Admission Requirements by Faculty
16.8 Faculty of Law
16.8.1 Juris Doctor (JD)
General Admission Requirements
In measuring the potential of applicants, the Faculty Admissions Committee relies primarily on the undergraduate grade point average (GPA) and the performance on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).
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The Committee will not consider any year of study or course or courses which cannot be credited toward a degree, or toward a university diploma approved by the Committee. | |||||||
Admission into the Faculty of Law is limited to a quota of 175 students. Because the number of candidates who meet the minimum requirements for admission far exceeds the quota, it should be understood that eligibility does not guarantee admission. Admission is determined on a competitive basis. | |||||||
Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
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The decision of the Committee in any matter is final, and there is no appeal from the Committee to any other body or person within the Faculty or the University. | |||||||
The Committee will consider candidates for admission to the Faculty of Law in the following categories:
16.8.2 Regular Applicants
To be considered for admission to the JD program a Regular Applicant must
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In special circumstances, the Committee will consider applicants who demonstrate outstanding academic ability, and who will, before or in the Fall/Winter preceding the September in which admission is sought (i.e., by April 30), have completed not less than two years, or equivalent of a full program of studies that would be accepted for credit toward any degree at a university in Alberta. Outstanding academic ability is defined as
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The Committee shall consider and evaluate, in its sole discretion, the content and grades of the applicant's academic performance and may reject applicants whose general performance or course of study the Committee does not consider satisfactory.
16.8.3 Special Applicants
No applicant can elect to be placed in any category. Allocation to such category shall be the responsibility of the Committee.
Aboriginal Applicants: For the purpose of application and admission to the University of Alberta, and in accordance with the Constitution Act, 1982, Part II, Section 35(2), an Aboriginal Applicant is an Indian, Inuit or Métis person of Canada, or a person who is accepted by one of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada as a member of their community. Refer to §14.3.2 for further details regarding proof of Aboriginal ancestry.
16.8.4 Application Procedure
The application for admission to the JD program is available from the web at www.registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca. The application must be submitted on or before November 1 of the year preceding the year in which admission is sought. All additional supporting documentation must be provided to the Faculty of Law on or before February 1 of the year in which admission is sought (see §12.7). Documentation should be submitted directly to the Faculty of Law at: Admissions Office, Room 128E, Law Centre, University of Alberta, T6G 2H5.
All applicants will be notified by letter regarding admission or nonadmission. Successful applicants must confirm their admission and intention to register by submitting a nonrefundable deposit within the time specified in the letter of acceptance. The deposit will be credited toward tuition on registration in September (see §13.5.3).
The Admissions Office will not accept enquiries concerning the status of applications. Applicants are encouraged to check the status of their application on Bear Tracks at https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca.
16.8.5 Application Documentation
The following documents are required to complete an application and must be postmarked by the application deadline in §12.
Transcripts: Two official transcripts of all postsecondary education are required. These transcripts must be complete and indicate any degree received. All transcripts must bear the seal of the issuing institution and the original signature of the issuing officer. Photocopies and transcripts without these marks of validity will not be accepted. | |
Supplemental Admission Form: A Law School Supplemental Admissions Form must be completed and returned by all applicants.
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LSAT: The December test date is the last LSAT that can be written by applicants seeking admission in the following September [see §16.8.1(4)]. The Admissions Office will obtain LSAT scores directly from Law Services for all applicants who have active files with Law Services in Newtown, Pennsylvania. | |
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A personal statement, resume, and two letters of reference are required for each Mature or Aboriginal Applicant. |
16.8.6 Part-Time Program
Applicants who are admitted to the Faculty of Law under any admission category may apply to the Committee for admission to the part-time JD program for the first year of study. | |||||||||||||
To be considered for admission to the part-time program applicants must
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Application Procedures: An admitted applicant who wishes to apply to the part-time program must apply in writing to the Committee before July 1 in the year in which the applicant has been admitted to full-time studies, or within five working days of having been informed of their admission, if the applicant accepts an offer of admission made after July 1. | |||||||||||||
Each academic year the Faculty of Law shall provide up to five percent of the available positions to the part-time legal studies program. The full-time student quota will be decreased by one full-time position for each two part-time positions filled. | |||||||||||||
Students admitted to the part-time program may, on a change of circumstances and with the approval of the Committee, transfer to full-time studies. | |||||||||||||
Part-time students must complete the requirements of the JD degree within a maximum of six years. |