Preston, BSc (Toronto), MSc (Missouri), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2004, 2007).
McEwan, Alexander JB, MBBS MSc (Middlesex), Adjunct Professor of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (1986, 2000).
McFarlane, Bonita L, BSc (New Brunswick), MSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (1999, 1999); Associate Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1999, 2006).
McGann, Locksley E, BSc MSc PhD (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2000, 2000).
McGaw, W Timothy, DDS MSc (Toronto), MD (Alberta), LMCC, Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1999, 1999).
McGregor, Mary, BA (York) BEd (Toronto), MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Education (2005, 2008).
McKenna, Gordon, BASc (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2012, 2012).
McKim, H Robert, BSc MSc (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (1999, 2005); Associate Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (1999, 2010).
McLeod, Logan, BA (Western Ontario), MA PhD (McMaster), Adjunct Professor of Economics (2009, 2011).
McMillan, Jennifer, BEng PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Enginereing (2007, 2007).
McMullen, Todd, BSc PhD (Alberta), MD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2008, 2010); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2008, 2010).
McNeely, Margaret L, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2007, 2009).
McPhee, Robert, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education (2006, 2008).
McRae, Phillip A, BEd (Lethbridge), MEd (Southern Queensland), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2005, 2009).
Meagher, Michelle, MA (Reading), PhD (George Mason), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (1998, 2011).
Meddings, Jon, BMedSc MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2004, 2009).
Meek, Gerry, AMLS (Western Ontario), Assistant Adjunct Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies in the Faculty of Education (2010, 2010).
Meleshko, Ron J, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (1996, 2004).
Melrose, Sherri, BN MEd PhD (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2001, 2001).
Merali, Allaudin, CA, Adjunct Professor of the School of Business (2009, 2009).
Miall, David S, BA (Stirling), PhD (Wales), Adjunct Professor in the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies of the Faculty of Arts (1990, 2010).
Michalak, Marek, MSc (Warsaw), PhD (Nencki Institute), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1987, 2009).
Miedzinski, Lilly J, BA MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2005).
Mihailidis, Alex, DPhil (Glasgow), Associate Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (2011, 2011).
Milke, Doris L, BA MSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2000, 2003); Adjunct Professor of Psychology Arts (2000, 2010).
Millar, Garnet, BA (Lakehead), MEd (Toronto), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1994, 1994).
Miller, Linda L, BSc (Alberta), MEDes (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2003, 2003).
Miller, Paul, BSc, MSc (New Brunswick), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2013, 2013).
Mintchev, Martin P, MSc (Sofia Academy of Medicine), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Surgery, (1999, 2000).
Mitchell, Bryan F, MD (Western Ontario), FRCS(C), Adjunct Professor of Physiology (1986, 2005).
Mitchell, , BSc MSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2001, 2005).
Mitchell, Lesley, MSc (McMaster), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2003, 2004).
Mitchell, Ross, BSc (Alberta), MSc (Geulph), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (1998, 2011).
Mirza, Imran, MBBS MSc (George Washington), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (2001, 2011).
Moench, Judy, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2000, 2002).
Moline, Teddy, BA DIPEDUC (Saskatchewan), MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Elementary Education (2009, 2009).
Monkhouse, Bruce W, BA MA PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2005, 2005).
Montgomery, C James, BSc (Alberta), MS PhD (Illinois Urbana), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2008, 2008).
Moore, Katherine N, BA (McMaster), BN (Dalhousie), MN PhD (Alberta), RN, Associate Adjunct Professor of Surgery (1997, 2005).
Moore, Ronald B, BSc MD PhD (Alberta), LMCC FRCS, Adjunct Professor of Oncology (1993, 2007).
Moore, Sharon, BA (Anderson College Indiana), MEd (Calgary), PhD (Texas), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2000, 2006).
Moore, Stephen S, BSc MSc PhD (New South Wales), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science (1999, 2012).
Moran, Kevin, BSc BESc (Western Ontario), MASc (Toronto), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2007, 2007).
Morgantini, Luigi, Dottorato in Biololgical Sciences (Rome), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1988, 1988).
Morrison, Geoffrey S, BSc (Dundee), MA (Simon Fraser), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Linguistics (2010, 2010).
Morrow, Raymond A, BA (Claremont), MA (British Columbia), PhD (York), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1984, 1996).
Mosenthin, Rainer, PhD DSc (Kiel), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2000, 2008).
Mostowfi, Farshid, BSc (Sharif), MSc (Tehran), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2010, 2010).
Mousavi, Pedram, BSc (U of Science and Technology), MSc PhD (Manitoba), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2010, 2010).
Moussa, Lucie, DART (Indiana), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2009, 2011).
Moussa, Walied A, BSc MSc (The American U of Cairo), PhD (Carleton), Associate Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2000, 2005); Associate Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2000, 2006).
Mukhi, Shamir N, BSc PhD (Manitoba), MASc (Waterloo), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Mulholland, Susan, BSc (Toronto), MSc (Queen’s), Associate Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (1999, 2010).
Myhre, Douglas L, BMedSc MD (Alberta), CCFP, Associate Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (2000, 2008).
Mysak, Tania Marie, BSc (Saskatchewan), DPharm (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2008, 2008).
Nadler, Ben, BSc MSc (Israel Institute of Technology), PhD (California Berkeley), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2006, 2010).
Nagata, Satoru, MD (Tottori, Japan), Adjunct Professor of Surgery, (1999, 1999).
Naidu, Dhrien J, MD (Saskatchewan), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2005, 2006); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physical Education and Recreation (2005, 2006); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (2005, 2007).
Napoleon, Val, LLB (Victoria), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Native Studies (2005, 2012).
Nation, Patrick, BSc (Simon Fraser), DVM MVSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1991, 2004).
Nattress, Frances M, BSc PhD (McGill), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2001, 2001).
Nayar, Suresh, BDS (Calicut, India), MDS (Manipal, India), Associate Professor of Surgery (2013, 2013).
Nelson, Alan, BEng (Minnesota), PhD (Michigan Technical), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2001, 2006).
Nelson, Monty K, BA (Saskatchewan), MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2001, 2003).
Nerenberg, Kara A, BSc (Alberta), MSc MD (McMaster), FRCP(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2011, 2011).
Ness, Kathleen, BSc (Alberta), MPH (Minnesota), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences, (2013, 2013).
Neu, Dean, BA (Wilfrid Laurier), MBA (York), CA (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants), PhD (Queen’s), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2001, 2005).
Newell, Eric, BASc (British Columbia), MSc (Birmingham), Adjunct Professor of the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) (2008, 2008).
Newton, Amanda S, BScN MSc PhD (McMaster), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Nursing (2007, 2007); Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2007, 2010); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2007, 2008).
Ng, Andrew, BSc (Hong Kong), MSc PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2011, 2011).
Ngamvithayapong-Yanai, Jintana, BN (Chulalongkorn), MA (Mahidol), PhD (Umea), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2000, 2009).
Nguyen, Peter, BSc MSc PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (1998, 2010).
Nguyen, Thanh, MPH PhD (Umea), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2013, 2013).
Nicholas, David B, BSW MSW (Calgary), PhD (Toronto), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2008, 2008).
Nichols, Darren N, BMedSc CCFP MD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor in Emergency Medicine (2003, 2010).
Nichols, Robert B, BA (Augustana), MA (Wales), PhD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Philosophy (2010, 2010).
Nikolaidis, Ioanis, BS (Patras), MSc PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology), Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (1997, 2011).
Nilsson, Tomas, MSc (Swedish U of Agriculture), PhD (Purdue), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2005, 2009).
Noels, Kimberly A, BA PhD (Ottawa), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2000, 2006).
Norris, Colleen M, BScN MN PhD (Alberta), RN, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2002, 2004), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2002, 2004).
Norris, Stephen P, BSc BEd MEd (Memorial), PhD (Illinois), Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (1998, 2005).
O’Donovan, John A, BSc MSc PhD (Cork), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (1999, 2001).
O’Malley, Patricia L, BCom (Manitoba), CA, Adjunct Professor in Accounting and Management Information Systems in the School of Business (2007, 2007).
Oliva, Maria, BSc MD (Santo Tomas), Assistant Adjunct Professof of Emergency Medicine (2009, 2010).
Olson, David M, MA (Augustana), MSc (Minnesota), PhD (St Louis), Adjunct Professor of Physiology (1991, 1991).
Omotoso, Oladipo Emmanuel, BSc MSc (Ife), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2004, 2004).
Ooraikul, Kit, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Oscroft, Katharine, BJourn (Carleton), MED (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2001, 2009).
Osipov, Igor, BA (Alaska), MA (Sussex), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor in the Centre for Applied Business Research in Energy and the Environment (2011, 2012).
Otto, Simon, BSc (Calgary), DVM (Saskatchewan), PhD (Guelph), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2012, 2013).
Oudit, Gavin, BSc MSc MD PhD (Toronto), FRCP(C), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physiology (2008, 2010).
Palmer, Roger, BSc (London), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2002, 2006).
Panjvani, Cyrus, BA (Toronto), MA (Western Ontario), PhD (St. Andrews), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Philosophy (2002, 2008).
Pansegrau, Morag V, BA (Strathclyde), MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1997, 2002).
Parent, Eric, BSc MSc (Laval), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2007, 2008).
Parisien, Marc-Andre, BSc (McGill), MSc (Quebec), PhD (California Berkeley), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2012, 2012).
Parker, Lorne E, BEd MEd (New Brunswick), EdD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2009, 2010).
Parsons, Ian, BSc (Western Ontario), BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2006, 2013).
Pasdar, Manijeh, BSc MSc (Pahlavi University Shiraz), PhD (Illinois Chicago), Associate Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (1990, 2010).
Patrouch, Jospeh, BA (Boston), MA PhD (California Berkeley), Adjunct Professor of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (2011, 2011).
Pavlovic, Srdja, BA (Belgrade), MA (Mongolian State), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of History and Classics (1998, 2007).
Pazderka, Hannah, BA PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2005, 2009).
Pearse, Harold, BEd (British Columbia), MA (Concordia), PhD (Dalhousie), Adjunct Professor of Elementary Education (2001, 2001).
Pearson, Glen, BPharm PhD (Philadephia College of Pharmacy), BSc (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2001, 2001).
Pernitsky, David J., BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Massachusetts), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2011, 2011).
Perry, Beth Ann, BSc BScN PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2010, 2010).
Petrucka, Pammla M, BSc (Regina), BScN MN (Saskatchewan), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2006, 2009).
Petryshyn, Roman W, BA MEd (Lakehead), PhD (Bristol), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2003, 2003).
Phair, Michael A, MA (San Francisco State), MEd (Loyola), Adjunct Professor of the Facultyof Education (2007, 2007).
Phillips, Suzette C, BScOT (Manitoba), MA PhD (Institute for Christain Studies-Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2010, 2010).
Pickard, Brent, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1999, 2002).
Pilarski, Linda M, BA BSc (Elmhurst), PhD (Adelaide), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1975, 2000); Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1975, 2006).
Pilgrim, David, BSc (Simon Fraser), PhD (Washington Seattle), Adjunct Professor of Cell Biology (2000, 2002).
Pinno, Bradley, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Saskatchewan), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2011, 2011).
Pittman, Quentin L, PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology (2010, 2010).
Plitt, Sabrina S, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Johns Hopkins Boomberg School of Public Health), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Pon, Rita, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Poon, John Cho Ming, BA LLB (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Centre for International Business in the School of Business (2011, 2011).
Poorhaydari, Kioumars, BSc MSc (Sharif), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2006, 2006).
Poth, Cheryl, BEd BSc PhD (Queen’s), MA (Alabama), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (2008, 2010).
Powell, Michael, BSc (Ohio State), MSc (Wayne State), PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2012, 2012).
Power, Christopher, BSc (Toronto), MD (Ottawa) FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2004, 2006); Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2004, 2004).
Pozega Osburn, Debra, BA MA PhD (Michigan State), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Extension (2007, 2011).
Preiksaitis, Jutta K, BSc MD (McMaster), LMCC, FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1983, 2000); Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1983, 2000); Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Prepas, Ellie E, BMath (Waterloo), MEnv (York), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (1979, 2001).
Prinsen, Peter C, BEd MEd (Calvin College), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Undergraduate Student Services in the Faculty of Education (2007, 2009).
Prochazka, Arthur, BA BSc MSc (Melbourne), PhD (Ulm), Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (1986, 2002).
Pruss, Shelley, BEd (Alberta), BSc (Canterbury), MEDes (Calgary), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1997, 2012).
Pybus, Margaret J, BSc MSc (Guelph), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (1993, 1993).
Quinney, Peggy, DIPEDUC BA BEd (Saskatchewan), MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1998, 2010).
Raab, Thomas, PhD (Regensburg), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2013, 2013).
Rafaat, Susan, BSc MSc (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology (2011, 2011).
Rafailov, Michael, MS (Leningrad), PhD (Minsk), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2012, 2012).
Raine, Kim D, BSc MA (Mount St. Vincent), PhD (Dalhousie), Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (1997, 1998).
Randall, Wade, BA (Calgary), MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2007, 2007).
Rasmussen, Carmen, BA (Calgary), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Psychology in the Faculty of Science (2005, 2007); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2005, 2007).
Raso, V James, BASc MASc (Waterloo), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2000, 2004); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2000, 2010); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2000, 2010); Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2000, 2011).
Reddon, John R, BA BCom MSc (Alberta), PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts (1995, 2010).
Reid, Donald, BSc (Paisley College of Technology), PhD (Birmingham), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2009, 2009).
Reid, Grace, MA (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2010, 2010).
Reiman, Anthony, BSc (New Brunswick), MD (Toronto), MSc (Harvard), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2003, 2009).
Rempel, Gwendolyn, BScN, MSN (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1999, 2013); Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (1999, 2013).
Rempel, S Patricia, BA (Saskatchewan), BLS (British Columbia), DIPEDUC MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1971, 2010).
Renwick, Gavin, PhD (Dundee), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2010, 2011).
Reynolds, Nancy M, DIPOT (Manitoba), BSc (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2000, 2003).
Richardson, Annette E, BA MA PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1997, 1997).
Ringlstetter, Christoph, MA PhD (Technical University of Munich), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2010, 2010).
Ritter, Kathryn Ann, BSc (Southwest Missouri State), MSc (Kansas), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology (1998, 2010).
Ritter, Robert J, BSc MEd PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (1997, 1997).
Rix, Serena, BSc (Brighton) PharmD (Colorado), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2012, 2012).
Robinson, Donald M, BSc (Calgary), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Physics (1992, 1999).
Robinson, Mary-Anne, BScN (Manitoba), MSc (Central Michigan), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Nursing (2006, 2006).
Robson, Paula, BSc DPhil (Ulster), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2007, 2011); Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2007, 2013).
Rodgers, Wendy, BA (York), MA (Western Ontario), PhD (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (1993, 2006).
Romanick, Marcel, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Romaniuc, Anatole, MA PhD (Louvain), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (1999, 1999).
Rosario, Joseph, BA MA PhD (Bombay), Adjunct Professor of the Western Centre for Economic Research in the School of Business (2011, 2011).
Ross, Shelley, BSc MA PhD (Victoria), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2008, 2008).
Ross, Susan Jane, BSc (Hariot-Watt), MPharm (Robert Gordon’s Institute of Technology), MBA (Aberdeen), PhD (Glasgow), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2012, 2012).
Rosychuk, Rhonda J, BSc (Alberta), MSc (British Columbia), PhD (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1999, 2000).
Rothe, Peter, PhD (British Columbia), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Rowe, Brian H, BA (Queen’s), MD (Ottawa), MSc (McMaster), CCFP, Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1997, 2005); Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (1997, 2004).
Roxburgh, Evelyn E, BEd DIPGRAD (Alberta), MA (San Diego), Adjunct Professor of Undergraduate Student Services in the Faculty of Education (2005, 2005).
Roy, Francois D, BSc MASc (Toronto), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2011, 2011).
Roy, Pierre-Nicholas, BSc (McGill), MSc PhD (Montreal), Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (1999, 2008).
Ruecker, Stanley, BA BSc (Regina), MA (Toronto), MDes PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies in the Faculty of Education (1998, 2010); Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (1998, 2012).
Rycroft-Malone, Joanne, BSc (Oxford Brookes), MSc (Hertfordshire), PhD (Southampton), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2006, 2006).
Rymarz, Richard, BSc MSc MEd DEd (Monash), DPhil (Australian Catholic), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (2007, 2012).
Sabri, Kourosh, MBCHB (Bristol), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2006, 2007).
Sadrzadeh, Mohtada, BSc (Iran), MSc (Isfahan), PhD (Iran), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2013, 2013).
Safouhi, Hassan, BSc (Hassan II Casablanca), PhD (Blaise-Pascal), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2001, 2010).
Sales, Anne E, BA (Oberlin), MScN (North Carolina), PHD (Minnesota), Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (2006, 2010).
Salway, Sarah, BA (Oxford), MSc PhD (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Med.), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Sammut, John, BSc (Camborne), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2011, 2011).
Sanger, Alan, BSc MSc DPhil (Sussex), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering, (1993, 2011).
Sapoundjiev, Hristo, BASc MSc (Technological University Bulgaria), PhD (Intitute of Catalysis), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2008, 2008).
Sarkar, Partha, BSc (Calcutta), MSc (Indian Institute of Technology), PhD (McMaster), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2006, 2006).
Saxinger, Lynora, BSc MD (Saskatchewan), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2001, 2010).
Schaefer, Allan, BPE BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2001, 2001).
Schang, Luis, DVM (National University of Buenos Aires), PhD (Nebraska Lincoln), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2001).
Schaub, Danielle, BA MA PhD (Libre de Bruxelles), Adjunct Professor of English and Film Studies (2008, 2008).
Schieck, James O, BSc MSc (Western Ontario), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2003, 2003).
Schlegel, Christian, MEE, PhD (Notre Dame), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2002, 2012).
Schmidt, Edgar T, Bed MEd (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2007, 2009).
Schmidt, Kurt, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Bergen), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2010, 2010).
Schneider, B. Uwe, MSc (Gottingen), PhD (Bayreuth), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2013, 2013).
Schneider, Christie L, BA (Minnesota), PhD (Texas), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2009, 2009).
Schnirer, Laurie AJ, BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2000, 2009).
Scott, Shannon, BN MN (Manitoba), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2005, 2013).
Scrimgeour, Garry J, BSc MSc (Canterbury), PhD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2003, 2003).
Segger, Joachim, BMus MM (Eastman School of Music), DMus (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Music (2010, 2010).
Seubert, John, BSc MSc (Simon Fraser), PhD (Western Ontario), Associate Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology (2005, 2011).
Shah, Saleh, BSc MSc (Rajshahi), PhD (Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2005, 2005).
Shankar, Janki, MSW MPhil (National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences), PhD (Western Sydney), Associate Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2010, 2010).
Shapiro, Andrew MJ, BMedSc MBBS (Newcaste-on-Tyne), PhD (Alberta), LMCC FRCS, Adjunct Professor of Oncology (1998, 2008).
Sharma, Sangita, BSc (Wales), PhD (Manchester), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2010, 2012).
Shaw, Nicola, BSc PhD (Lancaster), Associate Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (2006, 2010).
Sheldon, Robert, BSc (Bishop’s), MSc (Toronto), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2011, 2011).
Shen, Samuel S, BSc (East China Engeering Institute), MA PhD (Wisconsin-Madison), Adjunct Professor of Mathmatical and Statistical Sciences (1991, 2007).
Sheridan-Carson, Rillah, BA MEd PhD (Alberta), BEd (Memorial), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (2001, 2004).
Shillington, R Wayne, BA BEd (Saskatchewan), MA PhD (Gonzaga), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1997, 1997).
Shkrobot, Jody, BScPhm (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011, 2011).
Shome, Manas, BSc MSc (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2005, 2006).
Shrivastava, Meenal, BA MA (Rajasthan), MPhil (Nawaharlal Nehu), PhD (Jawaharlal Nehru), Adjunct Professor of Political Science (2008, 2008).
Shuaib, Ashfaq, MBBS (Khyler Medical College), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (1998, 2008).
Sia, Winnie Wing Ki, MD (Alberta), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2003, 2012).
Siemens, Rick, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011, 2011).
Sigler, Lynne, BSc MSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (1997, 1997).
Silverstone, Peter H, MBBS (St Bartholemews), MRCPsych, Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management and Organization in the Alberta School of Business, (1992, 2013).
Sing, Pamela V, BA MA (British Columbia), PhD (Montreal), Adjunct Professor of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1994, 2000).
Skidmore, Colleen M, DIPAART (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology), BA (Saskatchewan), MA (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Art and Design (1993, 2010).
Sloboda, Ronald S, BSc (Manitoba), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Physics (1990, 1990).
Smith, Cynthia, BPE (Manitoba), MHSA (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (1999, 2013).
Smith, Daniel W, BS (California State), MS (San Jose State), PhD (Kansas), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (1978, 2009).
Smith, Elwin, BSA MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Iowa), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2012, 2012).
Smith, Neale, BA (Alberta), MA (Western Ontario), MEDes (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2005, 2009).
Smith, Veronica, BA MA (Western Washington), PhD (British Columbia), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (2004, 2008).
Snedeker, Kate, BA (Princeton), PhD (Edinburgh), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2012, 2012).
Snider, Earle L, BA (Alberta), MA (Calgary), PhD (Michigan State), Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management and Organization in the School of Business (1969, 2003).
Snyder, Shane, BS (Thiel) PhD (Michigan), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2011, 2011).
Somerville, Martin J, BSc MSc (Western Ontario), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1996, 2009).
Song, Samantha J, BSc MScF (Toronto), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2002, 2002).
Sousa, Jorge, BA (York), MA PhD (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Extension (2006, 2013).
Spady, Donald W, MSc (London), MD (Alberta), LMCC FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Publich Health Sciences (1974, 2000); Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1974, 2010).
Spence, John C, BA MA (McGill), PhD (Concordia), Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (1996, 2011).
Springett, Jane, BA MA PhD (Leeds), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Extension (2011, 2011).
Stacy, Roger, BSc (Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2007).
Steeves, Pamela A, BA (Dalhousie), MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Elementary Education (2002, 2005).
Steeves, Phyllis, MPhil (Trinity), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2012, 2012).
Steier, Marilyn, BEd MEd (Saskatchewan), Associate Adjunct Professor in the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Education (2011, 2011).
Stein, Richard B, BS (Massachusetts), DPhil MA (Oxford), DSc (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (1968, 2004).
Steiner, Bodo, BSc, MSc, PhD (Reading), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2012, 2012).
Stelfox, J Brad, BSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2002, 2005).
Stepanova, Maria, MSc (Moscow State), PhD (National Center for Surface and Vacuum Science), DSc (St. Petersburg State Polytechnic), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2001, 2005).
Stewart, Eleanor, BSc (Dalhousie), MA (Kansas), DPhil (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (2011, 2011).
Stiles, Shirley, BA BEd (Natal), MA (Illinois), Associate Adjunct Professor of Education Policy Studies (2002, 2002).
Stirling, Ian G, BSc MSc (British Columbia), PhD (Canterbury), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (1995, 1995).
Stoyanov, Stanislav, Msc, PhD (Wichita), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2013, 2013).
Stratton, Mary C, BA MA (Laurentian), PhD (Carleton), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (2001, 2009).
Strong, Geoffrey S, BSc (Memorial), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2000, 2000).
Stroulia, Eleni, BS (Patras), MS PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology), Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (1997, 2011).
Strungaru, Nicolae, BSc (Bucharest), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2006, 2011).
Sturtevant, Nathan, BS (California Berkeley), MS PhD (California Los Angeles), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2008, 2009).
Suchowersky, Oksana, BSc (Alberta), MSc (British Columbia), MD (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2009, 2009).
Suddaby, Roy R, BSc LLB PhD (Alberta), MBA (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (2004, 2008).
Suen, Gabriel, MD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2011, 2011).
Sullivan, Michael G, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2004, 2004); Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2004, 2010).
Sundararaj, Uttandaraman, BSc (Alberta), PhD (Minnesota), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2000, 2009).
Svenson, Lawrence, BSc (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2000, 2008).
Swain, Ryan C, BSc MSc (Manitoba), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2008, 2008).
Swanson, Dalene, BSc BEd MEd (Cape Town), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2009, 2011).
Swicegood, C. Gray, BA (North Carolina), MA PhD (Texas), Adjunct Professor of Sociology (2011, 2011).
Swift, Mary Lou, BSc MSc (Guelph), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2009, 2009).
Sych, Catherine, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010, 2010).
Sykes, Thomas R, BSc (Manitoba), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Oncology (2002, 2009).
Symes, Brent A, BA MEd (New Brunswick), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2005, 2005).
Szeman, Imre, BA (Queen’s), MA (Western Ontario), PhD (Duke), Adjunct Professor of English and Film Studies (2009, 2009).
Szymanski, Christine M, BSc (Winnipeg), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2005, 2008).
Tachuk, Matt, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2004, 2009).
Talbot, James, BSc PhD (Alberta) MD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2000, 2012).
Tanninen, Jukka P, PhD (Lappeenranta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2011, 2011).
Taylor, Geoffrey D, BSc (Regina), MD (Saskatchewan), LMCC, FRCP(C), CRCP, FACP, Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2000).
Taylor, Martha M, BA MA (California State), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2008, 2008).
Tcaciuc, Adi, BSc (Bucharest), MSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2005, 2006).
Thebaud, Bernard, BSc MD (Paris VII), MSc PhD (Paris V), Associate Adjunct Professor of Physiology (2002, 2007).
Theman, Trevor W, MD (Alberta), FRCS(C), FACS, Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2002, 2002).
Thomas, Barbara, BSc MSc (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (1998, 2000).
Thomas, Gordon, BEd (Lethbridge), MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2002, 2002).
Thompson, Angus H, BA (Saskatchewan), BA (Calgary), MSc (Calgary), PhD (London), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2000, 2006).
Thompson, Carl, RN BA PhD (York), Associate Adjunct Professor of Nursing (2003, 2006).
Thompson, Dan, BSc PhD (McMaster), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2013, 2013).
Thompson, Jonathan E, BSc (North Carolina State), MSc (Missouri), PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2002, 2012).
Thompson, Terrie, DEd (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2010, 2010).
Thundat, Thomas, BSc (Kerala), MSc (Indian Institute of Technology), PhD (State University New York at Albany), Adjunct Professor of Physics (2010, 2012).
Tibbo, Philip, BSc (Mount Allison), BMedSc MD (Memorial), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (1997, 2010).
Tilley, Wendy, BSc (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2003, 2003).
Todd, Kathryn G, BSc MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1998, 2009); Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (1998, 2009).
Tofan, Andreea, BScPhm (British Columbia), PharmD (Washington-Seattle), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2009, 2009).
Toma, Peter, BSc MSc PhD (Polytechnic Institute), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1999, 2011).
Tonelli, Marcello, MSc (Harvard) MD (Western Ontario) FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2002, 2012).
Tough, Frank, BA (Winnipeg), MA (McGill), PhD (York), Adjunct Professor of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (1998, 2012); Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2012, 2012).
Tough, Suzanne, BSc MSc (Calgary), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2004, 2009); Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2004, 2008).
Tower, Clare, MBBCHBA (Leeds), PhD (Nottingham), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (2010, 2010).
Townley, Barbara, BA (Lancaster), MSc PhD (London), Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management and Organization in the School of Business (1990, 2002).
Tredget, Edward, BSc MD (Alberta), MSc (Massachusetts Institute of Technolgoy), FRCS, Adjunct Professor of Critical Care Medicine (1988, 2006).
Triscott, Jean A, BEd MD (Alberta), BSc (Montana State), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2000, 2009).
Triska, Olive H, DIPEDUC MA (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2002, 2008).
Tron, Victor, BMSc MD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1999, 2007).
Truman, Corrine D, BSCN MSN PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medicine (2007, 2007).
Truscott, Derek, BA (Alberta), MA PhD (Windsor), Adjunct Professor of John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre (1997, 2013).
Turkington, T Kelly, BSA MSc PhD (Saskatchewan), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2004, 2004).
Turner, A Robert, BSc MDCM (McGill), LMCC, FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1977, 2001).
Turner, Justine M, MBBS (Western Australia), FRACP, Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2004, 2009).
Turner, Troy WS, BSc MD FRCP (Saskatchewan), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2003, 2010).
Tykwinski, Rik, BSc (Minnesota), PhD (Utah), Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (1997, 2010).
Tyree, Melvin T, BA (Ponoma), PhD (Cambridge), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2005, 2010).
Tyrrell, D Lorne J, BSc MD (Alberta), PhD (Queen’s), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (1972, 2000); Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1972, 2000).
Tyrrell, Gregory J, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2010); Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2000, 2009).
Underhill, D Alan, BSc PhD (Western Ontario), Associate Adjunct Professor of Medical Genetics (1999, 2007).
Unsworth, Larry, BSc (Alberta), PhD (McMaster), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2007, 2007).
Urichuk, Liana, BSc PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2011, 2011).
Urion, Carl A, BEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (1971, 2007).
Urschel, Simon, MD (Johannes Gutenberg), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2010, 2010).
Vallianatos, Helen, BSc BA (McMaster), MSc PhD (Oregon), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2004, 2013).
Vandall-Walker, Virginia, BScN (Windsor), MN (Calgary), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Nursing (2007, 2010).
Van Der Wey, Dolores, BIS MA (Simon Fraser), PhD (British Columbia), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2004, 2010).
Van Der Zalm, Jeanne E, BScN MN PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (1995, 2010).
Varnhagen, Stanley J, BA (Kenyon), MA PhD (California Santa Barbara), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (1999, 2004).
Veness, Joel, BSc PhD (New South Wales), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2012, 2012).
Vicas, Ingrid M, BSc (McGill), MSc (Montreal), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2000, 2006).
Videman, Keijo, MD DMEDSc (Helsinki), Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (1996, 2010).
Villard, Marc-André, BSc (Montreal), PhD (Carleton), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2009, 2009).
Vohra, Sunita, BA (Queen’s), BMedSc MD (Dalhousie), MSc (McMaster), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2003, 2008); Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2003, 2008).
Wales, Paul, BSc (Simon Fraser), MSc (Edinburgh), MD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics (2007, 2007); Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2007, 2008).
Walji, Anil, MD PhD (Nairobi), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (1987, 2006); Adjunct Professor of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (1987, 2008).
Walter, David E, Bsc (Maryland), MSc (California State), PhD (Oregon State), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2003, 2003).
Walter, Sheila, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2009, 2009).
Walton, Erin L, BSc PhD (New Brunswick), Adjunct Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2009, 2010).
Wang, Jin Hua, BEd (Shandong), MEd (Regina), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2005, 2005).
Warren, Sharon A, BA MA PhD (Western Ontario), BEd (Queen’s), Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1985, 2000).
Watt, Man-Joe, MBBS (Chinese University of Hong Kong), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2000, 2010).
Waugh, Earle H, BA MA (McMaster), MA PhD (Chicago), Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (1974, 2004).
Waye, Tyler, MA (British Columbia), Account Director, Executive Education Program (2013, 2013).
Weber, Marian L, BA MECON PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2000, 2003).
Weiner, Joel H, BSc (McGill), PhD (Cornell), Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2000).
Wellicombe, Troy I, BSc (British Columbia), MSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (2005, 2010).
Wendt-Potthoff, Katrin, PhD (Braunschweig), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2012, 2012).
Wentzell, Corey, BA (Mount Allison), MA (McMaster), BA (New Brunswick), MBA (Western Ontario), PhD (Maine), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2006, 2007).
Werk, Christine, BSc (British Columbia), MA PhD (Concordia), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2010, 2010).
Wesley, Jared, (Calgary), Adjunct Professor of Political Science (2011, 2011).
Wesselius, Janet, BA (Alberta), MPhil PhD (ICS), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Philosophy (2000, 2011).
West, Lori J, BSc (Florida), MD (Tulane), DPhil (Oxford), FRCP(C), Adjunct Professor in the Department of Surgery (2005, 2006).
Westaway, David, BSc (Sussex), PhD (London), Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (2006, 2009).
Wheatley, Matthew, BSc MSc (Alberta), PhD (Victoria), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2013, 2013).
Whiskeyjack, Francis, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education (2011, 2011).
White, Barry, BSc MSc (New Brunswick), PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Resources (2012, 2012).
White, Jonathan, BMedSc MB PhD (Queen’s U Belfast), FRCS, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2006, 2010).
Whitelaw, Anne, MA (Essex), BFA PhD (Concordia), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Arts (1999, 2011).
Whitfield, Kyle, BES PhD (Waterloo), MSc (Guelph), AssociateAdjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2006, 2013).
Whitford, Eliane, BA MPHIL (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Education (2011, 2011).
Wiart, Lesley E, BPT MScPT PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physical Therapy (2010, 2010).
Wick, Lukas, MMGMTST (Helmholtz Management Academcy), PhD (Basel), Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2012, 2012).
Wickman, Ron, BA (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Occupational Therapy (2011, 2011); Assistant Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology (2011, 2011).
Widder, Sandy, BSc (Calgary), MD (Western Ontario), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Critical Care Medicine (2008, 2010).
Wiebe, Adrienne, BA (Winnipeg), MA PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2008, 2008).
Wiebe, Leonard I, BSP MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD DSc (Sydney), Adjunct Professor of Oncology (1970, 2001).
Wikman, Erik C, BA (Wilfrid Laurier), BEd MEd (Western Ontario), PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2003, 2003).
Wilkes, Sandra, BA (Victoria), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Psychology (2010, 2010).
Willans, David J, MD (Alberta), LMCC CCFP FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (2000, 2010).
Wille, Holger, PhD (Hamburg) Associate Professor of Biochemistry (2012, 2012).
Willenborg, Christian, BSA MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (Manitoba), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2011, 2011).
Williams, Beverly, BSc MN PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine (1995, 2012).
Willms, Walter D, BSF MSc PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (2008, 2008).
Willows, Noreen G, BSc MA (Calgary), PhD (McGill), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2002, 2008).
Wilman, Alan H, BSc (British Columbia), PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Physics (1997, 1999); Associate Adjunct Professor of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (1997, 2005).
Wilson, Douglas R, MD (Toronto), Adjunct Professor of the School of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2003, 2006).
Wilson, Margaret (Peggy), BEd (Saskatchewan), MA PhD (California Santa Barbara), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1994, 2007).
Wilson, Stanley L, BA (Saskatchewan), MEd (Manitoba), PhD (California Santa Barbara), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (1994, 2007).
Windwick, Brent F, BA LLB (Alberta), LLM (Cambridge), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2004, 2004).
Wine, Eytan, BMedSc MD (Tel-Aviv), PhD (Toronto), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Physiology (2009, 2011).
Winget, Marcy, BSc (California Davis), MHSc PhD (John Hopkins), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2004, 2004).
Wishart, David, BSc (Alberta), MPhil PhD (Yale), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1988, 2003).
Wishart, Diane, BA BEd MEd PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2007, 2008).
Wishart, William D, BSc MSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences (1988, 1988).
Woitas, Sandra B, BEd MEd (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (1998, 1998).
Wolfaardt, Johan F, BSc MSc DPhil (Witwatersrand), Adjunct Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (1987, 2009).
Wolfe, Allen A. BPhil (Calgary), Assistant Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Extension (2005, 2013).
Wolfe, Tonya, BSc, MSc, PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2013, 2013).
Wolf-Schein, Enid G, BEd (Temple) EdM EdD (Boston), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (1992, 1992).
Wolodko, John, BSc PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1998, 2012).
Wong, Charles S, PhD (Minnesota), Associate Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (2003, 2008).
Wood, Dean D, BA (Acadia), BEd (Mount Allison), MEd PhD (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2005, 2008).
Woolf, D, BA (Queen’s), DPHIL (Oxford), Adjunct Professor of English and Film Studies (2002, 2009).
Wuest, Frank, MSc, PhD (Dresden), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science (2008, 2013).
Wylie, Maggie, BCom (Carleton), MHSA (Ottawa), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2009, 2009).
Wynne, Harold J, BPE MA PhD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2002, 2002).
Xing, James Z, MB (Sun Yat-Sen), PhD (Robert Gordon), Associate Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1996, 2006).
Yacoub, Wadieh, MBBCH (Alexandria), MSc (Alberta), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Public Health Sciences (2000, 2012).
Yacyshyn, Alison M, BA MA (Alberta), PhD (Western Ontario), Adjunct Professor of Marketing Business Economics and Law (2008, 2010).
Yager, Jerome Y, MD (Manitoba), LMCC FRCP, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2003, 2008).
Yahya, Atiyah, BSc PhD (Alberta), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2006, 2011).
Yang, Jaynie F, BSc PT (Queen’s), MSc PhD (Waterloo), Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering (1990, 2009).
Yang, WenZhu, BSc (Shanxi), MSc (Clermont Ferrandi), PhD (Blaise Pascal), Adjunct Professor of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, (2013, 2013).
Yanitski, Norman W, BEd MEd EdD (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of Educational Policy Studies (2002, 2002).
Yarema, Mark C, BSc (Simon Fraser), MD (Victoria), FRCP(C), Associate Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2011, 2011).
Yarmuch, Matthew, BSc MSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2008, 2008).
Yasui, Yutaka, BEng (Kyoto), DPhil (John Hopkins), Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2004, 2013).
Yates, Mary Jane, BScN (Windsor), MSc (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Centre for Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health (2006, 2011).
Yatscoff, Randall W, BSc (Western Ontario), PhD (McMaster), Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2001, 2001).
Yemshanov, Denys, PhD (Dniepropetrovsk), Adjunct Professor of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (2009, 2009).
Yeragani, Vikram, MBBS (Gunter), DPM (National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences), FRCP (C), Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2005, 2009).
Yeung Laiwah, Albert, BSc MSc MBCHB (Glasgow) MRCP, Adjunct Professor of Medicine (1985, 2011).
Yoon, Philip W, BMedSc MD (Alberta), CCFP, Associate Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine (2000, 2004).
Young-Leslie, Heather, BA MA (McMaster), PhD (York), Associate Adjunct Professor of Anthropology (1998, 2010).
Yurick, Mark P, BPE MED (Alberta), Associate Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (1997, 2009).
Zachariah, Saly, BSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011, 2011).
Zhang, Dawei, BA (Wuhan), MSc (Nanjing), PhD (Kingston), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry (2008, 2011).
Zhang, Ming, MD (Shanghai), PhD (Iowa), Associate Adjunct Professor of Surgery (2009, 2010).
Zhang, Xian-En, PhD (Hehai), Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (2011, 2011).
Zilles, Sandra, PhD (Kaiserslautern), Adjunct Professor of Computing Science (2009, 2009).
Zivkovic, Marko, BA (Belgrade), MA PhD (Chicago), Assistant Adjunct Professor of Art and Design (2006, 2011).
Zolezzi, Monica, BPharm (Catholic U of Santa Maria), MSc (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2008, 2008).
Zornes, Greta, BSc (Oklahoma), MSc (Manhattan), PhD (Tulane), Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering (2013, 2013).
Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie, MSc (McMaster), MD (Toronto), FRCP(C) DABIM, Associate Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry (2006, 2007).
Zwozdesky, Eugene, BA BEd (Alberta), Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Education (2005, 2005).