Faculty Regulations
Science Internship Program
192.11 Science Internship Program
The Science Internship Program (SIP) offers science undergraduate students work experience opportunities in addition to their academic courses.
To be eligible to register in this program a student must:
Have successfully completed a minimum of | |
Be in good standing and have a minimum 2.3 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter Terms. |
Students accepted into the program will receive access to approved position descriptions from employers wishing to hire SIP students. Employers are responsible for interviewing and selecting students for the positions. The internship may begin in May, September or January and must be of at least 8 months duration, but may extend to up to 16 months. Students are limited to one 8, 12 or 16 month internship placement during their undergraduate degree. Work during the internship period is full time, for which the student is paid by the employer at competitive rates. The student, employer and the Faculty must agree to terms of the internship. It is not possible to guarantee that all students wishing to obtain an internship will be able to do so.
During the period of the internship, the student registers in a work experience (WKEXP) course each term and is considered a full-time student at the University of Alberta. All students must register in a minimum of two WKEXP courses that have associated fees. Work experience courses are assigned no units of course weight and are graded credit/no credit. Grades are determined by the student’s job performance as evaluated by the employer, and/or by the successful completion of assignments as assigned by the Faculty or designate.
The Science Internship Program Coordinator maintains contact at approximately four-month intervals with the student and the person designated by the employer to be responsible for the student’s progress. During this time if the student’s performance is not satisfactory as evaluated by the employer, the internship may be terminated and the student would then return to classes at the next available opportunity.
Following completion of the work experience students return to the university to complete their degree program of studies. Students must complete the academic requirements of the Science Internship which takes the form of a 400-level SIP course.
Students should be aware that under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, students can be required to satisfy a Criminal Record Check before being allowed to start an internship.
Detailed information about the Science Internship Program is available at uab.ca/ScienceInternship.