The Professors
31.2 Members of the Faculty
Officers of the Faculty
JJ Kennelly, PhD
Associate Dean (Academic)
N Kav, PhD
Associate Dean (Research)
E Macdonald, PhD
Assistant Dean (Administration)
J Carss, BSc
Research Facilitator
M Span-Smeele,n MSc
Assistant Dean (External Relations)
K Crocker, MBA
Senior Development Officer
K Irwin
Communications Director
M Proulx, BA
Development Coordinator
K Horricks
Manager of Student Services
J Bohun, MA
Recruitment Officer
M Brooks, MBA
Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
Professor and Chair
E Okine, PhD
J Aiken, PhD
D Ambrose (ARD Professor)
R Bell, PhD
M Belosevic (Cross Appointment with Biological Sciences)
EW Bork, PhD
C Chan, PhD (Joint Appointment with Physiology)
MT Clandinin, PhD
WT Dixon, PhD
L Dosdall, PhD
CJ Field, PhD
GR Foxcroft, PhD
L Goonewardene (ARD Professor)
JR King, PhD (Joint Appointment with Renewable Resources)
DR Korver, PhD
LJ McCargar, PhD
T McFadden, PhD
LM McMullen, PhD
SS Moore, PhD
MA Naeth, PhD (Joint Appointment with Renewable Resources)
JA Ozga, PhD
L Ozimek, PhD
FE Robinson, PhD (Vice Provost and Dean of Students)
D Spaner, PhD
F Temelli, PhD
T Vasanthan, PhD
WR Weselake, PhD
RC Yang, PhD (ARD Professor)
Associate Professors
B Ametaj, PhD
M Betti, PhD
D Bressler, PhD
HL Bruce, PhD
L Casey, PhD (Cross Appointment with Pediatrics)
J Curtis, PhD
M Dyck, PhD
M Gaenzle, PhD
L Guan, PhD
L Hall, PhD
N Kav, PhD
C Li, PhD (AAFC Associate Professor)
V Mazurak, PhD
S Proctor, PhD
H Rahman, PhD
A Schieber, PhD
SS Strelkov, PhD
D Vine, PhD
Z Wang, PhD
N Willows, PhD
WV Wismer, PhD
J Wu, PhD
RC Yang (ARD Associate Professor)
R Ziljstra, PhD
M Zuidhof, PhD
Assistant Professors
M Aranda Saldana, PhD
D Barreda, PhD (Joint Appointment with Science)
L Chen, PhD
A Farmer, PhD
C Fitzsimmons, PhD (AAFC Assistant Professor)
R Jacobs, PhD
D Mager, PhD (Joint Appointment with Pediatrics)
R Renema, PhD
P Stothard, PhD
C Willenborg, PhD (ARD Assistant Professor)
Adjunct Professors
J Aalhus, PhD
G Ball, PhD
VE Baracos, PhD
J Basarab, PhD
K Beauchemin, PhD
H Beckie, PhD
E Beltranena, PhD
S Blade, PhD
K Chang, PhD
P Doyle, PhD
A Hagg
N Harker, PhD
M Hills, PhD
RJ Howard, PhD
SF Hwang, PhD
A Laroche, PhD
J Matte, PhD
TA McAllister, PhD
R Mosenthin, PhD
FM Nattress, PhD
J O’Donovan, PhD
PB Pencharz, PhD
AL Schaefer, PhD
S Shah, PhD
M Swift, PhD
K Turkington, PhD
J Turner, PhD
W Willms, PhD
Clinical Associate
S Mackenzie, RD
Clinical Instructors
MJ Harland Gregoire, RD
J Meredith, RD
B Roberts, RD
TK Russell, RD
Professors Emeriti
AW Bailey, PhD
RO Ball, PhD
TK Basu, PhD
RT Berg, PhD
JP Bowland, PhD
KG Briggs, PhD
RJ Christopherson, PhD
E Donald, PhD
JJ Feddes, PhD
M Gee
RT Hardin, PhD
Z Hawrysh, PhD
C Hiruki, PhD
P Jelen, PhD
JJ Leonard, PhD
H Knowles, PhD
M Makarechian, PhD
GW Mathison, PhD
B Ooraikul, PhD
MA Price, PhD
J Russell
W Sauer, PhD
JS Sim, PhD
MS Spencer, PhD
P Sporns, PhD
ME Stiles, PhD
GR Stringam, PhD
JP Tewari, PhD
E Toop, PhD
VH Vandenborn, PhD
P Walton, PhD
Administrative Officers
H Bates, MSc
J Bell, PhD
B Irving, PhD
R Smith, PhD
C Wilkinson, DVM
Faculty Service Officers
U Basu, PhD
J Duke, PhD
R Uweira, PhD
Human Ecology
Associate Professor and Chair
D Williamson, PhD
J Fast, PhD
N Keating, PhD
B Lemire, PhD, Henry Marshall Tory Chair (Joint Appointment with History and Classics)
Associate Professors
A Oak, PhD
B Skrypnek, PhD
D Williamson, PhD
Assistant Professors
A Bissonette, PhD
R Breitkreuz, PhD
L Harach, PhD
R McQueen, PhD
G Song, PhD
M Strickfaden, PhD
Adjunct Professors
SA Chapman, PhD
B deVries, PhD
D Dosman, PhD
R Gokiert, PhD
M Mayan, PhD
S McDaniel, PhD
L Schnirer, PhD
Professors Emeriti
W Adams
D Badir, MSc
L Capjack, MSc
M Cox-Bishop, PhD
EM Crown, PhD
T Dennis, MSc
E Empey
N Gibson, PhD
A Kernaleguen, PhD
N Kerr, PhD
D Kieren, PhD
B Munro, PhD
R Renner
E Richards, PhD
Administrative Officer
L Moran, MSc
Faculty Service Officers
J Batcheller, PhD
V Blinova, PhD
K Chandler, MSc
Renewable Resources
Professor and Chair
JR Spence, PhD
DS Chanasyk, PhD
PG Comeau, PhD
M Flannigan, PhD
RF Grant, PhD
F He, PhD
JR King (Joint Appointment with Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)
VJ Lieffers, PhD
SE Macdonald, PhD
SA Quideau, PhD
MA Naeth, PhD (Joint Appointment with Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)
U Silins, PhD
FC Yeh, PhD
J Zwiazek, PhD
Associate Professors
GW Armstrong, PhD
S Chang, PhD
D Davidson (Joint Appointment with Rural Economy)
Y Feng, PhD
AL Foote, PhD
A Hamann, PhD
S Landhausser, PhD
F Schmiegelow, PhD
Assistant Professors
M Dyck, PhD
N Erbilgin, PhD
U Hacke, PhD
MD Mackenzie, PhD
S Nielsen, PhD
S Ryu, PhD
T Siddique, PhD
Adjunct Professors
ME Alexander, PhD
A Anyia, PhD
MA Arshad, PhD
V Baron, PhD
J Bhatti, PhD
LN Carbyn, PhD
H Carcamo, PhD
SG Cumming, PhD
JY Diiwu, PhD
J Gould, PhD
B Grover, PhD
RJ Hall, PhD
EH Hogg, PhD
G Holroyd, PhD
A Jobson, PhD
B Kishchuk, PhD
D Langor, PhD
K Mallett, PhD
P McEachern, PhD
L Morgantini, PhD
S Pruss, PhD
S Song, PhD
MG Sullivan, PhD
B Thomas, PhD
M Tyree, PhD
W Volney, PhD
Professors Emeriti
A Bailey, PhD
JA Beck, PhD
P Blenis, PhD
JR Butler, PhD
F Cook, PhD
P Crown, PhD
BP Dancik, PhD
KW Domier, PhD
MJ Dudas, PhD
AK Hellum, PhD
R Hudson, PhD
NG Juma, PhD
G Kachanoski, PhD
FV MacHardy, PhD
B McQuitty, PhD
M Micko, PhD
PJ Murphy, MScF
MPK Nyborg, PhD
S Pawluk, PhD
JA Robertson, PhD
RL Rothwell, PhD
S Titus, PhD
GR Webster, PhD
RW Wein, PhD
P Woodard, PhD
Administrative Officers
S Gooding, BSc
RL Longworth, BA (Hon), BSc
Faculty Service Officers
R Acorn, MSc
R Belland, PhD (Joint Appointment with Devonian Botanic Garden)
R Pelletier, MSc, MA
Rural Economy
Professor and Chair
B Swallow, PhD
WL Adamowicz, PhD
PC Boxall, PhD
EW Goddard, PhD (Cooperative Chair in Agricultural Marketing and Business)
SR Jeffrey, PhD
MK Luckert, PhD
Associate Professors
DJ Davidson, PhD (Joint Appointment with Renewable Resources)
NT Krogman, PhD
P Marcoul, PhD
J Parkins, PhD
J Rude, PhD
BE Steiner, PhD
JR Unterschultz, PhD
Assistant Professors
H An, PhD
S Anders, PhD
C Dridi, PhD
S Mohapatra, PhD
BL Parlee, PhD (Joint Appointment with Native Studies)
Distinguished Scholar in Residence
S McClellan
Adjunct Professors
H Bjornlund
R Bollman
S Cash, PhD
S Gerking
G Hauer, PhD
CG Jardine, PhD
H Krahn, PhD
BL McFarlane, PhD
R Haluza-Delay, PhD
R Mitchell
R Naidoo, PhD
TK Nilsson, PhD
FJ Tough, PhD
M Weber, PhD
B White, PhD
D Yemshanov
Professors Emeriti
LP Apedaile, PhD
DS Gill, PhD
MH Hawkins, PhD
ML Lerohl, PhD
WE Phillips, PhD
JJ Richter, PhD
MM Veeman, PhD
TS Veeman, PhD