151 The Professors
Members of the Faculty
Officers of the Faculty
K Mummery, PhD
Vice Dean
W Rodgers, PhD
Associate Dean, Community and International and Engagement
T Hinch, PhD
Associate Dean, Research
J Spence, PhD
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
D Goodwin, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
J Causgrove Dunn, PhD
Administrative Officers
B Esslinger
J Lafferty,MA
DR Mitsui, MA
Academic Staff
G Bell, PhD
M Bouffard, PhD
KS Courneya, PhD
J Dunn, PhD
D Goodwin, PhD
N Holt, PhD
K Fox, PhD
VJ Harber, PhD
TD Hinch, PhD
B Maraj, PhD
D Mason, PhD
PH Markula, PhD
K Mummery, PhD
SR Petersen, PhD
W Rodgers, PhD
J Spence, PhD
DG Syrotuik, PhD
G Walker, PhD
Associate Professors
N Boule, PhD
T Berry, PhD
J Causgrove Dunn, PhD
D Collins, PhD
D DeLorey, PhD
J Denison, PhD
K Jones, PhD
M Kennedy, PhD
L McDermott, PhD
T McHugh, PhD
T Putman, PhD
P Reichwein, PhD
J Scherer, PhD
J Vallentyne, MA
Assistant Professors
V Carsen, PhD
C Chapman, PhD
L Chiu, PhD
M Davenport, PhD
J Davidson, PhD
E Halpenny, PhD
M Kennedy, PhD
T McHugh, PhD
N Spencer-Cavaliere, PhD
C Steinback, PhD
Faculty Service Officer
P Baudin, PhD
Faculty Lecturers
J Auger, PhD
A Bayduza, PhD
T Bliss, MA
S Ryan, PhDJ Virr, MSc
I Reade, PhD
Associate Directors of Athletics
V Ioannides, BA, BEd
M McTeague, BA
K Spriggs, MBA
Head Athletic Therapist
J Matthews White, PhD
Head Coaches
B Craddock, BSc
T Danyluk, BPE
O Dawkins, BEd
H Draper, MA
S Edwards, BEd
LC Eisler, MA
I Herbers, BPE
W Humby, BSc
L Jepsen, BEd
R Krepps, BPE
S Marple
W Moerman, BSc
C Morris, BEd
M Parrish, BA
R Sluchinksi, BPE
R Stewart, BPE
L Vickery, MSc
Recreation Services
L Hall Dorothy, PhD
Associate Director
Joy Chikinda, BPE
Program Coordinator—Instructional Recreation and Dance
N Marshall, MSc
Program Coordinator—Intramural Sports
Program Coordinator—Intramural Sports, Sports Club and Student Development
G Garcia, MA
Program Coordinator—Intramural Sports and Academic Instruction
T Harris, MBA
Program Coordinator—Special Events and Outdoor Recreation
B Gratrix, MBA
Program Coordinator—Group Exercise
N Preston, BSc
Program Coordinator—Informal Recreation, South Campus and Campus Engagement
M Ragush, BSc
Administrator—CLASS Recreation Management Software
T Dieno, BA
Training Coordinator—CLASS Recreation Management Software
S Napp, BEd
Faculty Operations
E Montgomery, PhD
Associate Directors
C Harwardt, BA
Activity Registration Zone
R Kucera, BPE
B Bowers
Clare Drake Arena
F Macapagal
Climbing Wall
S Johnson
Curling Centre (Saville Community Sports Centre)
R Krepps, BPE
Equipment Room
H Kura
Events (Saville Community Sports Centre)
R Stewart, BA
Fitness and Lifestyle Centre
Saville Community Spirts Centre—Operations
B Bourguignon
Saville Community Sports Centre—West
G Lembke, BPE
Tennis Centre (Saville Community Sports Centre)
R Sluchinksi, BPE
Development and Alumni Relations
E Upton, BPE, BEd
Professors Emeriti
AF Affleck, BPHE, BEd, MS
RB Alderman, BPE, MPE, EdD
G Bell, PhD
JL Boorman, MA, PhD
M Bouffard, PhD
TL Burton, BSc, PhD
CJ Drake, BPE, BEd, MSc
M Ellis, Dip, Teach Cert, MA, PhD
P Gervais, BPE, BA, MHK, PhD
RG Glassford, BPE, MA, PhD
MA Hall, BA, BPHE, MA, PhD
VJ Harber, PhD
DJ Harris, BA
RBJ Macnab, BS, MA, PhD
HJ McLachlin, BSc, MSc, PhD
S Mendryk, BEd, MS, PhD
EB Mitchelson, BA, BPE, MA, PhD
G Redmond, MS, PhD
HA Scott, BS, MPE, PhD
M Singh, BA, MA, Dip in PhysEd, BEd, Dr of Phys Ed
GJ Smith, BPE, MA, PhD
MFR Smith, BEd, PhD
RD Steadward, BPE, MSc, PhD, OC, LLD (Hons)
LM Wankel, BA(PE), BEd, MA, PhD
RB Wilberg, BEd, MS, PhD
ED Zemrau, BSc
Additional Members of Faculty Council
President and Vice-Chancellor
IV Samarasakera, O.C.
D Heth, PhD (Faculty of Science)
C Hickson, PhD (Faculty of Education)
C Lebrun, PhD (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry)
R Lederer, (Faculty of Arts)
Registrar of the University
LM Collins
Adjunct Professors
S Cheung, PhD
M Jendral, PhD
C Lebrun, PhD
R Plotnikoff, PhD
M Strickland, PhD
M Washington, PhD