Office of the Registrar and Student Awards

60 The Faculty of Business

Who We Are

    The University of Alberta Faculty of Business, also known as the School of Business, is an award-winning Faculty and a very proud member of the University of Alberta team. We are within striking distance of our goal—to be recognized among the top one percent of business schools in the world.

    We are building on a proud history of achievement. Since 1916, when it was established as a School of Accountancy, the Faculty of Business has trained good men and women who are equipped to manage public and private organizations across the globe. Our 15,000 alumni make their mark in Canada and around the world.

What We Do

    We are a “full service” business school offering undergraduate, master's and PhD degrees. The varied disciplines covered by these degrees are grouped into four departments:

Accounting, Operations and Information Systems

Finance and Statistical Analysis

Marketing, Business Economics and Law

Strategic Management and Organization

    We offer BCom majors in traditional and newer areas of study as well as specialty niches. You can take your BCom in one of our specialized language programs: East Asian Studies, European Studies, Latin American Studies or International Business. You can take your Bilingual BCom in partnership with Faculté Saint-Jean. You can take your BCom and gain valuable experience through our Cooperative Education program. Programs with other Faculties allow students to minor in business or take joint degrees.

    Our MBA program includes specializations in Natural Resources, Energy and Environment, Finance, Leisure and Sport Management, Technology Commercialization, and International Business. We offer joint MBA degree programs with the Faculties of Law, Engineering, and Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences. We offer a joint Executive MBA program with the University of Calgary.

    Our PhD program attracts outstanding students globally. Our PhD graduates are teaching at universities around the world including Berkeley, the Australian Graduate School of Management and Carnegie-Mellon.

Faculty Awards and Accomplishments

    Our culture of research and teaching could not happen without award-winning faculty. Outstanding research puts some departments among the top 50 in North America and among the top one or two business schools in Canada. Faculty awards and accomplishments include:

four 3M Teaching Fellowships. No other business school in Canada has more than one.

ranked 35th in the world in research by the Financial Times of London's ranking of top 100 business schools; ranked among the top 50 business schools worldwide in terms of research in a recent benchmarking exercise undertaken by the University of British Columbia

2 National Post Leaders in Management Education Award

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Fellow of the Academy of Management

First Canadian Business School accredited by the AACSB

Distinguished Scholar Award — Academy of Management

three Killam Annual Professorships; two Kaplan Awards

Erhan Erkut — First Vargo Professor of Teaching

Student Awards and Accomplishments

MBA students: Silver Medal winners of the 2006 MBA Games and host of the 2007 MBA Games

Undergraduate students: Winners of the 2011 Manitoba International Marketing Competition (U of Manitoba)

Winners of the John Molsen Undergraduate Case Competition (McGill) 2011

Top Undergraduate School Rotman International trading Competition (U of Toronto) 2011-2012 Host School of JDC West

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Table of Contents

Calendar Home Page
Notices, Errata, Addendum, 2013-2014 PDF Calendar, 2012-2013 Calendar, Previous Calendars, University Policy Gateway

Welcome from the President


Academic Schedule
 11Major Deadlines from the 2013-2014 Academic Schedule
 11.1Academic Schedule 2013-2014 (monthly listing of academic events on campus)

Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission

Undergraduate Admission
 13 Admission to Undergraduate Programs
 14General Admission Requirements
 15Admission Requirements by Faculty
 16Admission for International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Students
 17Admission from Outside Alberta

University Regulations and Information for Students
 20General University Policies
 21Classification of Students
 22Registration and Fees
 23Academic Regulations
 24Student Services
 25Code of Student Behaviour
 26Code of Applicant Behaviour

30Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
40Faculty of Arts
50Augustana Faculty
60Faculty of Business
70Faculty of Education
80Faculty of Engineering
90Faculty of Extension
100Faculty of Law
110Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
120Faculty of Native Studies
130Faculty of Nursing
140Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
150Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
160School of Public Health
170Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
180Faculté Saint-Jean
191Faculty of Science

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 200The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 201Members of the Faculty
 202General Information
 203Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 204Graduate Program Regulations
 205Graduate Programs
 210Graduate Financial Aid

Open Studies

Course Listings
 230Details of Courses
 231Course Listings


General Information
 241University History and Traditions
 242Constitution of the University
 243University Libraries
 244Alumni Association
 245Affiliated Colleges

University Staff
 250Continuing Academic Staff
 252Associate and Adjunct Staff
 253Honorary Degree Recipients