General Information
Membership in Professional Associations
172.3 Membership in Professional Associations
Occupational Therapy
Graduates from the Occupational Therapy program may be eligible for membership in the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT).
To establish eligibility, CAOT requires successful completion of a certification examination.
Physical Therapy
Graduates from the Physical Therapy program may apply for membership in the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and the Physiotherapy Alberta College and Association.
Provincial Licensing: In order to be a practising physical therapist in the Province of Alberta, graduates from the Physical Therapy Program at the University of Alberta are required to take the Physiotherapy Competency Examination which consists of both written (Qualifying Examination) and clinical (Physiotherapy National Examination) examinations. The fee for the examination is the responsibility of the student. Information on the cost of the examination can be obtained from the Physiotherapy Alberta College and Association. Successful completion of the PNE will enable graduating physical therapists to practice in Alberta. Contact (780) 438-0338 for more information.
Speech Pathology and Audiology
All graduates who intend to be certified to practice in Alberta are required to join the Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ACSLPA) and are eligible to join the Speech-Language Audiology Canada (SAC). Applications may be obtained from SAC at Suite 209, 3132 Parsons Road, Edmonton AB T6N 1L6 (phone: 1-800-537-0589) and from SAC at Suite 920 - 1 Nicholas St, Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7.
Provincial Licensing
Graduates from all programs intending to practise in Canada must comply with provincial licensing requirements regardless of their professional qualifications.
Employment in Other Countries
Information regarding practice in other countries may be obtained from the appropriate professional organization, which also advises on the degree of reciprocity of registration to be expected.