Student Services
24.4 Bursary Information
Student Connect (780) 492-3113; 1-855-492-3113
Administration Building
Bursaries are nonrepayable monetary awards given to University of Alberta students who demonstrate financial need in the current academic year. The Office of the Registrar assists other Faculties and Departments at the University of Alberta to assess financial need and/or distribute bursary funds to students. Bursaries are generally issued after a student has exhausted all other funding options. For further information please visit Student Connect, the Office the Registrar’s student service centre, www.registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca/Financial-Support/Bursaries.
The Supplementary Bursary Program
Supplementary Bursaries are intended to provide financial aid to students who are experiencing a financial shortfall in the current academic year. They are designed to supplement students' existing funds, and are not intended to fully fund students' educations. For further information please visit Student Connect, the Office of the Registrar’s student service centre, or www.registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca/Financial-Support/Bursaries.
The Access Fund
The Students’ Union Access Fund offers non-repayable financial assistance for undergraduate students at the University of Alberta. The Access Fund is part of the Supplementary Bursary Program, delivered through the Office of the Registrar. For application and eligibility information please visit www.registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca/Financial-Support/Bursaries/Supplementary-Bursary-Program.
Graduate Students’ Association Emergency Bursaries
GSA Emergency Bursaries are available for graduate students. Applications are available year round with appointments made through Ask Student Connect at http://ualberta.intelliresponse.com. Applications are available a www.gsa.ualberta.ca/10GrantsandBursaries/EmergencyBursary.
International Student Emergency Bursary Funds
International Student Emergency Bursary Funds are available for international undergraduate and graduate students. Applications are available year-round at www.iss.ualberta.ca (navigate to Help While You are Here – Money and Taxes – Emergency Loans and Bursaries Fund).
International Undergraduate Student Bursary (IUSB)
IUSB is available for international undergraduate students. The applications deadline occurs in mid-August each year. Applications can be accessed at www.iss.ualberta.ca (navigate to Help While You are Here – Money and Taxes – Emergency Loans and Bursaries Fund).
Differential Fee Bursaries
Differential Fee Bursaries are available to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and to graduate students in the MBA program. For more information, visit http://registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca/financial-support.aspx.
Bursaries through Faculties and Departments
Additional bursaries may be available through Faculties and Departments. Contact the respective administrative offices for more information.