Programs of Study
BPE/BEd (Elementary Route) Five-Year Combined Degrees
75.10 BPE/BEd (Elementary Route) Five-Year Combined Degrees
75.10.1 General Information
This degree program consists of
159 overall. The first three years (
90) are taken in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (see §153.4) and the last two years (
69) while registered taken in the Faculty of Education.
75.10.2 Program Requirements
Year 1 (33)
EDU 100 | |
| |
| |
PEDS 100 | |
PEDS 101 | |
PEDS 293 | |
PERLS 104 | |
PERLS 105 | |
| |
Year 2 (33)
DANCE 431 | |
EDU 211 | |
HE ED 220 | |
PEDS 200 | |
PEDS 203 | |
PEDS 205 | |
PEDS 206 | |
PEDS 245 | |
PERLS 204 | |
PERLS 207 | |
Year 3 (33)
EDU 210 | |
HE ED 321 or PEDS 303 | |
PAC 325 | |
PAC 365 | |
PEDS 240 or 338 | |
PEDS 207 | |
PEDS 471 or PERLS 323 | |
PERLS 304 | |
PERLS 371 | |
| |
Year 4 (30)
Fall Term: Course Requirements
EDEL 305 ( | |
EDEL 316 or 321 ( | |
EDPY 302 ( | |
Aboriginal and Indigenous Histories and Culture [See Education 75.3.2(1).] ( | |
Open Option ( |
Winter Term: Introductory Professional Term Requirements
Courses in the IPT are normally taken concurrently.
EDFX 325 ( | |
EDEL 316 or 321 ( | |
| |
EDPY 303 ( |
Year 5 ( |
Fall Term: Advanced Professional Term
| |
EDFX 425 ( | |
| |
EDPY 301 ( |
Winter Term: Course Requirements | |
EDEL (300-Level) Option ( | |
EDEL (400-Level) Option ( | |
EDPS 410 ( | |
Education Elective ( | |
Open Option ( |
Notes | |
A minimum of | |
A maximum of | |
Students are encouraged to select PAC/DAC/DANCE courses appropriate for teaching the Alberta Physical Education Program of Study. Students must present at least