100 The Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law at the University of Alberta was created in 1912 and was the first law Faculty to open in western Canada. The Faculty is proud of its history and its reputation for high academic achievement and research. Our graduates have served the discipline of legal scholarship, the nation and the province for over nine decades. Their outstanding careers and accomplishments in academia, public and private life speak eloquently for the worth of our legal education and the value of our degrees.
Our graduates include: Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada; Peter Lougheed, former Premier of Alberta; Clarence Campbell, former president of the NHL; Catherine Fraser, first female Chief Justice of the Alberta Court of Appeal; Willton Littlechild, former Member of Parliament; Ronald Martland and William Stevenson, former Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada; and Frank Macinnis, Chariman, EMCOR Group, Inc.