Graduate Programs
Secondary Education
205.72 Secondary Education
Department of Secondary Education
551 Education South
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G5
E-mail: edsegrad@ualberta.ca
205.72.1 General Information
The Department of Secondary Education offers programs leading to the Master of Education, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education degrees. Graduate instruction in these programs is designed to develop competencies as master teachers, educators in the specific disciplines, curriculum and instruction specialists, and curriculum and instruction scholars.
Graduate programs in the Department normally include advanced studies in the following areas: subject matter specialization, curriculum theory, pedagogical theory, teaching, teacher education, technology integration (interdepartmental MEd), cultural studies, and enquiry into curriculum perspectives and educational practices. Programs of an interdisciplinary nature are possible. Programs for each student are designed in consultation with an advisor.
Before applying for admission, it is strongly recommended that applicants ascertain whether the intended area of study is congruent with those of the department. It is also recommended that prospective students contact professors in their area of interest to determine availability and interest. This information may be found at the Department of Secondary Education's web page (www.secondaryed.ualberta.ca).
Applications for admission are conducted on line through the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research web page (www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca)
Entrance Requirements
The Department's minimum admission requirement for the master's program is an undergraduate degree with an average of 3.0 in the last two years of undergraduate work (or graduate work) at the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution, a teaching certificate, representing at least two years of teaching experience, and a TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 88 (Internet-based) where applicable (see §203.2.4). Admission requirements for the doctoral programs are an approved master's degree with an average of at least 3.0 or equivalent and a TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 88 (Internet-based) where applicable (see §203.2.4).
Financial Assistance
A number of graduate assistantships are available to qualified candidates for the MEd, EdD or PhD in Secondary Education for services rendered in the Department's research and teaching programs. These assistantships do not provide full support.
205.72.2 The Degree of MEd
Normally, a teaching certificate representing at least two years of teaching experience, and an undergraduate degree of appropriate quality are required for admission to MEd programs.
Both thesis-based and course-based Master of Education programs are available through the Department.
Program Requirements
Students in the course-based MEd program normally must successfully complete
27 of graduate-level courses and a final capping exercise (equivalent to
3). Students in the thesis-based MEd program normally must successfully complete
21 of graduate-level courses, as well as preparing and defending a thesis.
There is no formal residency requirement for the course-based MEd. A period of residence of one academic year (fall and winter terms) is recommended for the thesis-based program.
Length of Program
The time taken to complete the program will vary according to the education and experience of the applicant and the nature of the research undertaken. A minimum of two years is usually required. The maximum time allowed for completion of MEd programs is four years for the thesis-based program and six years for the course-based program.
205.72.3 The Degrees of EdD and PhD
Program Requirements
The EdD and PhD programs normally consist of coursework and the preparation and defense of a dissertation on an approved topic.
The minimum period of residency for the EdD program is 12 continuous months of full-time study at the University of Alberta. The PhD program requires two academic years of full-time attendance to meet the residence requirement; this involves four (four-month) terms of full-time study.
Length of Program
The time taken to complete the EdD or PhD program will vary with the individual candidate. A minimum of two years of full-time study and research is usually required. The maximum time allowed for completion of a doctoral program is six years.
205.72.4 Courses for Graduate Credit
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the subject heading Secondary Education (EDSE, EDES, and EDCT).