Faculty Regulations
Study Abroad
192.10 Study Abroad
The Faculty of Science encourages all full-time students who have completed at least
15 credits at the University of Alberta, who are in satisfactory standing in their program with a CGPA of at least 2.5 and have a GPA of at least 2.7 in their most recently completed term, to consider a period of study abroad. This program is administered by University of Alberta International and details of this competitive program can be found on their website www.international.ualberta.ca/studyabroad.
Where possible, credit for courses successfully completed in study abroad programs will be granted transfer credit by the Faculty of Science. However, there may be courses required in a program where there is no substitute available elsewhere. Thus a period of study abroad may extend the time required to complete a BSc degree. Science students should maintain satisfactory standing during study abroad however they will not be held to the course load and GPA expectations of their individual programs. The thesis-based independent research project required in many honors programs must be completed at the University of Alberta.