Programs by Department
194.15 Physics
The Honors Programs offered by the Department of Physics provide a comprehensive education for students planning advanced degrees and a research or academic career.
Notes | |
Students interested in the Engineering-Physics program should consult §82.8 of the Faculty of Engineering section. | |
Honors and Specialization Physics students must consult an advisor in the Department of Physics regarding their programs. Note to second-, third- and fourth-year students: Not all 200-, 300- and 400-level Physics and Geophysics courses are offered every year. |
194.15.1 Honors in Physics
Continuation in the Honors in Physics program requires successful completion of at least
24 with a minimum 3.0 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 3.0 GPA on the last
90 credited to the degree.
Notes | |
By the end of their programs, students must have taken | |
PH Pool A options: All 400-level ASTRO; PHYS 415, 485, 495. | |
PH Pool B options: MA PH 451; all 400-level MATH; PHYS 458, 467. | |
PH Pool options: ASTRO 320, 322; EAS 370, 371, 373; all 300- and 400-level GEOPH; all 400-level PHYS; all courses in Pool A and Pool B. Other courses may be taken by prior consent of the Department of Physics. | |
Credit in SCI 100 will be considered equivalent to MATH 114, 115, PHYS 144, 146 and |
Year 1 | |
MATH 144 (or 117), 146 (or 118) | |
MATH 125 (or 127), 225 (or 227) | |
PHYS 144, 146 | |
| |
Year 2 | |
MATH 214 (or 217), 215 (or 317) | |
PHYS 234, 244, 271, 281, 295, 297 | |
Year 3 | |
MATH 311 (or 411), 334, 337 | |
PHYS 310, 311, 362, 372, 381, 397 | |
Year 4 | |
MA PH 343 | |
PHYS 472, 481, 499 | |
| |
| |
| |
194.15.2 Specialization in Physics
Continuation in the Specialization in Physics program requires successful completion of at least
24 with a minimum 2.3 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 2.3 GPA on the last
90 credited to the degree.
Notes | |
By the end of their programs, students must have taken | |
PS Senior Science options: Any 200- or higher level course offered by the Faculty of Science. | |
PS Pool A: PHYS 301, 362, 364, all 300- and 400-level ASTRO, GEOPH, MA PH, and MATH courses; all 400-level PHYS courses. Other courses may be taken with prior consent of Department. | |
PS Pool B: all 400-level ASTRO, GEOPH, MA PH, and PHYS. Other courses may be taken with prior consent of Department. | |
Credit in SCI 100 is considered equivalent to MATH 114, 115, PHYS 144, 146 and |
Year 1 | |
MATH 144 (or 117), 146 (or 118), 125 (or 127), 225 (or 227) | |
PHYS 144, 146 | |
| |
Year 2 | |
MATH 214 (or 217), 215 (or 317) | |
PHYS 234, 244, 271, 281, 295, 297 | |
Year 3 | |
MATH 334, 337 | |
PHYS 310, 311, 372, 381, 397 | |
| |
| |
Year 4 | |
| |
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| |
194.15.3 Honors in Astrophysics
Continuation in the Honors in Astrophysics program requires successful completion of at least
24 with a minimum 3.0 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 3.0 GPA on the last
90 credited to the degree.
Notes | |
Students must take a total of | |
AH Pool: EAS 370, 371, 373; all 300-level GEOPH courses; PHYS 397; MA PH 451; all 400-level ASTRO, GEOPH, PHYS, and MATH courses. Other courses may be taken with prior consent of Department. | |
Credit in SCI 100 will be considered equivalent to MATH 114, 115, PHYS 144 and 146 and |
Year 1 | |
MATH 144 (or 117), 146 (or 118), 125 (or 127), 225 (or 227) | |
PHYS 144, 146 | |
| |
Year 2 | |
ASTRO 320 | |
MATH 214 (or 217), 215 (or 317) | |
PHYS 234, 244, 271, 281, 295, 297 | |
Year 3 | |
ASTRO 322 | |
MATH 311, 334, 337 | |
PHYS 310, 311, 362, 372, 381 | |
Year 4 | |
| |
MA PH 343 | |
PHYS 458, 472, 481, 499 | |
| |
194.15.4 Specialization in Astrophysics
Continuation in the Specialization in Astrophysics program requires successful completion of at least
24 with a minimum 2.3 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 2.3 GPA on the last
90 credited to the degree.
Notes | |
Students must take a total of | |
AS Senior Science options: Any 200-, 300-, or 400-level course offered by the Faculty of Science. | |
AS Pool options: PHYS 301, 362, 364, 397; all 300- and 400-level GEOPH, MA PH, MATH, and PHYS courses; all 400- level ASTRO courses. Other courses may be taken with prior consent of Department. | |
Credit in SCI 100 is considered equivalent to MATH 114, 115, PHYS 144, 146 and |
Year 1 | |
MATH 144 (or 117), 146 (or 118), 125 (or 127), 225 (or 227) | |
PHYS 144, 146 | |
| |
Year 2 | |
ASTRO 320 | |
MATH 214 (or 217), 215 (or 317) | |
PHYS 234, 244, 271, 281, 295, 297 | |
Year 3 | |
ASTRO 322 | |
MATH 334, 337 | |
PHYS 310, 311, 372, 381 | |
| |
| |
Year 4 | |
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| |
| |
194.15.5 Honors in Geophysics
Continuation in the Honors in Geophysics program requires successful completion of at least
24 with a minimum 3.0 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 3.0 GPA on the last
90 credited to the degree.
Notes | |
In addition to the specific courses listed in the program, students must take | |
Suggested approved Science options: ASTRO 429; EAS 221, 224, 320, 323, 324, 425; GEOPH 332, 431, 440; MIN E 323; PET E 365, 473, 477; PHYS 308, 310 (recommended), 499; STAT 141 (or 151). Students in Geophysics will not have the formal prerequisites for many of the EAS, MIN E, and PET E courses, and must request permission to register in those courses from the department offering the particular course. | |
Not all 300-level and 400-level courses are offered every year. Students must consult the Department of Physics for approval of programs. | |
Students entering this program after first year may take GEOPH 210 in lieu of GEOPH 110. However, students will not receive credit for both GEOPH 110 and 210. | |
Credit in SCI 100 will be considered equivalent to CHEM 101, 102, EAS 105, MATH 114, 115, PHYS 144 and 146. |
Year 1 | |
CHEM 101, 102 | |
GEOPH 110 | |
MATH 144 (or 117), 146 (or 118), 125 | |
PHYS 144, 146 | |
Year 2 | |
EAS 105 | |
EAS 233 | |
MATH 214 (or 217), 215 (or 317) | |
PHYS 234, 244, 271, 281, 295 | |
Year 3 | |
EAS 222 | |
GEOPH 325, 326 | |
MATH 311 (or 411), 334, 337 | |
PHYS 381 | |
Year 4 | |
GEOPH 421, 424, 426, 436, 438 | |
PHYS 467, 481 | |
| |
194.15.6 Specialization in Geophysics
Continuation in the Specialization in Geophysics program requires successful completion of at least
24 with a minimum 2.3 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 2.3 GPA on the last
90 credited to the degree.
In addition to the specific courses listed in the program, students must take a minimum of | |
Specialization Pool A courses: ASTRO 429; EAS 221, 320, 323, 324, 425; GEOPH 332, 421, 431, 440; MIN E 323; PET E 365, 473, 477; PHYS 308, 499. Students in Geophysics will not have the formal prerequisites for many of the EAS, MIN E, and PET E courses, and must request permission to register in those courses from the department offering the particular course. GEOPH courses are recommended. | |
Specialization Pool B courses: EAS 224, PHYS 261, 310 (recommended), 362, 420, 467, STAT 141 (or 151), | |
Not all 300-level and 400-level courses are offered every year. Students must consult the Department of Physics for approval of programs. | |
Students entering this program after first year may take GEOPH 210 in lieu of GEOPH 110. However, students will not receive credit for both GEOPH 110 and 210. | |
Credit in SCI 100 will be considered equivalent to CHEM 101, 102, EAS 105, MATH 114, 115, PHYS 144 and 146. |
Year 1 | |
CHEM 101, 102 | |
GEOPH 110 | |
MATH 144 (or 117), 146 (or 118), 125 | |
PHYS 144, 146 | |
Year 2 | |
EAS 105 | |
EAS 233 | |
MATH 214 (or 217), 215 (or 317) | |
PHYS 234, 244, 271, 281, 295 | |
Year 3 | |
EAS 222 | |
GEOPH 325, 326 | |
MATH 311 (or equivalent), 334, (or 201 or equivalent), 337 (or 300 or equivalent) | |
PHYS 381 | |
Year 4 | |
GEOPH 424, 426, 436, 438 | |
| |
194.15.7 Honors in Mathematical Physics
Continuation in the Honors in Mathematical Physics program requires successful completion of at least
24 with a minimum 3.0 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 3.0 GPA on the last
90 credited to the degree.
Notes | |
MPH Senior Science options: any 300- or 400-level course offered by the Faculty of Science. | |
MPH Pool courses: PHYS 362, 397; all 300- and 400-level ASTRO and GEOPH courses; all 400-level MA PH, MATH and PHYS courses. Other courses may be taken with prior consent of Department. | |
Credit in SCI 100 will be considered equivalent to MATH 114, 115, PHYS 144, 146 and |
Year 1 | |
MATH 117, 118, 125 or 127, 225 or 227 | |
PHYS 144, 146 | |
| |
Year 2 | |
MATH 217, 317 | |
MATH 334 | |
PHYS 234, 244, 271, 281, 295 | |
Year 3 | |
MATH 311 (or 411), 337 | |
MA PH 343 | |
PHYS 310, 311, 372, 381 | |
| |
Year 4 | |
MATH 417 | |
MA PH 451 | |
PHYS 458, 472, 481, 499 | |
194.15.8 Science Internship Program
A Science Internship Program, is offered to students in the General, Specialization or Honors programs in Physics (see §192.11 for guidelines to the program). The Science Internship designation will appear on the degree parchments of students who have participated in the program and who have also successfully completed PHYS 400.