Admission of Aboriginal Students
14 General Admission Requirements
In addition to the general University admission requirements detailed below, Faculties have additional admission requirements for each program. Specific admission requirements are detailed in §15.
14.1 Admission of Aboriginal Students
14.1.1 General Statement
The University of Alberta is committed to the recruitment, retention and graduation of Aboriginal students. The University also recognizes that Aboriginal applicants have traditionally been under represented in higher education and strives towards having the University’s Aboriginal student population attain a level that is at least proportionate to the Aboriginal population of the province.
In order to facilitate appropriate representation of Aboriginal students on campus, additional qualified applicants may be considered over and above the Aboriginal students who are admitted in the regular competition for places in a Faculty. Aboriginal applicants who wish to be considered for such additional places must attain the minimum admission requirements of their chosen program as prescribed by the University and its Faculties and Schools. To assist the University in achieving this overall goal, Faculties are encouraged to set aside places specifically for Aboriginal applicants, the number being consistent with the available pool, student interests, and available teaching and learning support services.
14.1.2 Definition of Aboriginal People for the Purpose of Admission
(1) | Definition of an Aboriginal Applicant: For the purpose of application and admission to the University of Alberta, and in accordance with the Constitution Act, 1982, Part II, Section 35(2), an Aboriginal applicant is an Indian, Inuit, or Métis person of Canada, or a person who is accepted by one of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada as a member of their community.
(2) | Proof of Aboriginal Ancestry: Proof of Aboriginal ancestry may be required by Faculties; candidates will be advised at the time of application if they must provide it. Where proof is required, documentation will be verified by
a. | the Faculty of Law, if application is made to the Faculty of Law;
| b. | the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, if the application is made to the Dentistry, Medicine, Dental Hygiene or Medical Laboratory Science programs;
| c. | the Aboriginal Student Services Centre, acting on behalf of all other Faculties, if application is made to any other program.
Aboriginal applicants must be aware that proof of ancestry does not guarantee admission to any program. All positions at the University are competitive and admission committees will make their selections from among the best qualified candidates. Candidates may also be required to demonstrate their connection to an Aboriginal community.
| The following is accepted as proof of ancestry, for the purpose of application:
| a. | a certified copy of a Status or Treaty card;
| b. | a certified copy of a Métis membership card;
| c. | a certified copy of a Nunavut Trust Certificate card, roll number or any other proof accepted by Inuit communities;
| d. | proof that an ancestor's name has been entered
1) | in the Indian Register according to the Indian Act, or
| 2) | on the band list of an individual band, or
| 3) | on the Inuit roll;
| e. | evidence of an ancestor who received a land grant or a scrip grant under the Manitoba Act or the Dominion Lands Act;
| f. | written confirmation of Aboriginal ancestry from the Department of Indian Affairs;
| g. | written confirmation of membership by a band council which has enacted its own band membership code;
| h. | a Statutory Declaration by an applicant attesting to Aboriginal ancestry, supplemented by letters or documentation supporting the Declaration
1) | from an official of a recognized native organization, or
| 2) | from a relative in an Aboriginal community, or
| 3) | from the applicant describing involvement with Aboriginal issues.
| Other forms of proof may be considered.
(3) | Residence
a. | Regarding Application: Residence regulations affecting application to any program at this University shall be waived for Aboriginal applicants.
| b. | Regarding Admission: For the purpose of determining admission to a program, an Aboriginal applicant who is not resident in Alberta will be considered in the following categories and in the order specified:
1) | First, as a candidate for the positions reserved for out-of-province applicants.
| 2) | Second, as a candidate for the positions reserved for Alberta residents. Residence regulations shall be waived for this purpose.
| 3) | Third, as a candidate for positions set aside specifically for Aboriginal applicants. Preference for these positions may be given to those who are resident in Alberta.
(4) | Appeal on Aboriginal Status
Appeals regarding Aboriginal status for the purpose of application can be made to the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic). Appeals may be made on status only and must be received, in writing, within 30 days of the date on the letter advising that proof submitted in support of Aboriginal status has not been accepted for the purpose of application to a program.
In the case of an appeal, the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) shall authorize a panel to review the decision, consisting of the following members:
- | in the Chair, the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) (or delegate)
| - | President, Aboriginal Students Council (or delegate)
| - | an Elder (appointed by the University of Alberta Aboriginal Council)
| - | an appropriate representative of an Indian, Métis or Inuit community (appointed by the University of Alberta Aboriginal Council)
| - | a member of a Faculty not associated with the case [appointed by the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)].
The decision of the appeal panel is final and binding.
14.1.3 Transition Year Program for Aboriginal Applicants
The University of Alberta encourages Aboriginal students to apply for entrance to its degree programs through the normal admission categories as detailed in §15. Prospective students who do not meet these requirements may be eligible for admission by successfully completing a Transition Year Program.
The Aboriginal Student Services Centre, in conjunction with several Faculties, administers these Transition Year Programs. These separate streams give chosen Faculty and assist them to integrate into the campus community. Students admitted to a Transition Year Program will take a combination of degree credit courses and tutorial, support classes.
Admission into a degree program via this particular route is a two-step process. Students must first be admitted into a Transition Year Program, perform satisfactorily on all courses during the program, and then apply the following year for admission to the degree program. The admission requirements follow.
For more information about the Transition Year Program, contact Aboriginal Student Services Centre, 2-400 Students’ Union Building University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1; telephone: (780) 492-5677; fax (780) 492-1674.
(1) | Admission to a Transition Year Program
Note: This program requires the payment of additional miscellaneous fees. See §22.2.3 for details.
a. | General Requirements
1) | Aboriginal status
| 2) | Each required subject must have a minimum mark of 50%.
| 3) | The minimum overall average must be 60%.
| Note: The application and documents deadline is May 1.
| b. | Faculty Requirements
1) | Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
BSc in Agriculture, BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences, BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences/BA in Native Studies, BSc in Forestry, BSc in Nutrition and Food Sciences, Pre-Veterinary Medicine
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1
| iii. | Chemistry 30
| iv. | Biology 30
BSc in Human Ecology, BSc in Human Ecology/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1
| iii. | Biology 30 or Chemistry 30
Note: A minimum mark of 60% in each subject is recommended to be successful in this program.
| 2) | Arts
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | One other 30-level course from Group A (Social Studies 30-1 recommended), B, or C (Mathematics 30-2 may be presented in place of a Group C course).
| iii. | No failure of college/university academic courses in the three years before the date of intended registration.
| 3) | Business
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1
| 4) | Education
Elementary Route
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | One other 30-level course from Group A, B, or C
Secondary Route
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | One other 30-level course related to major area of study
| 5) | Engineering
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1
| iii. | Chemistry 30
| iv. | Physics 30
| 6) | Native Studies
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | One 30-level course from Group A, B, or C, (Mathematics 30-2 may be presented in place of a Group C course).
| 7) | Nursing
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | Biology 30
| iii. | Chemistry 30 or Science 30
| iv. | One of Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 30-2 or Mathematics 31
| 8) | Physical Education and Recreation (BPE, BARST)
Course Requirement:
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | One other 30-level course from Group A or C (Biology 30 recommended). (Mathematics 30-2 may be presented in place of a Group C course).
| 9) | Science
i. | English Language Arts 30-1
| ii. | Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1
| iii. | Two of: Biology 30; Chemistry 30; Physics 30; Mathematics 31; Computing Science (CSE) Advanced Level-Career and Technology Studies (CTS) (5 credits)
(2) | Completion of a Transition Year Program
a. | General Requirements: Students must normally complete the required courses in Fall/Winter and Spring terms. These courses will be taken through Open Studies.
Note: A limited number of places are available in the required courses.
| b. | Faculty Requirements: The specific course and performance requirements to be considered for admission to each degree program follow:
1) | Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences: BSc
Course requirement: 15, as follows:
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.0.
| 2) | Arts: BA
Course requirement: 18, as follows:
Performance requirement: Minimum AGPA of 2.0 on these courses and any other postsecondary work previously completed with no grade of less than D in any individual course taken within the last three years.
| 3) | Business: BCom
Course requirement: 15, chosen from
i. | 6 100-level ENGL: ENGL 125 and 122 recommended
| ii. | MATH 113 ( 3)
| iii. | ECON 101/102 ( 6)
Note: In order to qualify as a full-time student an additional 3 must be chosen with approval of the TYP Coordinator.
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.3.
| 4) | Education
Course requirement: 24 as follows:
Elementary Route
i. | EDU 250 ( 3) or other 3 chosen from Elements II to VII (see §75.3.2) with approval of the TYP Coordinator
| ii. | EDPY 200 ( 3)
| iii. | ENGL 122 ( 3) and 125 ( 3)
| iv. | 12 from Elements II to VII
Secondary Route
i. | EDU 250 ( 3) or other 3 chosen from the major/minor area (see §75.4.2) with approval of the TYP Coordinator
| ii. | EDPY 200 ( 3)
| iii. | ENGL 122 ( 3) and 125 ( 3)
| iv. | 12 from the major/minor area
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.0
| 5) | Engineering: BSc
Course requirement: 15, as follows:
i. | ENGL 122 ( 3) and 125 ( 3)
| ii. | MATH 113 ( 3)
| iii. | CHEM 101/102 ( 6)
Note: In order to qualify as a full-time student, an additional 3 must be chosen with approval of the TYP Coordinator
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.0
| 6) | Native Studies
Course requirement: 18, as follows:
i. | ( 6) Junior English, or ( 3) Junior English and ( 3) Writing Studies (WRS). ENGL 125 recommended
| ii. | NS 110 or 111 ( 3)
| iii. | NS 152 ( 6)
| iv. | One of: ANTHR 101 ( 3), PSYCO 105 ( 3) or SOC 100 ( 3)
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.0.
| 7) | Nursing: BScN
Course requirement: 18, as follows:
i. | ENGL 122 ( 3) and 125 ( 3)
| ii. | NURS 140 ( 3)
| iii. | POL S 101 or SOC 100 ( 3)
| iv. | PSYCO 106 ( 3)
| v. | STAT 151 ( 3)
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.5.
Note: Students are advised to take STAT 151 in the second term.
| 8) | Physical Education and Recreation
Course requirement: BPE 18, as follows:
i. | ENGL 122 ( 3)
| ii. | ENGL 125 ( 3)
| iii. | PAC 101 ( 3)
| iv. | HE ED 110 ( 3)
| v. | PERLS 104 ( 3)
| vi. | PERLS 105 ( 3)
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA 2.0, with no failed courses.
Course requirement: BARST 18, as follows:
i. | ENGL 122 ( 3)
| ii. | ENGL 125 ( 3)
| iii. | HE ED 110 ( 3)
| iv. | PERLS 104 ( 3)
| v. | PERLS 105 ( 3)
| vi. | RLS 100 ( 3)
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA 2.0, with no failed courses.
| 9) | Science:
BSc (General)
Course requirement: 15, as follows:
i. | ENGL 122 ( 3) and 125 ( 3)
| ii. | 3 in Junior Mathematical Sciences chosen from list in §193.4
| iii. | BIOL 107/108 ( 6) or CHEM 101/102 ( 6)
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.0.
Note: In order to qualify as a full-time student, an additional 3 must be chosen with approval of the TYP Coordinator.
BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program
Course requirement: 21, as follows:
i. | ENGL 122 ( 3) and 125 ( 3)
| ii. | 3 in Junior Mathematical Sciences chosen from list in §193.4 Science Chart 1 (individual program streams have different junior course requirements)
| iii. | BIOL 107/108 ( 6) or CHEM 101/102 ( 6)
| iv. | EDU 250 ( 3)
| v. | EDPY 200 ( 3)
Performance requirement: Minimum GPA of 2.3.
Note: Students cannot enter the program with only one of Biology 30, Chemistry 30, or Physics 30. Students must successfully complete a second one of these subjects prior to admission to the Transition Year Program to qualify for admission to the BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/Bachelor of Education program.