General Information
Affiliated Hospitals and Institutions
112.2 Affiliated Hospitals and Institutions (See Addenda (November 20, 2013))
112.2.1 Affiliated Hospitals
The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, conducts its undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing clinical education activities through affiliation agreements and/or special arrangements with Alberta Health Services. The Faculty is located in the Walter C Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre (which includes the University of Alberta Hospitals), the Heritage Medical Research Centre, the Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences, and Edmonton Clinic Health Academy buildings, Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Research Innovation, the Katz Group – Rexall Centre for Pharmacy and Research, the Zeidler Ledcor Centre and the Cross Cancer Institute and the Kaye Edmonton Clinic.
112.2.2 Family Medicine Rural Teaching Sites
The Department of Family Medicine engages over 33 rural communities in undergraduate and postgraduate education initiatives.
112.2.3 Northern Health Services Program
Through an affiliation with the Inuvik Health Board, a regular rotation of clinical faculty, residents, and elective students to Inuvik areas (Mackenzie Area Ambulatory Program) is maintained.
112.2.4 University of Alberta Family Medicine Centres
Ambulatory care facilities, specifically designed for undergraduate and postgraduate education in family practice, are located at the Grey Nuns and Misericordia Community Hospitals, the Northeast Community Health Centre and the Royal Alexandra Hospital. These “Family Medicine Centres” allow medical and other health science students to participate in providing comprehensive and continuing health care to a representative section of the community under the supervision of academic family physicians.
112.2.5 University of Alberta Surgical-Medical Research Institute
The University of Alberta Surgical-Medical Research Institute (SMRI) is a multi-user facility that provides laboratory space and equipment for research activities of research investigators and fellows in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in the field of experimental surgery and medicine. Facilities include rooms suitable for operating on large and small animals, a biochemistry and histology laboratory, and the Medicine/Dentistry Electron Microscopy Unit, located in the Institute. In addition to research activities, the SMRI provides major teaching facilities for surgical residents in training and for core training (surgical skills) for postgraduate Year 1, postgraduate Year 2, graduate, and summer students. The surgical facilities are also used for running continuing medical education courses for medical and paramedical practitioners to study the latest innovations in medicine.
112.2.6 University of Alberta Satellite Dental Clinics
The Satellite Clinics in northern Alberta provide an educational experience for senior Dentistry and Dental Hygiene students while delivering care to patients in remote areas. This program is supported by Alberta Health and Wellness.
112.2.7 Cross Cancer Institute
The Cross Cancer Institute is a tertiary cancer facility operated by Alberta Health Services (AHS) (the provincial health authority for cancer) that provides cancer services for northern Alberta and houses the Department of Oncology. The AHS and the University of Alberta conducts its cancer research and training programs through an affiliation agreement.