General Information
Student Organizations
72 General Information
The Faculty of Education provides professional preparation for teachers and opportunities for graduate study for those interested in more advanced work in education. Undergraduate degree programs are available in elementary and secondary program routes.
Each Bachelor of Education degree program allows for certification as a teacher in Alberta. Teaching Certificates are granted by the Minister of Education, on the recommendation of the Faculty of Education.
All inquiries should be addressed to the Office of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Student Services), Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5.
72.1 Student Organizations
The Education Students' Association (ESA) is the largest undergraduate student organization within the Faculty of Education. As well as being the official representation for undergraduates in the Faculty, the ESA is also designated as Student Local #1 of the Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA). All members of the ESA are entitled to run for council or executive positions on the Education Students' Association. ESA has representation on a number of Faculty and Department councils and committees. Contact the Vice-President Academic of the ESA for more information.
The ESA publishes an online handbook for all Education students, rents lockers located in the Education building, and conducts a number of social, academic and professional events throughout the year. Contact the ESA office (B-28 Education Centre South, 780 492-3650) for further details.