(4) | Major Subject ( 42 plus supporting or prerequisite courses)
a. | Biology
Note: Students must take EDSE 352 during the IPT, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. Students must take EDSE 451 and 452 during the APT, which are normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
| b. | Chemistry
Prerequisite courses: 3 elementary calculus: AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116.
Note: Students must take EDSE 364 during the IPT, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. Students must take EDSE 451 and 460 during the APT, which are normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
| c. | General Sciences
 9 biology: AUBIO 110, 130, and 3 Biology at the 200-level.
|  9 chemistry: AUCHE 110, 112 and 250.
|  6 elementary calculus: AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116, and 112.
|  9 Physics, including at least 3 at the 200-level.
|  6 Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics at the 300- or 400-level
|  3 senior Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, senior science courses in Environmental Studies or Geography (see §56.2(1) Classification of Courses, or AUSTA 215.
Note: Students must take EDSE 360 during the IPT, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. Students must take EDSE 451 and 456 during the APT, which are normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
| d. | Mathematical Sciences
(1) | Because AUCSC 111 is a prerequisite for AUCSC 112, Mathematical Sciences majors should select AUCSC 111 to satisfy the general requirement in computing.
| (2) | Students must take EDSE 337 during the IPT, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. Students must take EDSE 451 and 437 during the APT, which are normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
| (3) | EDSE 439 and 442 are recommended as Education options.
| e. | Mathematics and Physics
Note: Students must take EDSE 364 during the IPT, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. Students must take EDSE 451 and 460 during the APT, which are normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
| f. | Physical Sciences
Prerequisite courses: 9 calculus: AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116, 112, and 211.
(1) | AUMAT 212 is a corequisite for AUPHY 310 and 350. Due to the number of Mathematics prerequisites for this major, it is suggested that the Physical Sciences major be taken in combination with a Mathematics minor.
| (2) | Students must take EDSE 364 during the IPT, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. Students must take EDSE 451 and 460 during the APT, which are normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
(5) | Minor Subject ( 18 plus prerequisite courses)
a. | Art
 3 AUART 101 or 102.
|  3 AUART 111.
|  3 AUART 112 or 113.
|  3 AUART 231.
|  6 additional senior AUART, at least 3 of which must be in a studio course.
(1) | An additional 6 in studio courses is recommended.
| (2) | Students must take EDSE 313 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
| b. | Biology
Note: Students must take EDSE 353 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. EDSE 353 is not open to students whose major is Chemistry, General Sciences, Mathematics and Physics, or Physical Sciences; these students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
| c. | Chemistry
Note: Students must take EDSE 366 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. EDSE 366 is not open to students whose major is Biology, General Sciences, Mathematics and Physics, or Physical Sciences; these students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
| d. | Drama
(1) | An additional 6 in AUDRA is recommended.
| (2) | Students must take EDSE 323 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
| (3) | EDSE 424 is recommended as an Education option.
| e. | English Language Arts
 6 English literature: AUENG 103 and 104.
|  3 language studies: one of AUENG 211, 212, 213; AUIDS 279, 379; AULAN 200.
|  3 aboriginal/indigenous or Canadian literature: one of AUENG 207, 280, 281, 307, 380, 381.
|  3 literature written before 1800: one of AUENG 221, 225, 230, 231, 233, 239, 241, 243, 321, 325, 330, 331, 333, 339, 341, 343.
|  3 additional senior AUENG or senior literature course taught in translation: one of AUCLA 242, 243, 244; AUGER 291, 292, 293; AUSCA 221, 241, 251, 252, 261, 271; AUSPA 230, 231.
Note: Students must take EDSE 328 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
| f. | General Sciences
Prerequisite courses: 3 calculus: AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116.
Note: Students must take EDSE 361 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. EDSE 361 is not open to students whose major is Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, or Physical Sciences; these students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
| g. | Mathematical Sciences
Note: Students must take EDSE 338 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
| h. | Music: Choral
(1) | 4–6 in a choral ensemble (the Augustana Choir, Sangkor, or the Augustana Men’s Choir) and up to 2 in applied music (vocal or keyboard) are strongly recommended.
| (2) | Students must take EDSE 344 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
| i. | Philosophy and Religious Studies
(1) | EDPS 456 is recommended as an Education option.
| (2) | Students must take EDSE 378 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
| j. | Physical Education
(1) | Alternative Environments: at least 1 from AUPAC 109, 123, 125, 134, 152, 209, 225, 253; AUPED 184.
| (2) | Dance: 1 AUPAC 114.
| (3) | Gymnastics: 1 AUPAC 161.
| (4) | Games: at least 2 from AUPAC 103, 124, 131, 173, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 224, 270, 277, 278, 279.
| (5) | Individual Activities: at least 1 from AUPAC 109, 125, 133, 151, 209, 225.
(1) | The same credit may not be counted twice in courses that relate to more than one of the five activity dimensions
| (2) | Students must take EDSE 348 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.
| k. | Physical Sciences
Prerequisite courses: 3 calculus: AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116.
Note: Students must take EDSE 366 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. EDSE 366 is not open to students whose major is Biology, General Sciences, Mathematics and Physics, or Physical Sciences; these students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites
| l. | Physics
Prerequisite courses: 6 calculus: AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116, and 112.
Note: Students must take EDSE 366 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms. EDSE 366 is not open to students whose major is Biology, General Sciences, Mathematics and Physics, or Physical Sciences; these students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
| m. | Second Languages: French
 12–15 in Language courses, chosen from AUFRE 101, 102, 201, 202, 222, 301, 310, 311, 317, 402.
|  3–6 in Literature/Culture, chosen from AUFRE 305, 306, 331, 332, 333, 341, 342, 355, 370, 380, 391, 393, 403, 496, 497, 498, 499.
Note: Students must take EDSE 370 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall Term only. EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is also a Second Language; these students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
| n. | Second Languages: German
 12–15 in Language courses, chosen from AUGER 101, 102, 200, 201, 202, 214, 300, 301, 302, 314, 317, 400, 402.
|  3–6 in Literature/Culture, chosen from AUGER 231, 233, 236, 238, 321, 322, 351, 361, 371, 401, 403.
Note: Students must take EDSE 370 during the term that falls between IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall Term only. EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is also a Second Language; these students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
| o. | Second Languages: Spanish
 12–15 in Language courses, chosen from AUSPA 100, 101, 102, 200, 201, 202, 301, 302, 402.
|  3–6 in Literature/Culture, chosen from AUSPA 230, 231, 238, 239, 240, 338, 339, 340, 403.
Note: Students must take EDSE 370 during the term that falls between IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall Term only. EDSE 370 is not open to students whose major is also a Second Language; these students must register in EDSE 305, which is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms, or they can register for another EDSE (Minor) provided they meet the course prerequisites.
| p. | Social Studies
 6 Canadian Studies: AUHIS 261; AUPOL 221.
|  6 World Studies chosen from AUHIS 104, 105, 201, 202, 250, 251, 260, 322, 323, 325, 337, 338; AUPOL 240, 241, 248, 324, 327, 341, 345, 348, 422, 424; AUSOC 218, 391; AUCRI 422.
|  6 Cultural Studies chosen from AUSOC 101, 103, 105, 222, 225, 275, 358, 377; AUIDS 160, 230; AUCRI 160, 222, 225; AUPOL 325; AUREL 282, 283.
Note: Students must take EDSE 374 during the term that falls between the IPT and APT. It is normally offered in both the Fall and Winter Terms.