(1) | Course Definitions
a. | Units of Course Weight: A unit of course weight indicates the instructional credit assigned to a course and is designated by the symbol after the course number and name. Units of course weight form a part of the degree requirements and are also used in calculating a student's Grade Point Average (GPA).
| b. | Two-term Course: A two-term course is a course with a course weight of 6 that normally extends over two consecutive University terms.
| c. | Term Course: A term course is a course with a course weight of 3 that normally extends over one University term.
| d. | Junior Course: Effective September 1990, all courses offered by the Faculty of Arts numbered 199 or lower are junior-level courses. Before that, all courses offered by Arts numbered 299 or lower were junior-level courses. For courses in all other Faculties, the course numbering in effect in that Faculty at the time the course was taken will apply.
| e. | Senior Courses: Those courses numbered 200 to 599.
| f. | Normal Course Load: A normal full academic course load is 30 during the Fall/Winter.
| g. | Courses Extra to the Degree: Courses successfully completed while registered in a program in the Faculty of Arts which are not being used for degree credit are known as courses extra to the degree. Such courses are, however, included in the assessment of academic standing (see §42.6).
| h. | Minimum Passing Grade: The minimum passing grade in University of Alberta undergraduate courses is a D. The minimum final grade for transfer of courses from other postsecondary institutions is C-.
(2) | Options
a. | Arts or Science Options: The term “option” where it appears in programs means an Arts or Science course chosen by the student if the necessary prerequisite requirements have been met. An “approved option” in all programs is an option approved by the department directing the program of the students concerned. Also refer to point b.
| b. | Non-Arts or Non-Science Options (i.e., courses not offered by the Faculties of Arts or Science): Students registered in programs in the Faculty of Arts will normally select their courses from those offered by the Faculties of Arts or Science, including the Arts and Science courses offered by Faculté Saint-Jean, the Faculty of Native Studies or Augustana Faculty. Students registered in any program other than the BFA or BMus may take up to 18 (as options) in Faculties other than Arts and Science. These courses, when taken for credit toward the Arts degree, are subject to the following restrictions:
1) | The courses may not be used to satisfy the requirements of a junior English course.
| 2) | Their inclusion in a program is subject to Faculty limitations on the number of junior courses and non-Arts courses that may be offered for credit.
| 3) | The courses must, in each case, carry a minimum unit of course weight of three ( 3). Two courses in the same Faculty, each with a weight of 1.5, will be accepted as the equivalent of one course with a weight of 3.
Students in the BDes, BFA or BMus programs should refer to the specific program requirements in §§43.7, 43.8, 43.9, and 43.10 for regulations regarding non-Arts or non-Science options permitted (if any) in those programs.
| c. | Courses in Christian Theology offered by St Joseph's College (CHRTC) and St Stephen's College (CHRTP) may be taken as Arts options in all Arts programs.
| d. | Selected courses offered by the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences are applied as Faculty of Arts options rather than non-Arts or Science options. See §42.3.
(3) | Restricted Enrolment Courses: The Faculty of Arts strives to accommodate all students wishing to enrol in a given course when it is appropriate to their program: however, classes in some courses must, for academic reasons, be restricted in size. If such a course is found to be oversubscribed, priority in registration will be given to those students whose programs may require it (e.g., majors and/or minors) and then to other students as space permits.
(4) | Junior Courses: No more than 48 may be taken at the junior level except for the BMus program for which the maximum permitted junior level courses are outlined in §43.10.
(5) | Junior English Requirement: Normally, no more than 6 in junior English may be offered for credit in an undergraduate program.