191 The Professors
Members of the Faculty
Officers of the Faculty
J Schaeffer, PhD, FRSC
Vice Dean
JR Beamish, PhD
Associate Deans
MA Armour, PhD
LM Heaman, PhD, FRSC
MA Klobukowski, PhD
BK Leskiw, PhD
G Loppnow PhD
GA Sanchez-Azofeifa, PhD
Assistant Deans
JL McClelland, MPA
J Naylor, BA, MACT
K Taylor, PhD
Administrative Professional Officers
S Fraser, BCom
M Fuko, BA
A Thompson, BMgt
T Thurston, BSc
Director of Science Animal Support Services
T Bayans, DVM
Distinguished University Professor
RE Taylor, PhD
Honorary Professors of Science
JA Jacobs, DSc
RW Stewart, PhD, FRSC, FRS, DSc
Biological Sciences
Professor and Chair
MW Caldwell, PhD
Professor and Associate Chairs
DW Coltman, PhD
HE McDermid, PhD
CA Paszkowski, PhD
Killam Memorial Chair of Science and Professor of Ecology
DW Schindler, DPhil, DSc hc, DLaws hc, FRS, FRSC
Distinguished University Professor
M Belosevic, PhD, FRSC
DW Ali, PhD
M Belosevic, PhD, FRSC
SA Boutin, PhD, FRSC
MS Boyce, PhD
JF Cahill, PhD
MW Caldwell, PhD
JP Chang, PhD
DW Coltman, PhD
PJ Currie, PhD, FRSC
AE Derocher, PhD
KJ Devito, PhD
MK Deyholos, PhD
JM Foght, PhD
WJ Gallin, PhD
JA Gamon, PhD
AG Good, PhD
GG Goss, PhD
DS Hik, PhD
MA Lewis, DPhil
SP Leys, PhD
J Locke, PhD
HE McDermid, PhD
EH Merrill, PhD
FE Nargang, PhD
AR Palmer, PhD
CA Paszkowski, PhD
DB Pilgrim, PhD
HC Proctor, PhD
LJ Reha-Krantz, PhD
J Roland, PhD
DW Schindler, PhD, FRSC
FAH Sperling, PhD
CC St Clair, PhD
VL St Louis, PhD
GJ Taylor, PhD
DS Wishart, PhD
GKS Wong, PhD
Associate Professors
D Barreda, PhD
EM Bayne, PhD
SD Campbell, PhD
JE Cooke, PhD
JJ Dennis, PhD
ML Evenden, PhD
MF Feldman, PhD
BA Keddie, PhD
K King-Jones, PhD
BD Lanoil, PhD
BK Leskiw, PhD
BG Magor, PhD
KE Magor, PhD
DI McKenzie, PhD
AM Murray, PhD
GW Owttrim, PhD
TL Raivio, PhD
E Scarpella, PhD
MA Srayko, PhD
JL Stafford, PhD
LY Stein, PhD
CM Szymanski, PhD
RD Vinebrooke, PhD
AJ Waskiewicz, PhD
Assistant Professors
WT Allison, PhD
Y Boucher, PhD
R Case, PhD
JC Hall, PhD
L Luong, PhD
JS Manson, PhD
KB Tierney, PhD
Faculty Service Officers
A Cornish, PhD
CS Davis, PhD
ME Haag, MSc
N Harris, PhD
C La Farge-England, PhD
AW Shostak, PhD
Administrative Professional Officers
DG Howatt, MBA, MA, BSc
G Law, BASc
Professor and Chair
DJ Harrison, PhD, FRSC
Professors and Associate Chairs
MA Klobukowski, PhD
MT McDermott, PhD
FG West, PhD
Faculty Service Officer and Assistant Chair
CA McDermott, PhD
Distinguished University Professors
DR Bundle, PhD, FRSC
DG Hall, PhD
JC Vederas, PhD, FRSC, FRS
SH Bergens, PhD
DR Bundle, PhD, FRSC
JM Buriak, PhD, FRSC
DLJ Clive, PhD
H Fenniri, PhD
DG Hall, PhD
DJ Harrison, PhD, FRSC
W Jaeger, PhD, FRSC
JS Klassen, PhD
MA Klobukowski, PhD
L Li, PhD
GR Loppnow, PhD
TL Lowary, PhD
CA Lucy, PhD
A Mar, PhD
RE McCreery, PhD
NO Petersen, PhD
J M Stryker, PhD
JC Vederas, PhD, FRSC
JGC Veinot, PhD
RE Wasylishen, PhD, FRSC
FG West, PhD
Y Xu, PhD
Associate Professors
A Brown, PhD
CW Cairo, PhD
RE Campbell, PhD
MT McDermott, PhD
Assistant Professors
R Derda, PhD
JM Gibbs-Davis, PhD
G Hanna, PhD
J Harynuk, PhD
E Rivard, PhD
M Serpe, PhD
Faculty Service Officers
N Gee, PhD
D Karpuzov, DSc
CA McDermott, PhD
R McDonald, PhD
H Wan, PhD
RM Whittal, PhD
Administrative Professional Officer
JM Bagwe, BSc
Computing Science
Professor and Chair
MH MacGregor, PhD
Professors and Associate Chairs
HJ Hoover, PhD
MA Nascimento, PhD
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
J Sander, PhD
Distinguished University Professor
J Schaeffer, PhD, FRSC
JN Amaral, PhD
A Basu, PhD
WF Bischof, PhD
P Boulanger, PhD
JC Culberson, PhD
R Elio, PhD
ES Elmallah, PhD
RG Goebel, PhD
R Greiner, PhD
JJ Harms, PhD
RB Hayward, PhD
RC Holte, PhD
HJ Hoover, PhD
MH MacGregor, PhD
M Mueller, PhD
MA Nascimento, PhD
I Nikolaidis, PhD
P Rudnicki, PhD
J Schaeffer, PhD, FRSC
C Schlegel, PhD
DE Schuurmans, PhD
LK Stewart, PhD
E Stroulia
RS Sutton, PhD
DA Szafron, PhD
DS Wishart, PhD
H Yang, PhD
J-H You, PhD
L-Y Yuan, PhD
OR Zaiane, PhD
H Zhang, PhD
Associate Professors
D Barbosa, PhD
M Bowling, PhD
V Bulitko, PhD
M Buro, PhD
M Jagersand, PhD
G Kondrak, PhD
G-H Lin, PhD
C-PP Lu, PhD
D Rafiei, PhD
MR Salavatipour, PhD
J Sander, PhD
C Szepesvari, PhD
K Wong, PhD
Assistant Professors
A Hindle, PhD
N Ray, PhD
Faculty Service Officers
C Smith, MSc
SF Sutphen, MSc
Administrative Professional Officer
L Whyte, BA (Hons)
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor and Chair
MJ Sharp, PhD
Professors and Associate Chairs
T Chacko, PhD
RW Luth, PhD
B Rivard, PhD
Distinguished University Professor
SG Pemberton, PhD, FRSC
CG Amrhein, PhD
ABG Bush, PhD
MW Caldwell, PhD
O Catuneanu, PhD
T Chacko, PhD
RA Creaser, PhD, FRSC
MSV Douglas, PhD
JA Gamon, PhD
MK Gingras, PhD
LM Heaman, PhD, FRSC
B Jones, PhD, FRSC
KO Konhauser, PhD
RW Luth, PhD
H-G Machel, PhD
K Muehlenbachs, PhD
PG Myers, PhD
DG Pearson, PhD
SG Pemberton, PhD, FRSC
DK Potter, PhD
GW Reuter, PhD
JP Richards, PhD
B Rivard, PhD
BJ Rostron, PhD
GA Sanchez-Azofeita, PhD
MJ Sharp, PhD
T Stachel, PhD
BR Sutherland, PhD
MJ Unsworth, PhD
JWF Waldron, PhD
JD Wilson, PhD
AP Wolfe, PhD
Associate Professors
D Collins, PhD
DG Froese, PhD
TD Garvin, PhD
SA Gleeson, PhD
NB Harris, PhD
CDK Herd, PhD
JL Kavanaugh, PhD
LR Leighton, PhD
TK McGee, PhD
CA Mendoza, PhD
I Moeck, PhD
J-P Zonneveld, PhD
Assistant Professors
DS Alessi, PhD
L Li, PhD
RJ Summers, PhD
Faculty Service Officers
A Dey Nuttal, PhD
SA DuFrane, PhD
RA Stern, PhD
Administrative Professional Officer
M-J Turnell, BSc, MSc, MPM
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Professor and Chair
A Pianzola, PhD
Professors and Associate Chairs
G de Vries, PhD
TJ Hillen, PhD
JD Lewis, PhD
Distinguished University Professor
AT-M Lau, PhD
W Allegretto, PhD
JC Bowman, PhD
A Cadenillas, PhD
KC Carrière, PhD
V Chernousov, PhD
GH Cliff, PhD
G de Vries, PhD
TJ Gannon, PhD
E Gombay, PhD
B Han, PhD
TJ Hillen, PhD
R-Q Jia, PhD
RJ Karunamuni, PhD
MA Kouritzin, PhD
AT-M Lau, PhD
SR Lele, PhD
JD Lewis, PhD
MA Lewis, DPhil
Y Li, PhD
Y Lin, PhD
A Litvak, PhD
ACF Liu, PhD
A Melnikov, DSc
PD Minev, PhD
I Mizera, PhD
A Pianzola, PhD
RA Poliquin, PhD
V Putkaradze, PhD
V Runde, PhD
BA Schmuland, PhD
M Shirvani, PhD
GE Swaters, PhD
N Tomczak-Jaegermann, PhD, FRSC
DP Wiens, PhD
AR Weiss, PhD, FRSC
YS Wong, DPhil
Associate Professors
A Berger, PhD
X Chen, PhD
T Choulli, PhD
F Dai, PhD
CF Doran, PhD
DV Hrimiuc, PhD
J Kuttler, PhD
G Peschke, PhD
NGN Prasad, PhD
VG Troitsky, PhD
HJ Van Roessel, PhD
V Yaskin, PhD
Assistant Professors
V Bouchard, PhD
C Frei, PhD
N Guay, PhD
L Kong, PhD
B Pass, PhD
M Patnaik, PhD
A Viselter, PhD
H Wang, PhD
X Yu, PhD
P Zhang, PhD
Faculty Service Officers
H Kolacz, PhD
D McNeilly, PhD
E Woolgar, PhD
Administrative Professional Officer
RT Mikalonis, BScAg
Professor and Chair
MD Sacchi, PhD
Professor and Associate Chair
AL Hallin, PhD
Associate Professors and Associate Chairs
RW Moore, PhD
SM Morsink, PhD
Killam Memorial Chair and Professor of Physics
V Frolov, PhD
JR Beamish, PhD
M Boninsegni, PhD
KH Chow, PhD
MR Freeman, PhD
V Frolov, PhD
DM Gingrich, PhD
AL Hallin, PhD
FA Hegmann, PhD
JA Jung, PhD
IR Mann, PhD
R Marchand, PhD
F Marsiglio, PhD
A Meldrum, PhD
DN Page, PhD, FRSC
AA Penin, PhD
JL Pinfold, PhD
D Pogosian, PhD
D Potter, PhD
A Prus-Czarnecki, PhD
RW Rankin, PhD
W Rozmus, PhD
MD Sacchi, PhD
DR Schmitt, PhD
BR Sutherland, PhD
RD Sydora, PhD
JA Tusznynski, PhD
MJ Unsworth, PhD
RA Wolkow, PhD, FRSC
Associate Professors
F Fenrich, PhD
CO Heinke, PhD
YJ Gu, PhD
M Heimpel, PhD
VA Kravchinsky, PhD
RW Moore, PhD
SM Morsink, PhD
M van der Baan, PhD
Assistant Professors
KSD Beach, PhD
CA Currie, PhD
JP Davis, PhD
M Dumberry, PhD
DR Grant, PhD
N Ivanova, PhD
CB Krauss, PhD
EW Rosolowsky, PhD
GR Sivakoff, PhD
MT Woodside, PhD
Faculty Service Officers
J Couch, MSc
IY Isaac, PhD
DK Milling, PhD
Administrative Professional Officers
EM Berends, BA
MA Henderson, BSc
Professor and Chair
JH Bisanz, PhD
Professors and Associate Chairs
TL Spalding, PhD
CB Sturdy, PhD
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
PL Hurd, PhD
F Colbourne, PhD
CT Dickson, PhD
RA Dixon, PhD
CL Gagné, PhD
DS Grant, PhD
EM Nicoladis, PhD
ML Spetch, PhD
DR Treit, PhD
DR Wylie, PhD
Associate Professors
JB Caplan, PhD
AB Signhal, PhD
CF Westbury, PhD
Faculty Lecturer
KA Loepelmann, PhD
Faculty Service Officers
TE Johnson, PhD
S Ziolkowski, PhD
Professor Emeritus
CD Heth, PhD
Administrative Professional Officer
KL Johnston, BSc
Additional Members of Faculty Council
President and Vice-Chancellor
IV Samarasekera, O.C.
Registrar of the University
LM Collins
Full-time Sessional Staff within the Faculty of Science
One representative from the Faculties of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Business, Education, Engineering, Faculté Saint-Jean, Medicine and Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Education and Recreation
One representative from the departments of Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Physiology
One representative from the Division of Computer Engineering
One representative from the Alumni Association
One representative from the Association of Professional Engineering, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta
Two Graduate Students from the Faculty of Science
Twelve Undergraduate Students from the Faculty of Science