23.3 Attendance
Since presence at lectures, participation in classroom discussions and projects, and the completion of assignments are important components of most courses, students will serve their interests best by regular attendance. Those who choose not to attend must assume whatever risks are involved. In connection to this students should review the following sections.
The University recognizes that occasionally life events occur that require a student to miss term work, term examinations, or final examinations. However, excused absences are not granted automatically and will be considered only for acceptable reasons such as incapacitating illness, severe domestic affliction, or religious convictions.
Unacceptable reasons include, but are not limited to personal events such as vacations, weddings, or travel arrangements. When a student is absent without acceptable excuse, a final grade will be computed using a raw score of zero for the work missed. Any student who applies for or obtains an excused absence by making false statements will be liable under the Code of Student Behaviour. Students should consult their Faculty for detailed information and requirements.
(1) | Absence from Term Work
Approval for an excused absence from term work (e.g., classes, labs, assignments, quizzes, term papers, reports, or term examinations) is at the discretion of the instructor.
To apply for an excused absence, a student must present supporting documentation pertaining to the absence to the instructor within two working days following the scheduled date of the term work or term exam missed, or as soon as the student is able, having regard to the circumstances underlying the absence.
a. | Where the cause is incapacitating illness:
i. | a medical note cannot be required.
| ii. | if a student chooses to provide a medical note, the University of Alberta Medical Statement Form may be downloaded from the Online Services section of www.registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca
| iii. | Instructors may request other adequate documentation at their discretion such as a form from the student’s Faculty or a statutory declaration.
| b. | In other cases, including domestic affliction or religious conviction, adequate documentation must be provided to substantiate the reason for an absence. Instructors may either waive the term work or term exam, or require the student to make up the term work or term exam.
For a waiver, the percentage weight allotted to the term work or term exam missed may be distributed to other term work, term exams, and/or the final exam as decided by the instructor.
For make-ups, the student is required to complete equivalent term work or term exam as decided by the instructor. If the student does not complete the make-up as prescribed by the instructor, a raw score of zero will be assigned for the missed term work or term exam.
(2) | Absence from Final Exams: A student who has missed a final exam because of incapacitating illness, severe domestic affliction or other compelling reason (including religious conviction) may apply for a deferred exam.
To apply for a deferred exam, a student must present supporting documentation pertaining to the absence to their Faculty office within two working days following the scheduled date of the exam missed, or as soon as the student is able, having regard to the circumstances underlying the absence.
a. | Where the cause is incapacitating illness:
i. | a medical note cannot be required.
| ii. | if a student chooses to provide a medical note, the University of Alberta Medical Statement Form may be downloaded from the Online Services section of www.registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca
| iii. | Faculties may request other adequate documentation such as a Faculty specific form or a statutory declaration.
| b. | In other cases, including domestic affliction or religious conviction, adequate documentation must be provided to substantiate the reason for an absence.
| c. | A deferred exam will not be approved if a student
i. | has not been in regular attendance where attendance and/or participation are required, and/or,
| ii. | excluding the final exam, has completed less than half of the assigned work.
| d. | Students with two or more deferred exams outstanding from a previous term may be required to reduce the number of courses in which they are registered.
| e. | The student must seek the approval of the dean or designate of the student’s Faculty on the application for a deferred final exam, If approved, students should refer to §23.5.6 for details on writing deferred exams.
| f. | In the case of an approved application for deferred final exam, the student’s Faculty will inform the Department responsible for the course of the approved deferred exam. The Department will then notify the instructor.