(1) | Assessment of Academic Standing: Academic standing will be assessed on the basis of a grade point average (GPA). Refer to §23.4(7) for rules of computation of the GPA. Students are expected to maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students who do not maintain this level of academic performance may be permitted to continue under academic warning or may be required to withdraw. A review of academic performance is conducted for each student at the end of each Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer. The assignment and reassignment of categories of academic standing are based on a student's performance in a minimum of 9 within Open Studies. If, at the time of the first review, the student has attempted fewer than 9 within Open Studies, the assignment of an academic standing category will be deferred until a minimum of 9 has been attempted within Open Studies. Subsequent assessments will be made once a further 9 has been attempted within Open Studies and will be based upon only the courses attempted within Open Studies since the previous assessment. If, at the time of review, a student has attempted fewer than 9 since the last assignment of an academic standing category, the review will be deferred and the academic standing assigned at the last review will remain in effect until the next review.
(2) | Categories of Academic Standing:
Satisfactory Standing: Students with a GPA of 2.0 or greater may continue in Open Studies.
Marginal Standing: Students with a GPA of 1.7 to 1.9 inclusive will be placed under academic warning. If the student's GPA falls below 2.0 at the time of the next review, the student will be required to withdraw.
Unsatisfactory Standing: Students with a GPA of 1.6 or below will be required to withdraw from Open Studies.
(3) | Reexaminations: See §23.5.5.