Graduate Financial Aid
Financing Graduate Education
210 Graduate Financial Aid
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) administers several graduate awards programs and distributes information on sources of graduate student funding.
The FGSR is neither aware of, nor administers every award available. Although the FGSR tries to provide comprehensive information on financial support, the following material is not exhaustive. Students should continue to explore other avenues of funding.
210.1 Financing Graduate Education
Graduate students can finance their studies at the University of Alberta in several ways. Some financial assistance programs are administered by the FGSR, and others are administered by other campus offices or outside organizations.
Graduate Teaching or Research Assistantships | |
Other Departmental Support | |
University-Administered Awards | |
Awards Administered by Other Agencies | |
Loans and Bursaries | |
Funds for Study Abroad/International Student Exchanges |
For information on University-administered awards and awards from outside agencies refer to www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca.
The University of Alberta reserves the right to make changes without prior notice to the information contained on the website, including alterations to the conditions and stipends of awards and fellowships.