Faculty Regulations
Registration and Changes of Registration
122.2 Registration and Changes of Registration
Deadlines are strictly observed. See §12. For further information, see §22.1.
Student Responsibility: Students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their registration and for ensuring their programs are in accordance with degree specifications. Read the Calendar carefully, and if you are in doubt about the regulations pertaining to your program, please consult the Faculty office. | |
Failure to “drop” a course: Students who do not formally withdraw from a course but who are absent from the final examination without excuse (see §23.5.3) are given a mark of zero (0) on the final examination. The final grade in the course is then determined by combining the appropriately weighted term grade and the assigned zero in the final examination, the mathematical result rounded to the closest whole number. Students who register in a course but do not attend and do not formally withdraw receive a grade of F. | |
Course Load Requirement: Normally, students in the Faculty of Native Studies take a full course load, i.e., |