Graduate Courses and Programs
Communications and Technology Graduate Program (MACT)
96 Graduate Courses and Programs
In addition to the courses and programs listed below, the Faculty welcomes inquiries about individual interdisciplinary Masters studies.
96.1 Communications and Technology Graduate Program (MACT)
The Communications and Technology Graduate program offers a theoretical, historical and practical examination of the technology-enabled, knowledge-intensive workplace. The Master of Arts in Communications and Technology (MACT) is designed for students who seek to provide reflective and informed leadership in the management and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in their organizations and fields. The MACT program may be completed through either the course-based or thesis-based route.
Refer to §205.15 for more information and visit the program's website at www.mact.ca, e-mail mact@ualberta.ca or phone (780) 492-1538. For course listings see §231 under Communications and Technology (COMM).