Degree Major/Minor Requirements
53.14 Mathematics and Physics
53.14.1 Major in Mathematics and Physics
A student may choose a BA or BSc in Mathematics and Physics. See §15.3 for Admission Requirements.
I. Requirements
AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116. | |
AUMAT 112 and 120. | |
AUMAT 211, 212, 220, 229, 250. | |
AUPHY 110 and 120. | |
AUPHY 250, 260, 291. | |
One of AUMAT 332, 340, AUPHY 340. | |
AUMAT 480 or AUPHY 480. | |
9 additional credits in AUMAT or AUPHY at least 6 of which are at the 300-level or higher. |
II.Additional information for students
Students interested in graduate studies (i.e., a MSc or PhD degree) should take more than the minimum required credits at the 300 and 400 levels, and should especially consider taking a directed study course at the 400 level (i.e., AUMAT 495 or AUPHY 495). | |
AUSTA 215 is strongly recommended. | |
Most senior courses (200-level and above) are taught in alternate years only (or possibly even more rarely, depending on student demand). |
53.14.2 Minor in Mathematics
I. Requirements
AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116. | |
AUMAT 112 and 120. | |
AUMAT 250. | |
9 additional senior credits in Mathematics. |
53.14.3 Minor in Physics
I. Requirements
AUPHY 110 and 120. | |
AUPHY 250. | |
9 additional senior credits in Physics. |
II.Additional information for students
AUPHY 110 requires AUMAT 110 or 111 or 116 as a corequisite. | |
AUPHY 250 requires AUMAT 112 as a prerequisite. | |
AUPHY 260 requires AUMAT 211 as a corequisite. | |
AUPHY 321 requires AUMAT 212 as a prerequisite. | |
AUPHY 310 and 350 require AUMAT 212 as a corequisite. | |
Many senior Physics courses are offered only if there is sufficient student demand. |