Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
203.10 Supervision
Every student in a program leading to a graduate degree is required to have a supervisor. Ideally, the supervisor should be appointed as soon as the student arrives to begin the program. If this is not possible due to the organization of the department's program, an interim supervisor or advisor may be appointed until the permanent supervisor is assigned. In any case, the permanent supervisor must be approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research within the first 12 months of the student's program.
In all doctoral programs, and in some master's degree programs (where required by departments), students must also have a supervisory committee.
The Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research is ultimately responsible for approving the appointment of supervisors and supervisory committee members.
The members of the supervisory committee for doctoral students should be appointed before the second year of the student's provisional doctoral program and well in advance of the candidacy examination. The committee shall consist of at least three faculty members who shall normally be full time and be appointed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, based on recommendations from the department concerned. The chair of the committee shall be the faculty member under whose supervision the student is carrying out the dissertation research. Where appropriate, one or more members of the committee may be chosen from a department other than that in which the research is being carried out.
The committee for a student in a master's program should be appointed in accordance with departmental regulations; its function is to provide guidance on the student's thesis research.
The Department should ensure that the members of a supervisory committee are sufficiently competent and experienced to serve at the required level. In forming a supervisory committee the department should consider the rank and experience of the prospective members, their publications and other demonstrations of competence in the field of specialization, and the prospective members' experience in graduate supervision.
As minimum criteria, supervisors (and normally members of supervisory committees) must:
Be active in the general area of the student's research; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Have a tenured (or tenure track) Faculty appointment (including soft tenure track Faculty appointments such as University Research Fellows and Heritage Scholars) in a department relevant to the field; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hold a degree equivalent to or higher than that for which the student is a candidate. (This would always be the case for newly appointed Faculty, but certain recognized and well-established exceptions should be respected.); | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demonstrate continuing scholarly or creative activity of an original nature.
It is recommended that department Chairs monitor and review the performance of supervisors.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Council has approved eligibility criteria for service on supervisory committees by those such as retired professors, adjunct professors, clinical appointees, etc. Details are available from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research office or in the Graduate Program Manual.
Once a supervisory committee has been appointed, it shall be reviewed annually by the department. The Department shall ensure that the supervisory committee has a formal regular meeting with the student at least once a year.
It is the responsibility of the supervisor to guide the student in the determination and modification, if necessary, of the student's program of study and research. The supervisor or supervisory committee (where applicable) is responsible for ensuring students' awareness of all program requirements and regulations governing their activities related to the graduate program. Such matters as course requirements for the degree program, language requirements (where applicable), and any precandidacy requirements or special skills needed are normally specified by the student's supervisor or supervisory committee.
It is the responsibility of supervisors to make adequate provision for supervision of their graduate students during their leave. Therefore, if a supervisor is to be absent from the University for a period exceeding two months, it is the supervisor's responsibility to nominate an adequate interim substitute and to inform the student, the department and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.
Students are normally involved in the process of the selection of their supervisor although this process varies depending upon the department. However, when arrangements are being made for the formal approval of supervisors, supervisory committees, and examining committees by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, or the scheduling of meetings and examinations, the student shall be consulted and kept closely informed although the student shall not be asked to conduct such activities.
It is recommended that departments prepare a set of guidelines for supervisors and students. Guidelines should deal with the selection and functioning of supervisors and should outline the joint responsibilities of faculty members and graduate students. Avenues of appeal open to students who feel they are receiving unsatisfactory supervision should also be specified.
For further information on supervision see the Calendar preface, Responsibilities Related to Graduate Programs.
The University of Calgary and the University of Alberta have agreements on graduate student supervision for the following:
• | An academic staff member from one university may serve as a co-supervisor for a graduate student at the other university |
• | An academic staff member from one university may serve as a member of the supervisory or examining committee of a graduate student from the other university |
The terms of the agreements include the following:
• | The appointee shall be counted as a regular member of the supervisory committee internal to the student's home department unless it is agreed at the outset that the member will be treated as coming from another department. |
• | The appointment should not be made unless a satisfactory level of interaction can be maintained between the appointee and the graduate student, and between the appointee and the other supervisory committee members. It is the responsibility of the chair of the student's home department to define a satisfactory level of interaction and to ascertain that this can be maintained throughout the student's program. |
• | If additional expenses will be incurred because of the appointment it is the responsibility of the chair of the student's home department, in consultation with the appointee, to make satisfactory arrangements for meeting these additional expenses. Otherwise, the appointment should not be made. |
• | Co-supervisors and supervisory committee members will be bound by the procedures and policies of the student's home institution and shall be made known to the committee member in writing prior to approval. |