Non-Credit Programs
Adult Education
94 Non-Credit Programs
The Faculty of Extension offers a number of non-credit citation, certificate, and diploma programs.
94.1 Adult Education
The Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) program provides professionals with the opportunity to enhance their competencies associated with the design, development and delivery of adult education and training. The certificate is comprised of 8-10 courses. Seminars and workshops offered in the CACE program are relevant to various occupations including instructors, trainers, staff development officers, counsellors, group leaders, curriculum designers and human resource professionals. Participants come from a wide range of public and private organizations and educational institutions. For more information, visit http://webprod.extn.ualberta.ca/study/education/cace, e-mail: adulted@ualberta.ca, or phone (780) 492-7237.