(1) | 24 in Non-Education Elements, to be chosen from the following seven subject areas:
Element I: Language/Literature 6 chosen from Classics 102 and 221, Comparative Literature, English, or Linguistics
Element II: Mathematics 3 chosen from Mathematics or Statistics (MATH 160 recommended)
Element III: Social Science 3 chosen from Anthropology, Economics, History, Political Science, or Sociology
Element IV: Natural Science 3 chosen from Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (from Faculty of Science), Environmental and Conservation Sciences, Forestry, Physics, Plant Science, or Soil Science. Note: PSYCO 104 cannot be used for this element
Element V: Fine Arts 3 chosen from Art; Art History; Dance; Design; Drama; Film and Media Studies; Music; HECOL 150; or HECOL 201
Element VI: Physical Education 3 PEDS 293
Element VII: Health Education 3 chosen from ANTHR 393; HECOL 200, 210, 211, 310; HE ED 110; or SOC 271
(2) | Education Core I ( 6)
EDU 250 ( 3) or ED Option ( 3); EDPY 200 ( 3)
(3) | Computing Requirement ( 3)
EDIT 202 is recommended or CMPUT 1XX or equivalent. (Students are encouraged to enrol in the Computing Requirement as early as possible).
(4) | Introductory Professional Term ( 15)
EDEL 321 or 330 ( 3); EDEL 305 ( 3); EDFX 325 ( 3); EDPY 303 ( 3); EDPS 310 ( 3)
(5) | Education Core II ( 15) chosen from
a. | EDEL 316 ( 3)
| b. | EDEL 321 ( 3) or 330 ( 3)
| c. | ( 6) chosen from EDEL 302, 325, 328, or 335
| d. | EDPY 301 ( 3)
Note: EDEL 305, 316, 321, and 330 are not offered in the Advanced Professional Term.
(6) | Advanced Professional Term ( 15)
( 3) chosen from EDEL 302, 325, 328 or 335; EDFX 425 ( 9) (Special Education minors must take EDFX 426 instead of EDFX 425); EDPS 410 ( 3)
(7) | Minor Courses ( 18–21)
All Elementary Route students must select a Minor to help develop further competence in an area of school instruction, or integrate knowledge from several disciplines. Some Minors may be completed more efficiently by taking specific courses in the Preprofessional Year. Students should examine the specific course requirements of each Minor when considering their choices. Full-year courses should be taken during students' first year in the Faculty of Education. Minors offered may vary each year. Minors currently offered are outlined in Education Chart 1.
(8) | Language and Literacy Education Course ( 3)
All Elementary Route students must take a 3XX or 4XX language and literacy education course in addition to EDEL 305 (Language Arts in the Elementary School). Students are able to fulfill this requirement through courses in the following minors: Early Childhood Education, Educational Psychology, English as a Second Language, Language and Literacy, Native Education, Second Languages, and Special Education. Students not in these minors must fulfill the requirement through an Open Option. See (10) Open Option.
(9) | Non-Education Courses ( 12–15)
Select any courses from outside the Faculty of Education.
Students should enrol in courses that develop additional strengths for classroom teaching. Courses related to the teaching Minor or additional courses from the Elements are recommended.
(10) | Open Option ( 9)
Select any courses from any Faculty.
Students in the following minors must fulfill the Language and Literacy Education Course requirement (see 8 above) with an Open Option: Fine Arts, Mathematics/Science, Music, Physical Education, Social Studies, and Visual Studies. Students in these minors must select ( 3) from EDEL 404, 406, 407, 408, 409, 411, 412, 451.